Revised: December 4, 2008


Transfer Course List

Community College CourseAA/AS Requirement Satisfied

Appendix H


Transfer Course List

Revised: December 4, 2008

Community College CourseAA/AS Requirement Satisfied

ACA 122College Transfer SuccessPre-Major/Elective

ACC 120Prin of Financial AccountingPre-Major/Elective

ACC 121Prin of Managerial AccountingPre-Major/Elective

ANT 210General AnthropologyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

ANT 220Cultural AnthropologyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

ANT 221Comparative CulturesGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

ANT 230Physical AnthropologyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

ANT 230APhysical Anthropology LabGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

ANT 240ArchaeologyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

ANT 240AArchaeology Field LabPre-Major/Elective

ANT 245World PrehistoryPre-Major/Elective

ARA 111Elementary Arabic IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ARA 112Elementary Arabic IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ARA 181Arabic Lab IPre-Major/Elective

ARA 182Arabic Lab IIPre-Major/Elective

ARA 211Intermediate Arabic IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ARA 212Intermediate Arabic IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ART 110Introduction to ArtPre-Major/Elective

ART 111Art AppreciationGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ART 113Art Methods and MaterialsPre-Major/Elective

ART 114Art History Survey IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ART 115Art History Survey IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ART 116Survey of American ArtGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ART 117 Non-Western Art HistoryGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ART 121Design IPre-Major/Elective

ART 122Design IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 130Basic DrawingPre-Major/Elective

ART 131Drawing IPre-Major/Elective

ART 132Drawing IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 135Figure Drawing IPre-Major/Elective

ART 140Basic PaintingPre-Major/Elective

ART 171Computer Art IPre-Major/Elective

ART 212Gallery Assistantship IPre-Major/Elective

ART 213Gallery Assistantship IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 214Portfolio and ResumePre-Major/Elective

ART 222Wood Design IPre-Major/Elective

ART 223Wood Design IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 231Printmaking IPre-Major/Elective

ART 232Printmaking IIPre-Major/Elective

Course descriptions and requirements are available at


Revised: December 4, 2008


Transfer Course List

Community College CourseAA/AS Requirement Satisfied

ART 235Figure Drawing IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 240Painting IPre-Major/Elective

ART 241Painting IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 242Landscape PaintingPre-Major/Elective

ART 243Portrait PaintingPre-Major/Elective

ART 244WatercolorPre-Major/Elective

ART 245Metals IPre-Major/Elective

ART 246Metals IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 247Jewelry IPre-Major/Elective

ART 248Jewelry IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 250Surface Design: TextilesPre-Major/Elective

ART 251Weaving IPre-Major/Elective

ART 252Weaving IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 260Photography AppreciationPre-Major/Elective

ART 261Photography IPre-Major/Elective

ART 262Photography IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 263Color PhotographyPre-Major/Elective

ART 264Digital Photography IPre-Major/Elective

ART 265Digital Photography IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 266Videography IPre-Major/Elective

ART 267Videography IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 271Computer Art IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 274Lettering DesignPre-Major/Elective

ART 275Intro to Commercial ArtPre-Major/Elective

ART 281Sculpture IPre-Major/Elective

ART 282Sculpture IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 283Ceramics IPre-Major/Elective

ART 284Ceramics IIPre-Major/Elective

ART 285Ceramics IIIPre-Major/Elective

ART 286Ceramics IVPre-Major/Elective

ART 288StudioPre-Major/Elective

ART 289Museum StudyPre-Major/Elective

ASL 111Elementary ASL IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ASL 112Elementary ASL IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ASL 181ASL Lab 1Pre-Major/Elective

ASL 182ASL Lab 2Pre-Major/Elective

ASL 211Intermediate ASL IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ASL 212Intermediate ASL IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ASL 281ASL Lab 3Pre-Major/Elective

ASL 282ASL Lab 4Pre-Major/Elective

AST 111Descriptive AstronomyGEN ED: Natural Science

AST 111ADescriptive Astronomy LabGEN ED: Natural Science

AST 151General Astronomy IGEN ED: Natural Science

AST 151AGeneral Astronomy I LabGEN ED: Natural Science

AST 152General Astronomy IIGEN ED: Natural Science

AST 152AGeneral Astronomy II LabGEN ED: Natural Science

AST 251Observational AstronomyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 110Principles of BiologyGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 111General Biology IGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 112General Biology IIGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 120Introductory BotanyGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 130Introductory ZoologyGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 140Environmental BiologyGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 140AEnvironmental Biology LabGEN ED: Natural Science

BIO 143Field Biology MinicoursePre-Major/Elective

BIO 145EcologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 146Regional Natural HistoryPre-Major/Elective

BIO 150Genetics in Human AffairsPre-Major/Elective

BIO 155NutritionPre-Major/Elective

BIO 163Basic Anat & PhysiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 165Anatomy and Physiology IPre-Major/Elective

BIO 166Anatomy and Physiology IIPre-Major/Elective

BIO 168Anatomy and Physiology IPre-Major/Elective

BIO 169Anatomy and Physiology IIPre-Major/Elective

BIO 173Microbes in World Affairs Pre-Major/Elective

BIO 175General MicrobiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 176Adv General MicrobiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 180Biological ChemistryPre-Major/Elective

BIO 221Botany IPre-Major/Elective

BIO 222Botany IIPre-Major/Elective

BIO 223Field BotanyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 224Local Flora SpringPre-Major/Elective

BIO 225Local Flora SummerPre-Major/Elective

BIO 226Local Flora FallPre-Major/Elective

BIO 227Winter Plant IDPre-Major/Elective

BIO 230EntomologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 231Invertebrate ZoologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 232Vertebrate ZoologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 235OrnithologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 236MammalogyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 240Waste ManagementPre-Major/Elective

BIO 242Natural Resource ConservationPre-Major/Elective

BIO 243Marine BiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 250GeneticsPre-Major/Elective

BIO 271PathophysiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 272Cardiopulmonary BiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 273Radiation BiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 275MicrobiologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 280BiotechnologyPre-Major/Elective

BIO 285Research & MeasurementPre-Major/Elective

BUS 110Introduction to BusinessPre-Major/Elective

BUS 115Business Law IPre-Major/Elective

BUS 137Principles of ManagementPre-Major/Elective

BUS 228Business StatisticsPre-Major/Elective

CHI 111Elementary Chinese IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

CHI 112Elementary Chinese IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

CHI 181Chinese Lab IPre-Major/Elective

CHI 182Chinese Lab IIPre-Major/Elective

CHI 211Intermediate Chinese IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

CHI 212Intermediate Chinese IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

CHM 115Concepts in ChemistryPre-Major/Elective

CHM 115AConcepts in Chemistry Lab Pre-Major/Elective

CHM 130Gen, Org, & BiochemistryPre-Major/Elective

CHM 130AGen, Org, & Biochemistry LabPre-Major/Elective

CHM 131Introduction to ChemistryGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 131AIntroduction to Chemistry LabGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 132Organic and BiochemistryGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 135Survey of Chemistry IGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 136Survey of Chemistry IIGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 151General Chemistry IGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 152General Chemistry IIGEN ED: Natural Science

CHM 251Organic Chemistry IPre-Major/Elective

CHM 252Organic Chemistry IIPre-Major/Elective

CHM 261Quantitative AnalysisPre-Major/Elective

CHM 263Analytical ChemistryPre-Major/Elective

CHM 265Instrumental AnalysisPre-Major/Elective

CHM 271Biochemical PrinciplesPre-Major/Elective

CHM 271ABiochemical Principles LabPre-Major/Elective

CIS 110Intro to ComputersGEN ED: Mathematics (quantitative option)

CIS 115Intro to Prog & LogicGEN ED: Mathematics (quantitative option)

CJC 111Intro to Criminal JusticePre-Major/Elective

CJC 121Law Enforcement OperationsPre-Major/Elective

CJC 141CorrectionsPre-Major/Elective

COM 110Introduction to CommunicationGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts (substitute)

COM 111Voice and Diction IPre-Major/Elective

COM 120Intro Interpersonal ComGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts (substitute)

COM 130Nonverbal CommunicationPre-Major/Elective

COM 140Intro Intercultural ComPre-Major/Elective

COM 150Intro. to Mass CommunicationPre-Major/Elective

COM 160Small Group CommunicationPre-Major/Elective

COM 231Public SpeakingGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts (substitute)

COM 232Election RhetoricPre-Major/Elective

COM 233Persuasive SpeakingPre-Major/Elective

COM 250Public CommunicationPre-Major/Elective

COM 251Debate IPre-Major/Elective

COM 252Debate IIPre-Major/Elective

CSC 120Computing Fundamentals IPre-Major/Elective

CSC 130Computing Fundamentals IIPre-Major/Elective

CSC 134C++ ProgrammingPre-Major/Elective

CSC 136Fortran ProgrammingPre-Major/Elective

CSC 139Visual BASIC ProgPre-Major/Elective

CSC 151JAVA ProgrammingPre-Major/Elective

CSC 220Machine Implem of AlgorPre-Major/Elective

CSC 239Adv Visual BASIC ProgPre-Major/Elective

CTS 115Info Sys Business ConceptPre-Major/Elective

DAN 110Dance AppreciationGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DAN 211Dance History IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DAN 212Dance History IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DFT 170Engineering GraphicsPre-Major/Elective

DRA 111Theatre AppreciationGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 112Literature of the TheatreGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 115Theatre CriticismGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 120Voice for PerformancePre-Major/Elective

DRA 122Oral InterpretationGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 124Readers TheatrePre-Major/Elective

DRA 126StorytellingGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 128Children's TheatrePre-Major/Elective

DRA 130Acting IPre-Major/Elective

DRA 131Acting IIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 132Stage MovementPre-Major/Elective

DRA 135Acting for the Camera IPre-Major/Elective

DRA 136Acting for the Camera IIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 140Stagecraft IPre-Major/Elective

DRA 141Stagecraft IIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 142CostumingPre-Major/Elective

DRA 143Costume DesignPre-Major/Elective

DRA 145Stage Make-upPre-Major/Elective

DRA 147Sound TechnologyPre-Major/Elective

DRA 150Stage ManagementPre-Major/Elective

DRA 151Mechanics and MaintenancePre-Major/Elective

DRA 160Box Office and PublicityPre-Major/Elective

DRA 170Play Production IPre-Major/Elective

DRA 171Play Production IIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 175Teleplay Production IPre-Major/Elective

DRA 176Teleplay Production IIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 211Theatre History IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 212Theatre History IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

DRA 230Acting IIIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 231Acting IVPre-Major/Elective

DRA 240Lighting for the TheatrePre-Major/Elective

DRA 241Lighting DesignPre-Major/Elective

DRA 243Scene DesignPre-Major/Elective

DRA 245Drafting and ScenographyPre-Major/Elective

DRA 250Theatre ManagementPre-Major/Elective

DRA 251Production ManagementPre-Major/Elective

DRA 260DirectingPre-Major/Elective

DRA 270Play Production IIIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 271Play Production IVPre-Major/Elective

DRA 275Teleplay Production IIIPre-Major/Elective

DRA 276Teleplay Production IVPre-Major/Elective

ECO 151Survey of EconomicsGEN ED: Social and Behavioral Science

ECO 251Prin of MicroeconomicsGEN ED: Social and Behavioral Science

ECO 252Prin of MacroeconomicsGEN ED: Social and Behavioral Science

EDU 216Foundations in Education*Pre-Major/Elective

EDU 221Children with Exceptional*Pre-Major/Elective

EGR 150Intro to EngineeringPre-Major/Elective

EGR 210Intro to Elect/Com Eng LabPre-Major/Elective

EGR 211Intro to Computer OrgPre-Major/Elective

EGR 212Logic System Design IPre-Major/Elective

EGR 213Electric CircuitsPre-Major/Elective

EGR 215Network Theory IPre-Major/Elective

EGR 216Logic and Networks Lab IPre-Major/Elective

EGR 218Network Theory IIPre-Major/Elective

EGR 219Instru & Network LabPre-Major/Elective

EGR 220Engineering StaticsPre-Major/Elective

EGR 225Engineering DynamicsPre-Major/Elective

EGR 228Intro to Solid MechanicsPre-Major/Elective

EGR 230Engineering MaterialsPre-Major/Elective

ENG 111Expository WritingGEN ED: English Composition

ENG 112Argument-Based ResearchGEN ED: English Composition

ENG 113Literature-Based ResearchGEN ED: English Composition

ENG 114Prof Research and ReportingGEN ED: English Composition

ENG 125Creative Writing IPre-Major/Elective

ENG 126Creative Writing IIPre-Major/Elective

ENG 131Introduction to LiteratureGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 132Introduction to DramaPre-Major/Elective

ENG 133Introduction to the NovelPre-Major/Elective

ENG 134Introduction to PoetryPre-Major/Elective

ENG 135Intro to Short FictionPre-Major/Elective

ENG 231American Literature IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 232American Literature IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 233Major American WritersGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 234Modern American PoetsPre-Major/Elective

ENG 235Survey of Film as LiteraturePre-Major/Elective

ENG 241British Literature IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 242British Literature IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 243Major British WritersGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 251Western World Literature IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 252Western World Literature IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 253The Bible as LiteraturePre-Major/Elective

ENG 261World Literature IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 262World Literature IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ENG 265Thematic World Lit IPre-Major/Elective

ENG 266Thematic World Lit IIPre-Major/Elective

ENG 271Contemporary LiteraturePre-Major/Elective

ENG 272Southern LiteraturePre-Major/Elective

ENG 273African-American LiteraturePre-Major/Elective

ENG 274Literature by WomenPre-Major/Elective

ENG 275Science FictionPre-Major/Elective

FRE 111Elementary French IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

FRE 112Elementary French IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

FRE 141Culture and CivilizationPre-Major/Elective

FRE 151Francophone LiteraturePre-Major/Elective

FRE 161Cultural ImmersionPre-Major/Elective

FRE 181French Lab 1Pre-Major/Elective

FRE 182French Lab 2Pre-Major/Elective

FRE 211Intermediate French IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

FRE 212Intermediate French IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

FRE 221French ConversationPre-Major/Elective

FRE 231Reading and CompositionPre-Major/Elective

FRE 281French Lab 3Pre-Major/Elective

FRE 282French Lab 4Pre-Major/Elective

GEL 111Introductory GeologyGEN ED: Natural Science

GEL 113Historical GeologyGEN ED: Natural Science

GEL 120Physical GeologyGEN ED: Natural Science

GEL 220Marine GeologyPre-Major/Elective

GEL 230Environmental GeologyGEN ED: Natural Science

GEO 110Introduction to GeographyPre-Major/Elective

GEO 111World Regional GeographyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

GEO 112Cultural GeographyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

GEO 113Economic GeographyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

GEO 121North Carolina GeographyPre-Major/Elective

GEO 130General Physical GeographyGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

GEO 131Physical Geography IPre-Major/Elective

GEO 132Physical Geography IIPre-Major/Elective

GER 111Elementary German IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

GER 112Elementary German IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

GER 141Culture and CivilizationPre-Major/Elective

GER 161Cultural ImmersionPre-Major/Elective

GER 181German Lab 1Pre-Major/Elective

GER 182German Lab 2Pre-Major/Elective

GER 211Intermediate German IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

GER 212Intermediate German IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

GER 221German ConversationPre-Major/Elective

GER 231Reading and CompositionPre-Major/Elective

GER 281German Lab 3Pre-Major/Elective

GER 282German Lab 4Pre-Major/Elective

GIS 111Introduction to GISPre-Major/Elective

HEA 110Personal Health/WellnessPre-Major/Elective

HEA 112First Aid & CPRPre-Major/Elective

HEA 120Community HealthPre-Major/Elective

HIS 111World Civilizations IGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 112World Civilizations IIGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 114Comparative World HistoryGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 115Intro to Global HistoryGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 116Current World ProblemsPre-Major/Elective

HIS 117History of ReligionsPre-Major/Elective

HIS 121Western Civilization IGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 122Western Civilization IIGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 124Western Cultural HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 131American History IGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 132American History IIGEN ED: Social/Behavioral Science

HIS 141Genealogy & Local HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 145The Second World WarPre-Major/Elective

HIS 151Hispanic CivilizationPre-Major/Elective

HIS 153Russian Cultural HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 160Labor Relations in the USPre-Major/Elective

HIS 161Science and TechnologyPre-Major/Elective

HIS 162Women and HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 163The World Since 1945Pre-Major/Elective

HIS 164History of SportsPre-Major/Elective

HIS 165Twentieth-Century WorldPre-Major/Elective

HIS 167The Vietnam WarPre-Major/Elective

HIS 211Ancient HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 212Medieval HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 213Modern Europe to 1815Pre-Major/Elective

HIS 214Modern Europe Since 1815Pre-Major/Elective

HIS 215Nineteenth-Century EuropePre-Major/Elective

HIS 216Twentieth-Century EuropePre-Major/Elective

HIS 221African-American HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 222African-American Hist IPre-Major/Elective

HIS 223African-American Hist IIPre-Major/Elective

HIS 224US Diplomatic HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 225American Business HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 226The Civil WarPre-Major/Elective

HIS 227Native American HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 228History of the SouthPre-Major/Elective

HIS 229History of the Old SouthPre-Major/Elective

HIS 230The Changing SouthPre-Major/Elective

HIS 231Recent American HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 232History of the Old WestPre-Major/Elective

HIS 233History of AppalachiaPre-Major/Elective

HIS 234Cherokee HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 235The Spanish BorderlandsPre-Major/Elective

HIS 236North Carolina HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 241Russian History to 1917Pre-Major/Elective

HIS 242Russian History from 1917Pre-Major/Elective

HIS 251English History IPre-Major/Elective

HIS 252English History IIPre-Major/Elective

HIS 260History of AfricaPre-Major/Elective

HIS 261East Asian HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 262Middle East HistoryPre-Major/Elective

HIS 271The French Revolution EraPre-Major/Elective

HUM 110Technology and SocietyGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 115Critical ThinkingGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 120Cultural StudiesGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 121The Nature of AmericaGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 122Southern CultureGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 123Appalachian CulturePre-Major/Elective

HUM 130Myth in Human CultureGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 140History of ArchitecturePre-Major/Elective

HUM 145History of Landscape ArchPre-Major/Elective

HUM 150American Women's StudiesGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 160Introduction to FilmGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 161Advanced Film StudiesGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 170The HolocaustPre-Major/Elective

HUM 180International Cultural ExplorationPre-Major/Elective

HUM 211Humanities IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 212Humanities IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 220Human Values and MeaningGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

HUM 225Cultural InfluencesPre-Major/Elective

HUM 230Leadership DevelopmentPre-Major/Elective

HUM 240Math and the ArtsPre-Major/Elective

ITA 111Elementary Italian IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ITA 112Elementary Italian IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ITA 181Italian Lab 1Pre-Major/Elective

ITA 182Italian Lab 2Pre-Major/Elective

ITA 211Intermediate Italian IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ITA 212Intermediate Italian IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

ITA 221Italian ConversationPre-Major/Elective

ITA 231Reading and CompositionPre-Major/Elective

ITA 281Italian Lab 3Pre-Major/Elective

ITA 282Italian Lab 4Pre-Major/Elective

JOU 110Intro to JournalismPre-Major/Elective

JOU 216Writing for Mass MediaPre-Major/Elective

JOU 217Feature/Editorial WritingPre-Major/Elective

JOU 242Intro to MultimediaPre-Major/Elective

JPN 111Elementary Japanese IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

JPN 112Elementary Japanese IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

JPN 181Japanese Lab IPre-Major/Elective

JPN 182Japanese Lab IIPre-Major/Elective

JPN 211Intermediate Japanese IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

JPN 212Intermediate Japanese IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 111Elementary Latin IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 112Elementary Latin IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 141Culture and CivilizationGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 142Lit. & the Roman RepublicGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 181Latin Lab IPre-Major/Elective

LAT 182Latin Lab IIPre-Major/Elective

LAT 211Intermediate Latin IGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 212Intermediate Latin IIGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 231Reading and CompositionGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 232Imperial LiteratureGEN ED: Humanities/Fine Arts

LAT 281Latin Lab IIIPre-Major/Elective

LAT 282Latin Lab IVPre-Major/Elective

MAT 140Survey of MathematicsGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 140ASurvey of Mathematics LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 141Mathematical Concepts IGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 141AMathemat Concepts I LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 142Mathematical Concepts IIGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 142AMathemat Concepts II LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 145Analytical MathPre-Major/Elective

MAT 145AAnalytical Math LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 151Statistics IGEN ED: Mathematics (quantitative option)

MAT 151AStatistics I LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 155Statistical AnalysisGEN ED: Mathematics (quantitative option)

MAT 155AStatistics Analysis LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 161College AlgebraGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 161ACollege Algebra LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 162College TrigonometryGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 162ACollege Trig LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 165Finite MathematicsGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 165AFinite Math LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 167Discrete MathematicsPre-Major/Elective

MAT 167ADiscrete Mathematics LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 171Precalculus AlgebraGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 171APrecalculus Algebra LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 172Precalculus TrigonometryGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 172APrecalculus Trigonometry LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 175PrecalculusGEN ED: Mathematics

MAT 175APrecalculus LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 210LogicPre-Major/Elective

MAT 210ALogic LabPre-Major/Elective

MAT 252Statistics IIPre-Major/Elective