English paper 2

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OCT / NOV 2014




Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E)








·  Answer ALL the questions in this question paper.

·  All your answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper

·  This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing

For Examiners Use Only

Question / Maximum Score / Candidates Score
1 / 20
2 / 25
3 / 20
4 / 15
Total Score

© 2014, Makindu sub county inter – secondary schools examination



Paper 2

(Comprehension, Literary Appreciation and Grammar)

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow. (20marks)

TO SURVIVE IN the business environment today it is increasingly important to harness creativity to stay a head of competition and to keep customers interested in your products. It is therefore, critical to keep on interrogating the creativity environment in organization.

When you interrogate the creativity environment you focus on your own thinking style; you seek to define your style of thinking and solve problems. You want to ask yourself whether you encourage and tolerate intellectual conflict in your team.

You encourage an environment where people are free to express diverse views without degenerating into personal conflict. You ask yourself how you handle an opinion that is different from your own.

When you seek creativity you look out for diversity, well aware how volatile this can be; but you purpose to harness that diversity. It helps remove taboo issues. You become open, with no untouchables, both people and issue.

All can be subject to professional debate. There exist, therefore no-go-zones that cannot be dismantled. This is driven by the knowledge that creativity lies in dismantling the norms.

In a creative environment you continuously work on the three components of freshness and innovation. You encourage technical expertise by multi skilling and building on the already existing skills. This enlarges the scope of creativity through greater skills.

The technical skills are supported by creative thinking skills and motivation. It is the convergence of the three that produces creativity. Creativity can be generated through the three known thinking styles.

We have the clarifiers. These are the people who like to dig a lot into the data and the background of things, asking a lot of questions on the situation. They look at many different angles before choosing a specific course of action that has the most advantage.

Then there are the developers. They take up an idea and develop it further. They think with the idea, break it down and rebuild it to perfection. They prefer to work within known parameters in which they develop solutions for the identified problems. They are said to prefer to work within the box.

Finally, there are the implementers. They are grounded in practice. They like seeing tangible results. They, therefore, implement their ideas immediately, to see the outcomes. They are comfortable generating many possibilities and providing diverse possibilities.


a)  Why is it becoming increasingly important to keep customers interested in one’s products. (2 marks)



b) Mention two things critical when interrogating your thinking style. (2marks)



c) Pick a sentence from the passage that shows that one should be open minded. (1mark)



d) According to the writer, what enlarges the scope of creativity? (2marks)



e) Give this passage a suitable title. (2marks)



f) Using not more than 40 words, summarize the thinking styles highlighted in the passage. (6marks)







g) They are comfortable generating many possibilities and providing diverse possibilities.

(supply a question tag) (1mark)



h) When you seek creativity you look out for diversity

(Rewrite the sentence to end with ‘creativity’) (1mark)



i) Write the meaning of the following words and phrases. (3marks)










2. Read the excerpt below and then answer the question that follow.

SIMON (shouting after her):I didn’t bring any friend along!

A s the SINGER resumes his tale, the SOLDIER steps into the doorway as though to listen to the service.


The city is still

But why are there armed men?

The Governor’s palace is at peace

But why is it a fortress?

And the governor returned to his palace

And the fortress was a trap

And the goose was plucked and roasted

But the goose was not eaten this time

And noon was no longer the hour to eat:

Noon was the hour to die.

From the doorway at the left the FAT PRINCE quickly appears ,stands still, looks around. Before the gateway at the right two IRON SHIRTS are squatting and playing dice. The FAT PRINCE sees them, walks slowly past, making a sign to them .They rise: one goes through the gateway; the other goes off at the right. Muffled voices are heard from various directions in the rear: “To your posts!” The palace is surrounded. The FAT PRINCE quickly goes off. Church bells in the distance. Enter, through the doorway, the Governor’s family and procession, returning from church.

GOVERNOR’S WIFE (passing the ADJUTANT): It’s impossible to live in such a slum. But Georgi, of course, will only build for his little Michael. Never for me! Michael is all! All for Michael!

The procession turns into the gateway. Again the ADJUTANT lingers behind. He waits. Enter the wounded RIDER from the doorway. Two IRON SHIRTS of the palace Guard have taken up positions by the gateway.

ADJUTANT (to the RIDER): The Governor does not wish to receive military news before dinner- especially if it’s depressing, as I assume. In the afternoon His Excellency will confer with prominent architects. They’re coming to dinner too. And here they are! (Enter three gentlemen through the doorway.) Go to the kitchen and eat, my friend. (As the RIDER goes, the ADJUTANT greets the ARCHITECTS.) Gentlemen, His Excellency expects you at dinner. He will devote all his time to you and your great new plans. Come!

ONE OF THE ARCHITECTS: We marvel that His Excellency intends to build. There are disquieting rumours that the war in Persia has taken a turn for the worse.

ADJUTANT: All the more reason to build! There’s nothing to those rumours anyway. Persia is along way off, and garrison here would let itself be hacked to bits for its Governor. (Noise from the palace. The shrill scream of a woman. Someone is shouting orders. Dumbfounded, the ADJUTANT moves towards the gateway. An IRON SHIRT steps out, points his lance at him.) What’s this? put down that lance, you dog.


a) Explain what happens before and after this extract. (4marks)




b) State any two roles of the song in this excerpt? (4marks)




c) With illustrations, identify any two themes evident in the passage. (4marks)


d) From the excerpt, identify any character trait for: (4marks)

Governor’s wife




e) From your knowledge of the rest of the play, explain what later happens to each of the following characters. (5marks)





The fat Prince


Governor’s wife




f) Give one example of; (2marks)

Rhetorical question




g) “Go to the kitchen and eat, my friend.” Rewrite in reported speech. (1mark)


h) Why is the adjutant not worried when he is told that there are rumours of war in Persia? (1mark)


3. Read the Oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow:


Hunger makes a person climb up to the ceiling

And hold on to the rafters

But not feel at rest.

It makes a person lie down

And count the rafters.

When the Moslem is not hungry, he says:

“We are forbidden to eat monkey.”

When Ibrahim is hungry, he eats baboon!

When hunger beats the woman in the Koinange,

She will run into the street in daytime.

One who is hungry does not care for taboos

One who is hungry does not care for death

One who is hungry will take

Out of the sacrifice money

Hunger will open it.

“I have filled my belly yesterday”

Does bite with hunger.

We have to sacrifice daily to it.

i) Explain briefly what the above oral poem is about. (3marks)


ii) Mention any three negative consequences of hunger. (3marks)


iii) What evidence is there to show that this poem was originally an oral poem? (2marks)


iv) Identify instances of the following stylistic devices used in the poem. (4marks)

a) Humour


b) Personification


v) What is the attitude of the speaker towards hunger? Explain (2marks)


vii) What does the oral poem reveal about the economic activities of this particular community? (2marks)


viii) Explain the meaning of the following lines as they are used in the poem. (4marks)

i) “I have filled my belly yesterday.”

Does bite with hunger.

We have to sacrifice daily to it.


ii) There is no God like one’s throat



a) Fill the sentences below with the correct form of the word in brackets. (3marks)

i) My friends...... the new teacher yesterday (see)

ii) She...... her homework before her father arrives (do)

iii) He ...... on the shore as he waited for Mwikya. (lay)

b) Replace the underlined words with the most appropriate phrasal verb (3marks)

i) He removed his shirt before going to the shamba.(take)


ii) Our meeting was postponed to next week (put)


iii) I liked her the first time I saw her (take)


c) Fill the sentences below using the most appropriate phrase ( 2 marks)

i. If it rains tonight, I ………………………… cabbages tomorrow. (Plant)

ii. If Muli ……………………………..her time, she would have improved her performance (gave)

d) Rewrite the sentences below following the instructions given after each. (3marks)

i) You have less confidence than I have (begin: I ...... )


ii) Nobody in form three is as faithful as Katunge.(begin: Katunge...... )


iii) Jane’s salary is thrice mine. (begin: Jane earns...... )


e) Join the sentence below using the most appropriate conjunction (3marks)

i) She went to the dispensary. She was sick.


ii) The trip was enjoyable. The weather was bad.


iii) You can pay by cash. You can pay by M-pesa.


f) The boy was not only hardworking but also obedient. (Rewrite this sentence beginning: Not only...... )



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