April 18, 2006

City of timpson

council meeting

JULY 18, 2006aPRIL 15TH 2008

City of Timpson

Regular Meeting May 18th 2010

The Timpson City Council met for their regular monthly meeting on TuesdayJuly 18, 2006April May 18th 2010 15, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.PM. with Mayor Douglas McDonald presiding. Councilman KirkleyWolfe, Councilman Roberts,Hailey, Councilwoman Smith, Councilman Grace Councilman, Councilman KirkleyKirkley andCouncilman MagnesspresentHaileyCouncilwoman Ramsey were all present. . Others present Others present included included: Tommy Sparks, Mike with PineywoodsLarry Burns, Sanitation, Mr. Gilbert Rhodes, Mrs ReehMrs.Ray of the Timpson/Tenaha News, and John KrugerMrs Doggett with the Light and Champion,.

and George Grace.

Keith Brownlow, Mrs. Bussey, Cliff Burgay, Tiffany Curtis, Mr. Alexander with the Timpson/Tenaha News and newly elected councilman Ronnie Wolfe

CALLED TO ORDER: Mayor McDonald called the meeting to order.

INVOCATION:N: Councilman Roberts gave the invocation.Councilman Wolfe gave the invocationMayor McDonald gave the invocation

CITIZENS’ INPUT: .Tiffany Curtis addressed the Council requesting that something be done about the smell of the City Water. Mr. Burns, public works department stated that he has flushed and will continue flushing the water lines and that should help reduce the smell of the water. A letter was presented to the Council by Mr. Cliff Burgay asking that the ditches from Todd Street to Grand Street be cleaned out for drainage. None

A letter written by Gilbert Rhodes was read to the Council regarding the proposed removal of old Ash Trees on the town square. Mr. Rhodes requested to be present when the trees are cut down to collect samples from the trees to determine when they were planted. Mrs.Joann Wiggins also spoke to the Council stating her concerns regarding all of the stray animals running loose in Timpson.

COUNCIL ITEMS: Councilman Kirkley inquired about the street grading project, wanting to know why it had not began. The City Secretary stated that Mr. Scroggins had questions that needed to be clarified before signing the contract. Councilwoman Ramsey asked about the fencing at the Senior apartment and was informed that that item will be on the June agenda.Councilman Roberts stated that he would like to see SoSo Park beautified by placing Azalias around the building, also stating that he would like the secretary to get prices on Azalias . Councilman Wolfe stated that the City needed to see about getting the box car removed from the Park and Coucilman Wolfe also inquired about the staus on the replacement of the lights in the Park.


Minutes and Financial Reports:

Minutes: The Council reviewed the minutes from the June 20, 2006March 18, 2008 Council meetingApril 20th regular meeting. . Councilman Roberts HaileyHailey made made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Councilman Kirkley Magness Grace seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

Financial Statements: The financial ial statements for the month of June wereof March 2008April 2010 were presented. Councilman Hailey Grace moved to approve the financial statements as printed. Councilman Roberts presented. Councilman Kirkley moved to approve the financials. Councilman Roberts secondedCouncilwoman Hailey seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

Payable: Accounts payable were presented and reviewed in the amount of $129,152.31. Motion was made by Councilman Magness to approve accounts payable. Councilman Kirkley seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

Accounts payable were presented for the month of April 2008 totaling $98, 310.31.May 2010 totaling $104,808.26. The accounts payable included Detec purchases of $72,674.1588,701.47 and regular payables of $25,636.15 16,106.79. Councilwoman Smith made a motion to approve the account payables. Councilwoman Ramsey seconded the motion the vote was all ayes.

Councilman Wolfe made a motion to approve and pay the accounts payable totaling $98,310.31. Councilman Hailey seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

Old Business:

Old Business: None

Pineywoods Sanitation: Mike with Pineywoods Sanitation addressed the Council regarding the previous motion by the Council stating that Pineywoods would only receive a temporary rate increase of $1.00 on residential customers. Mike requested on Pineywoods behalf that the Council either approve a $2.00 increase from per residential customer, or that the City enter into a 5 year contract, paying Pineywoods $8.00 per residential customer with an annual increase equal to the current (CPI) or Consumer Price Index. Mike stated that Pineywoods may terminate their service to the City as of April 31, 2008 if they do not receive the $2.00 increase per residential customer or the 5 year contract at $8.00 per residential customer with an annual increase. After an in depth discussion, Councilman Wolfe made the motion to give Pineywoods a temporary verbal rate increase of $1.00 per residential customers, increasing the current rate from $7.00 to $9.00 per residential customer, with the City keeping $1.00 of the $9.00, therefore paying Pineywoods $8.00 per residential customer until the City can go out for bids on the sanitation contract in September 2008. Councilman Kirkley seconded the motion and all were in favor.

New Business:

Resolution 2010/05/18 Canvassing the results of the City of Timpson General Election:

  1. The results of the Election were presented to the Mayor Douglas McDonald. After announcing the results of the Election, Councilman Hailey offered a motion to approve the resolution canvassing the election. Councilwoman Ramsey seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  2. Certificate of Election: Mayor McDonald issued the Certificate of Election to each newly elected official.
  3. Oath of Office: The City Secretary administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected candidates, Yvonne Ramsey- Councilmember, Ronnie Wolfe -Councilmember, and Debra Pate Smith -Mayor.
  4. Mayor Pro-Tem: Councilman Grace offered a motion to appoint Yvonne Ramsey as the Mayor Pro-Tem. Motion failed due to lack of second. Councilman Hailey then offered a motion to appoint Ronnie Wolfe as Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilman Wolfe seconded the motion. Councilwoman Ramsey and Councilman Grace voted against the motion. Mayor Smith broke the tie voting in favor of appointing Councilman Ronnie Wolfe as Mayor Pro-Tem.
  5. Box Car at So-So Park: After a brief discussion with Kenny Walker and Keith Brownlow regarding the removal of the box car from the park, Councilman Grace offered a motion to table the item until the June meeting. Councilwoman Ramsey seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  6. Construction Contract/Doyle Scroggins: After a brief discussion on the terms of the contract, Councilman Grace offered a motion to table the item until the June meeting so that Mr. Scroggins can be present to answer questions related to the contract. Councilman Hailey seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  7. Ordinance 05-18-2010-1 regulating the discharge of firearms in the City limits of Timpson Texas: After a brief discussion by the Council, Councilman Grace offered a motion to reject the ordinance. Councilman Wolfe seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  8. Reception for Mayor McDonald and Councilman Chester Kirkley: After a brief discussion regarding the hosting of an appreciation reception for Mayor Douglas McDonald and Councilman Kirkley on June 3rd at 6:30 p.m., Councilwoman Ramsey offered a motion to approve the reception. Councilman Hailey seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  9. Purchase of Bulk Corporate Frames, Reproducing Costs, and Cost of Mounting: After a brief discussion on the purchase of these frames to display photos of the previous Mayors of the City of Timpson on the interior walls of the Community Building, Councilman Wolfe offered a motion to approve the purchase. Councilman Hailey seconded the motion and all were in favor.
  10. Purchase of 36 aluminum or hard plastic chairs for use in City Hall and/or the Community Building: After a brief discussion, Councilman Hailey offered a motion to approve the purchase setting the limit for the expenditure as $1000.00. Councilman Wolfe seconded the motion and all were in agreement.

Resolution 4-15-2008 Opposing Digital Billboards in the City of Timpson: Resolution 4-15-2008 was presented to the Council opposing the placement of new digital billboards in the City limits of the City of Timpson and opposing the conversion of existing billboards into electronic message signgs. After a brief discussion, Councilman Wolfe made a motion to approve Resolution 4-15-2008. Councilman Hailey seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Public Utility Commission: In response to a letter from the Public Utility Commission, the City Council was asked to make a decision on an increase in the City right of way access line rates based upon inflation. After a brief discussion, Councilman Wolfe made a motion not to increase the right of way access line rates. Councilman Kirkley seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Ordinanace 2008-4-15-1 Amending the Adopted Budget For the Period Beginning October 1, 2007 and ending September 30, 2008: An ordinance amending the 2007-2008 Fiscal year budget was presented to the Council. After a brief discussion, Councilman Wolfe made the motion to approve ordinance

2008-4-15-1. Counilman Hailey seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Executive Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074, Personell Matters, for the

purpose of the evaluation and possible pay raise for Michael Driver: The Council retired into executive session at 6:20 p.m.

Reconvene to Open Session: The Council Reconvened to Open Session at 6:24 p.m. Councilman Wolfe made a motion to give Michael Driver a payraise of $1.05 per hour, increasing his hourly rate from $12.95 to $14.00 per hour. Councilman Roberts seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Employment of a third officer for the City Marshal office: After an in debth discussion regarding whether the City should advertise for a third officer for the City Marshal office, Councilman Kirkley made the motion not to advertise to hire a third officer. The motion died due to lack of a second. Councilman Wolfe then made a motion to advertise to hire a third officer. The motion died due to lack of a second.

Requirements of officers to stay in the City Limits during on-call hours: After a brief discussion as to whether the City should require all officers of the City Marshal department to stay in the City limits when on-call, Councilman Wolfe made the motion to require the officers to stay in the City Limits when on- call. Councilman Kirkley seconded the motion and all were in favor. The Council stated that a Resolution addressing this be presented at the next meeting.


Fire Hydrants: The council reviewed and discussed the proposal by Hydra Tec Services for painting and repairing the fire hydrants that need to be repaired following the yearly audit. Councilman Magness made the motion to repair the hydrants at a cost of $6,568.40 and for Hydra Tec Services to paint only the hydrants that need to be painted following the repair at a cost of $35.00 per hydrant. The council agreed that it was not necessary to paint all of the hydrants since they had all been painted last year. Councilman Kirkley seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

Community Building: Following a brief discussion regarding the completion of the Community Building Councilman Magness made the motion to table this item until the council had more information regarding what needs to be done to finish this project. Councilman Roberts seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

City Property: The council reviewed the offer of $700.00 made by Reggie Caraway to purchase a lot on Neal Street that belongs to the City of Timpson. The property ID# R115537. Following a brief discussion Councilman Kirkley made the motion to table this item until more information could be obtained about the property. Councilman Roberts seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.

COUNCIL ITEMS: Councilman Roberts requested that the property that was cleared on 947 be mowed as soon as possible. There was also discussion regarding sending letters to property owners that need to clean up their property. City Secretary Teresa Bozeman requested that Councilman Roberts provide a list of the names of property owners that he would like to see cleaned up so that the letters can be sent out. Councilman Roberts mentioned that the tables at the city park need to be finished. Teresa Bozeman, City Secretary reported that the restrooms at the City Park had been vandalized. A plumber has been contacted to get a price on the cost to repair the facility.


City Secretary: The City Secretary advised the Council of a special meeting scheduled for Tuesday the 25th at 4:45 p.m. for the approval of the application for the downtown revitalization grant and for a public hearing set for 5:00 related to this grant. The City Secretary also informed the Council of the dates that the Newly Elected Officials Conference will be held and that any interested parties can be scheduled through the City Secretaries office.

Teresa Bozeman reported that the late bill that Teri Mosby had asked the council to hold at the June meeting until she received her insurance check the next week, still had not been paid. Councilman Magness requested that Ms. Mosby be notified that she had until Friday, July 21 to pay the bill or it would be cut off.

Tanya Windham, City Secretary, reported that Lorie Oneal from the Governors office had been by regarding economic development and that Lorie would like to use the City Council room to give a County wide presentation at a later date. The Council was also asked if they would like to individually participate on Detcogs board of directors. The City Secretary informed the Council that the Community building had been treated for termites and also of the windows being broken out in the Community building. The Council was also informed that Timpson ISD tabled the Resolution regarding the Runnels property that the City had approved in the March 2008 Council meeting. The Secretary also informed the Council of a meeting with Denise Seals and Jerry Hammers who are employees of the Railroad regarding the condition of the Feed Mill. The Railroad gathered all documentation addressing concerns with the Feed Mill and agreed to begin the process to possibly have the Feed Mill torn down. The Council advised that no bids were received on the repainting of the City Marshal building. The City Secretary also advised the Council of problems with the Volunteer Ambulance Service. The President of the Ambulance service had been very disrespectful to the City employees on more than one occasion during an amublance call. Members from the Council stated they would talk to the President at the next Ambulance meeting.

Public Works Update:Police Department Councilman Roberts praised Tommy Sparks on the good job he is doing cleaning the brush away from the power lines. Tommy reported that he had to order a bucket for the backhoe at a cost of approximately $2,000.00. It was also reported that the Waste Water Treat- ment Plant is running fine.

: : Chief Poindexter was unable to attend the meeting. Tanya Windham, City Secretary read a memo from Mr. Poindexter to the Council. The Memo stated that Officer Muse had resigned on good terms and a new officer, Kent Graham had been hired on Monday the 17th as his replacement. The report also stated the department responded to over 70 calls in the month of April and that Mr. Poindexter attended the Code Enforcement seminar, the Chief of Police training, and the National Narcotics Detector Dog National training seminar.There was nothing to report in the Police Department both employees were in school

Public Works Department: Mr. Sparks stated that the department has diligently been working on the utilities for the new concrete plant and that they were almost finished with the project. Tommy Sparks had nothing to report on.

Municipal Court: Paula Mullins reported that the municipal generated gross revenue of $20,881.50, the city portion being $11,484.83. (Remainder goes to state)

Tanya Windham reported

Municipal Court Update: Teresa Bozeman reported that for the month of June City Marshal Jeff Clopp gave 21 citiations and Officer Tim Barton gave 81.

that revenue was down in the department. A total of 62 citations were written for the month of March 2008. The Court collected $4287.00 for the month of March, 2008.

ADJOURNMENT: With there being no further business before the Council, Councilman Coan moved to adjourn at 7:15 P.M.Councilman Kirkley made the motion to adjourn at 6:00 P.M. Councilman Magness seconded the motion and the vote was all ayes.





Adjournment: Councilman Grace offered a motion to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Councilwoman Hailey seconded the motion and all were in agreement. Councilman Wolfe made a motion to adjourn at 6:56 p.m. Councilman Hailey seconded the motion. All were in favor of adjourning