Composition 3: Persuasive Argument

For this third assignment you will be working in pairs to create a multi-modalargument to persuade or convince.You must work together to create a multimedia project (print ad, PSA, commercial, cartoon, set of memes or gifsetc. etc.) which persuades or convinces your audience to take an action, use a product, have a belief etc. ((If you make a video of some sort- 2-3min))

Your audience will be the TCU community. Think about products, issues, etc. that affect or could affect the population (students, grad students, faculty, staff) of TCU specifically. In your composition it should be clear how you are thinking about a TCU audience.

For this assignment you will turn in 2 (two) pieces. One will be your multi-media project. The other will be a two-threepageexplanation of the rhetorical choices you made throughout the project.

This assignment is purposefully vague. I want you and your partner to take the following steps:

1) Come up with a topic/issue that affects the TCU population.

2) Decide what media will work best for your specific issue. What will be the best way to get your message across?

3) Decide whether you want to make an argument to persuade or convince.

4) Decide which rhetorical strategies you will use to best convince/persuade your audience.

5) Choose the visuals, sound, physical objects etc. needed to make an effective argument.

6) Create said argument.

For the explanation I want you to answer the following questions in 2-3 pages:

1) Why did you choose the medium you did?

2) What rhetorical strategies did you use to create this argument? WHY did you choose those? How do they best make your argument?

3) How do each of the choices you made (sound, images, etcetc) demonstrate your rhetorical choices?

4) How did you and your partner divide the work?

5) How did you work together?

----The first3 questions may be written by the partners together. However everyone must turn this in in order to answer the last two questions alone.

Final Presentation: This will be a 10 min presentation of your 3rd composition to the rest of the class. You will be convincing them to take your action, buy your product, take on your belief etc. We will be spending the last two weeks discussing presentations. There will be a ballot system and the most rhetorically savvy presentation (as voted by the class) will receive a bonus.