God is not a Fish Inspector

How do you like to be treated?

How old are elderly (old) people?

How old are young people?

What do you think of elderly (old) people?

What do you think of young people?

How do we treat our elderly?

How do elderly people want to be treated?

Inference – Authors expect you to do some of the work in reading; therefore, they don’t always tell you everything outright. They expect you to read between the lines, to put two and two together from the clues that they give you. This is called making inferences. By interpreting the actions and words of a character you can infer, or come to a conclusion, about that character’s thinking, personality, or motivation. Drawing inferences is a very important part of the reading process if we want to fully understand what we are reading.

Track the inferences in the story that lead to what Emma tells Fusi at the end of

the story about the fish inspectors is true.

Write a response to this short story.

Response: A personal response records your thoughts/ideas about what you have read. When I read what you have written I will be looking for evidence that you have thought about what you have read and what you got out to the selection. Pay attention to the following:

Did you like the selection?

How did it make you feel?

What did you think about the characters?

What did you think about the situation?

Did the characters or situations remind you of anything you have seen or heard

before in your own world?

Does anything in the selection remind you of something else you have read or

viewed (tv/movies etc.).

What do you predict will happen?

Do not summarize what you have read, however, you should refer to those parts of the reading which illustrate the ideas you are developing in your response. You might quote short passages that you find particularly influential to your point of view.

The response should be as least ¾ of a page in length.