Component #2: Belief in Yourself
Despite all my past performance, teachers, and grades, I can develop a positive attitude of belief in my increasing improvement and confidence, leading to further success in school.
Put an X next to five of the following confidence tips that you will ponder this semester to better position yourself for success in MTH 096. Feel free to create any of your own specific tips at the bottom.
"Poor performance in math is rarely due to a lack of intelligence. Math is not at all impossible to master if you have good study skills." -Alan BassMTH 096 is a chance to start over with my mathematics learning.
I can finally get a fresh start!
I can increase my chances of success by saying positive affirmations to myself, instead of negative ones.
"Math anxiety is a learned behavior that can be changed." -Alan Bass
I can combat this anxiety by doing math every day and by being really well-organized.
Instead of seeing math as useless in my daily life, I can think of it as sharpening my powers to reason, think critically, and communicate effectively.
While doing homework or studying for a test, I can give pep talks to myself, to increase my confidence level.
My math instructor is always willing to schedule time to help me if I'm not understanding something, or if I'm constantly getting low grades. I can improve with extra help!
When I talk to my friends about MTH 096, I can focus on what I'm learning and what I'm doing well with, rather than what's been a struggle.
Math is a different language. Therefore, I can gain confidence by using the vocabulary myself, and by writing out my mathematics in a very neat and organized way.
I'm not the only one who struggles with math and/or math confidence. Other students are trying hard to overcome their fears too.
I can always affirm the things I'm good at in MTH 096. I can always view the things I struggle with as opportunities for growth and improvement.
The classroom is a learning environment. Therefore, I can feel comfortable in asking questions about the material.
My instructor really, really, really wants me to succeed in this course. He loves to see the "light bulb" go on in students' heads. He rejoices over even small improvements!
I understand that my lack of success in mathematics may have very little to do with my intellectual capabilities, and a lot to do with my attitude and study habits.
Much of math is skill-based. Anything that is skill-based (like shooting a basketball) can be improved upon by repetition and practice.
My ongoing, consistent attendance in MTH 096 will help me have a committed attitude, and help me stay connected to other students and my instructor.
I can better have a positive attitude toward MTH 096 by hanging around and studying with other students who are trying to improve and develop confidence.