Component 11/Unit 9- EHR Implementation in Specific Settings

Quiz Questions

1. How are critical access hospitals different from other acute care hospitals?

Answer: Critical access hospitals are smaller hospitals in rural areas.

Answer from PowerPoint 9b:

Different reimbursement regulations apply to critical access hospitals.

Objective 1. Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation affecting acute care.

2. How will use cases in acute care help in the implementation of an EHR?

Answer: They will guide the design, development, and support of the new system that automates the process. This helps ensure appropriate workflow analysis.

Answer: They will guide the design, development, and support of the new system that automates the process. This helps ensure appropriate workflow analysis.

Answer from PowerPoint 9b

Objective 1 Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation affecting acute care.

3. What are some of the types of facilities that are considered ambulatory care?

Answer: Physician offices, Clinics, Hospital outpatient services

Answer from PowerPoint 9c

Objective 3: Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation affecting ambulatory care, ASP and community offerings for an EHR.

4. What are the data capture methods that may exist in an EHR and which one is the most desirable?


Entering data directly, including templates or screens completed by the user

Scanning handwritten documents

Transcribing text reports created by using dictation or speech recognition

Interfacing or feeding data from other information systems such as laboratory systems, radiology systems, blood pressure monitors, or electrocardiographs

Direct data entry is most desirable since it results in discrete, structured data that can be easily analyzed and reported.

Answer from PowerPoint 9c

Objectives: All Objectives for the unit

5. What are some areas other than acute and ambulatory care where electronic health records are being used?

Answer from PowerPoint 9a:

Correctional facilities, Mental health facilities, Home health care, Long term care, Rehab centers - Just about any health care agency or setting could have electronic health records

PowerPoint 9.1a

All Objectives for the unit

6. According to the slides on implementing the EHR in Settings Other than Acute Care and Ambulatory Care, what are three basic areas that need to be addressed during implementation?


Adoption: Assessment, Planning, Selection

Utilization: Implementation, Effective Use

Exchange: Readiness, Interoperability

Answer from PowerPoint 9a

Objective: Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation in other health care settings including physician practice, home health and hospice, behavioral health, and health departments.

7. No matter what site an implantation takes place, what is the underlying goal?

Answer: Increase the quality of care.

Answer from all Power Point slides unit 9

All Objectives for unit

8. Why would it be important to consider using an electronic health record in a Senior Housing facility?

Answer: Reasons for EHR in senior housing

When there are episodes of illness there is functional decline of residents

Looking at how to find earlier recognition of illness

Offering timely intervention designed to improve functional decline

Answer from PowerPoint 9e

Objective: Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation in other health care settings including physician practice, home health and hospice, behavioral health, and health departments

9. In the home health example there were many successes. What four things were they based on?


Qualified and knowledgeable vendor support was provided during the go live

An experienced RN was available during go live

A staff IT was available during go live

The perceived benefits aided the implementation process

Answer from PowerPoint 9d:

Objective: Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation in other health care settings including physician practice, home health and hospice, behavioral health, and health departments

10. What are the unique documentation requirements in long term care that are not a part of the documentation requirements of other care settings?


The resident assessment instrument (RAI) which includes the minimum data set (MDS), resident assessment protocols (RAPs) and the utilization guidelines from the State Operations Manual (SOM).

Answer from Power Point 9f

Objective: Discuss key issues in electronic health record development and implementation affecting long term care including interchange of health information with acute care.

Component 11/Unit 9Health IT Workforce Curriculum1

Version 1.0/Fall 2010