Complex Child Abuse Investigations:

Guidance for Services in Aberdeenshire


1.1.The National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland (2014) advises that each investigation of complex abuse will be different, depending on the situation, its scale and complexity. Accordingly, thorough planning, effective inter- agency working and attention to the welfare needs of child victims and adult survivors is essential.

1.2In Aberdeenshire there is a long standing practice of a “Strategy Meeting” being convened when either social work or the police considered that an additional level of planning and co–ordination to day to day joint practice is required.

1.3This guidance for services in Aberdeenshire on complex child abuse investigationsstrengthens existing good practice to better reflectlocal and national learning about circumstances that may be considered complex, some of which are described in in pages 145 – 156 of the National Guidance.

2Stage One: InitialDecision Making

2.1The decision to regard a matter as being “complex” is one that is made is made jointly by the police and social work.

2.2The decision to regard a situation as “complex” includes those described in the national Guidance but is not confined to these.

2.3The decision to regard a concern as “Complex” will be agreed between the Head of Children’s Social Work Services or Service Manager and Detective Chief Inspector or Detective Inspector.

2.4In reaching this decision both services will agree on the convening, chairing and recording of the deliberations of the initial strategic planning meeting.

2.5Both services will agree how Chief Officers will be advised of the complex issue and by whom.

2.6Both services will agree which other services will be involved in the initial strategic planning meeting.

3Stage Two: Strategic Planning

3.1 While not exhaustive the strategic planning meeting will:

  • Establish the terms of reference for the investigation
  • Take ownership of the strategic leadership of the investigation
  • Agree the staffing of the investigation, including any need to approach neighbouring areas for assistance
  • Agree any necessary protocols
  • Consider any additional need for support, de- briefing or counselling provision for staff involved in the investigation
  • Decide the process for continuing strategic oversight and being informed of the progress of the investigation
  • Consider a need for a communications strategy

4 Stage Three: Protection and Support

4.1 Notwithstanding the aforementioned strategic oversight, protection and support to individual childrenwill be provided through established child protection processes and practice.

4.2 Where appropriate the outcome of individual Joint Investigative Interview’s(JII’s), Child Protection Case Conferences (CPCC) will be shared with the overall strategic planning arrangements above.

Main Author /
  • The Aberdeenshire Child and Family Protection Committee commissioned the development of Aberdeenshire Guidance on Complex Child Abuse Investigations
  • David O’Neill, Social Work Manager, Children’s Social Work Service, Aberdeenshire Council was identified to lead

Date Completed / 19/04/2017
Date/s Updated
Committee Approved / 19/04/2017
Effective from / 19/04/2017
Review Date / As required
Governance / Aberdeenshire Child and Family Protection Committee