Re:outpatient psychological evaluation

Dear Parent:

Thank you for your interest in Glenwood’s outpatient services. Before we can schedule your child for a psychological evaluation we need to have all information completed and sent back. Once all information is sent back we will phone you to let your know your child has been put on the waiting list. Our current waiting list is around six months from the time your paperwork is received back in our office. Below you will find a checklist of required documents. Please make sure you have checked off the list so that all information has been gathered and completed before sending in. Questionnairesneed to be completed and required documents attached so that we will be able to get your child on the waiting list.

As part of our evaluation process, we require that the individualsunder the age of five receive a formal hearing evaluation prior to their scheduled evaluationat Glenwood. We encourage you to pursue this hearing evaluation as soon as possible. You can contact your Family Practitioner to discuss your options or contact one of the clinics on the attached list to discuss evaluation options at their site. If your pediatrician is willing to fax your records regarding hearing; showing there are no concerns then no formal healing evaluation is required. Additionally, we ask that you gather copies of any previous testing reports (e.g., psychological, speech, occupational therapy, educational, early intervention), as well as any current IEPs and/or other information you have and send in with your registration so that this material can be reviewed prior to your scheduled evaluation. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 205-795-3203. Fax number is 205-795-3290.

______Completed Parent History Packet (attached form)

______Copy of insurance card (front and back)

______Copy of any guardianship, custody, divorce/ visitation agreements

For an evaluation in Birmingham office, please mail completed forms to:

Anna Walchli

c/o Intake

150 Glenwood Lane

Birmingham, AL 35242

Fax# 205-795-3290

For an evaluation in the Huntsville office, please mail completed forms to:

Beth McKay

c/o Intake

4092 South Memorial Parkway, Ste 102

Huntsville, AL 35802

****Please do not fold paperwork if mailing it back.

UAB Civitan-Sparks Clinic

Audiology Clinic

University of Alabama at Birmingham

1530 3rd Ave South
CH19 307
Birmingham, AL 35294-2041

Phone: 205-934-5471
1-800-822-2472 -option 8

UA Speech and Hearing Center

University of Alabama

700 University Boulevard East

Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Phone: 205-348-7131

USA Speech and Hearing Clinic

University of South Alabama

1119 HAHN

5721 USA Drive North
Mobile, AL 36688-0002

Phone: 251-445-9378

AUM Speech and Hearing Clinic

Auburn University at Montgomery

Liberal Arts Building, Room110
7041 Senators Drive
Montgomery, Alabama 36117

Phone: 334-244-3408

AU Speech and Hearing Clinic

Auburn University
1199 Haley Center
Auburn, AL 36849

Phone: 334-844-9600

Hearing and Speech Clinic

303 Williams Ave SW
Huntsville, AL 35801


Hearing Associates of Dothan, LLC

Dothan Office:

1891 Honeysuckle Road

Dothan, AL 36305

Phone: 334-702-4327

Enterprise Office:

101 Brunson St., Suite 102

Enterprise, AL 36330

Phone: 334-308-9368

Meridian Speech and Hearing Center

2203 Hwy 39 N Suite A, Box 5

Meridian , MS - 39301

Phone: 601-483-8121


Please complete this form in full

Please provide information regarding any or ALL previous or PENDING evaluations or treatment

Copies of evaluation(s) must be sent back with the intake packet.

______School EvaluationProvider?______Date:______







______Occupational TherapyProvider?______Date:______

______Physical TherapyProvider?______Date:______




Previous/Current Diagnoses (please check all that apply)

______Developmental DelayProvider?______Date:______

______Autism SpectrumProvider?______Date:______

(PDD-NOS, Asperger’s)


______Speech Language DelayProvider?______Date:______

______Intellectual Disability/Provider?______Date:______

Mental Retardation

______Social DelaysProvider?______Date:______

______Learning DisorderProvider?______Date:______

______Reading______Math ______Written Expression ______Oral Expression


______Tic DisorderProvider?______Date:______

______Oppositional DefiantProvider?______Date:______


______Anxiety Disorder/OCDProvider?______Date:______


______Bipolar DisorderProvider?______Date:______


Is or has your child currently receiving any of the following?

______Psychiatric Medications______Counseling

______Speech Therapy______Occupational Therapy

______Physical Therapy______Other type of therapy

If yes, please list names of those who provided service and dates services received.




If child is currently receiving Early Intervention Services or enrolled in public and/or private school, please provide the following information:

Under what special education exceptionality is the child receiving services?

______Autism______Developmental Delay

______Intellectual Disability______Emotional Disability

______Multiple Disabilities______Orthopedic Impairment

______Other Health Impairment______Specific Learning Disability

______Speech or Language Impairment______Traumatic Brain Injury

______Visual Impairment______Hearing Impairment

What services is the child receiving related to his/her exceptionality?______




**Please attach ALL diagnostic reports with this packet. This will also include the child’s most current IEP or IFSP.**

Parent/Guardian Questionnaire

Glenwood Inc.

Date: ______Form completed by: ______Relationship to client: ______

Family Data

Client’s Name: ______Birthdate: ______Age: ______

Gender: Male ______Female ______Ethnicity: ______SS# ______Home # ______

Home Address (street, city, zip):______

Father’s Name: ______DOB: ______Education: ______

Employment: ______Business Phone: ______

Father’s email (optional): ______

Mother’s Name: ______DOB: ______Education: ______

Employment: ______Business Phone: ______

Mother’s email (optional): ______County: ______

Best # to contact you:______Name child goes by: ______

Parents are: Married ____ Divorced ____ Separated _____ Widowed _____ Single/Never Married ______

Date ______Date ______Date ______Date ______Other (explain): ______

Client’s legal guardian: Both Birth Parents ____ Birth Mother _____ Birth Father ____ Adoptive Parents ____

Department of Human Resources ____ Legal Guardian _____

Client lives with: Both Parents ______Mother ______Father ______Other ______

List the names and ages of all siblings (step/ half siblings also):

NameAgeRelationship (step/half) Current Grade Learning/ Medical Problems





Please list all individuals, and their relationship to the child, including parents who are currently living in the home:



Is this a Foster Home Placement? Yes _____ No ____ Adopted: Yes ____ No _____

Age at placement: ______Age at adoption: ______

Other important/ influential people frequently in client’s life (who do not reside in the home): ______

Are there any current custody issues? Yes ______No ______

If Yes, please explain:______

If applicable, what are the custody or visitation agreements? ______


Has the Department of Human Resources (DHR) ever been involved with this client? Yes ______No ______

Dates of DHR involvement: ______

Reasons for DHR involvement: ______


Do all parties involved in the care of the child agree on the need for an evaluation of this child? ______


Who referred you to Glenwood Outpatient Services ? ______

Phone number: ______Why were you referred? ______

Chief problems as you see them: / When did the problems begin? (age or date)

Has his/her hearing been tested? Yes ______No ______

If yes, who tested? ______when tested? ______

What were the results? ______

Describe his/her response to sound (e.g., responds to all sounds, responds to loud sounds only, extremely sensitive to loud noises, etc.) ______

Has his/her vision been tested? Yes ______No ______

If yes, who tested? ______when tested? ______

What were the results? ______

Does he/she have difficulty walking, running, or participating in other activities that require small or large muscle coordination? Yes _____ No ______

If yes, please describe: ______

Pregnancy History - Mother

While you were pregnant were you under a doctor’s care? Yes ______No ______

Mother’s age at time of birth ______Length of pregnancy ______

Miscarriages ______

During this pregnancy did you have:

Condition / Yes / No / Describe
Elevated Blood Pressure
Toxemia/ Eclampsia
Swollen Ankles
Gestational Diabetes
Placenta Previa
German Measles
Other Virus
Medication during pregnancy (prescription and over-the-counter)
Emotional Problems
Threatened miscarriage or early contractions
Alcohol, drugs, tobacco use / Specify:

Birth History

Were you given medication? Yes _____ No ______What kind? ______

Did you have natural childbirth? Yes _____ No ______

Was labor induced? Yes _____ No _____ Was induced labor planned? Yes _____ No _____

Type of delivery: Head first ______Feet first _____Caesarian ______

Was the delivery unusual in any way or any complications? Yes _____ (How? ______) No _____

Did you have twins? Yes _____ No_____ Which born first? ______

Did this baby have: Breathing problems? Yes _____ No _____ Don’t know _____

If yes was oxygen used? Yes _____ No _____

Cord around neck? Yes _____ No _____ Don’t know _____

Did this baby cry quickly? Yes _____ No _____ Don’t know _____

Was this baby’s color normal? Yes _____ No _____ Blue? _____ Yellow? _____ Don’t know _____

Was the baby premature? Yes _____ No _____ How much? ______

What did the baby weigh? ______Apgar Scores? ______

Was baby in Incubator? Yes ______No ______Neonatal Intensive Care? Yes ______No ______

Did you take the baby home with you from the hospital? Yes ______No ______How long after? ______

Was the baby normally active? Yes ______No ______Describe: ______

Problems noted at birth or shortly after: ______



Did your child have problems with feeding as an infant? Yes ______No ______Describe: ______

Colic? _____ Vomiting? _____ Sucking Problems? _____ Swallowing Problems? _____ Chewing Problems? ____

Current weight: ______Any growth problems/concerns? Yes ______No ______

Is client on a special diet? Does he/ she take any nutritional supplements? If yes, please describe: ______


Is client a picky eater? If so, what foods will he/ she eat? ______

Describe his/her appetite and eating habits at present: ______



Development : Indicate age at which he/she began performing these behaviors

Sat unsupported: ______Crawl: _____ Stood alone: _____ Walked: _____ First words: _____

2-Word Phrases: ______First short sentences: ______Bladder trained: ______Bowel trained: ______

Out of diapers: ______

Your child’s overall development compared to others his age:

______Below Average______Average______Above Average

Were you ever concerned regarding any area of his/her development? _____ If yes, how old was he/she when you first became concerned? ______What were your concerns?______

Did a regression of skills or a loss of skills ever occur in the client’s development? Yes _____ No ______

If yes, when did this regression/ loss of skills occur? ______

If yes, please describe the regression/ loss of skills. ______


He/She communicates by which of the following (Check all that apply):

Crying ______Playful sounds ______Pointing with index finger ______Words _____

Phrases ______Sentences ______Sign Language ______Picture Communication ______

How much of his/her speech is understandable to you?Some _____Most _____All ______

How much of his/her speech is understandable to others? Some _____Most _____All ______

Does he/she have any problems understanding what someone says? Yes ______No______


Has SOMEONE IN THE CLIENT’S FAMILY (immediate household or extended family) had problems with any of the following:

SPECIFY, if appropriate / PERSON’S RELATION TO CHILD (e.g., cousin, aunt, brother) / WHICH SIDE OF THE FAMILY? (Mother’s side/ father’s side?)
Learning Problems / Specify:
Mental Retardation or Intellectual Disability
Developmental Delay or Disability / Specify:
Speech/ Language Problems
Genetic Condition (e.g., Down’s Syndrome, Fragile X) / Specify:
Other conditions (e.g., Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) / Specify:
Autism Spectrum Disorder/ PDD
Tics or Involuntary Movements
Excessive Anxiety/Worry/Fears
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Mania/ Bipolar
Psychosis/Schizophrenia (e.g., sees or hears things not there, has unusual thoughts)
Trouble with Law
Alcohol/drug abuse
Behavior problems as a child
Seizure Disorder
Chronic Illness

Medical History of Client

Has client had: / Yes / No / When / Describe (provide age)
German Measles
Chicken Pox
Whooping Cough/Croup
Frequent Ear Infections
Allergy (food/ environment/ medication)
Convulsions/ Seizures (spells)
Injuries to head
Headaches or Dizziness
Lead Poisoning
Other injuries
Other illnesses

Does he/she have a specific medical diagnosis? Or a significant health problem? ______


Describe client’s sleeping pattern now. Are there nightmares or night terrors now or in the past?




Physician Information

When did the client last have a physical examination? ______

Name of Pediatrician or Physician: ______

Address: ______

Current medicationsPrescriberDoseReason for Medication



Past medicationsPrescriberDoseReason for MedicationWhen/Why stopped?




Has client experienced: / Yes / No / Specify or Describe:
Abuse (physical, verbal, or sexual)
Parent Divorce
Witnessed Domestic Violence
Experienced Death of Close Relative or Friend
Has Parent, Sibling, or other close relative with severe medical problems
Had Traumatic Experience
Excessive Shyness
Excessive Worries/ Fears
Trouble Paying Attention
Trouble with the Law
Violence towards others, including physical fights
Suicidal Thoughts or Attempts
Alcohol/Drug Use
Trouble Making Friends
Frequently Bullied by Others
Bullies Others
Aggression towards self or others

Is she/he currently in counseling? ______If so, what is the focus of treatment?______

Has she/he ever been in therapy? ______If so, when?______

What was the focus of treatment? ______

Has he/she ever been hospitalized or placed in residential treatment for mental health or behavioral problems?

If yes, when? ______For how long?______Where?______

Reasons/ Recommendations: ______


Does he/she have outbursts or “meltdowns” due to anger, frustration, and or/ sensory overload? If so, are there strategies that you have used that are helpful in correcting his behavior? ______


What does he/she do if told no? ______

What does the client enjoy doing in his/ her free time? ______


How does he/she get along with other children in the family? ______


How does he/she get along with children/loved ones not in the family? A leader? Follower? Playing with children who are older? Younger? ______



What is the age and sex of your child’s favorite playmate/ friend? ______

Describe your child’s mood and activity level: ______



Describe how he/she behaves in public (stores, restaurants, movies, etc…): ______



Educational Information

School attending: ______Teacher: ______

Child’s present grade: ______Has s/he repeated a grade? Which one and why?______

Current placement in school: Regular classroom _____ Special Education classroom (explain) ______

Resource room _____ Alternative school _____Home school_____ other (explain) ______

Has he/she been suspended this school year? Yes _____ No ______

If yes, why? ______

Have there been many changes in his/her school setting? ______If yes, please explain: ______


Has client attended Nursery School? ______Pre-kindergarten? ______Kindergarten? ______

Is the client currently in Daycare? ______Yes______No If Yes, where?______

Has the client been evaluated by the school? ______Yes______No

On average, what are his/her grades this year? ______

In what classes does he/she do well? ______

In what classes does he/she struggle? ______

Has there been any big changes in his/her grades (for example, s/he was passing, now failing)? ______

If yes, describe (When did it start? What classes?):______

Does he/she enjoy and feel successful in school? ______Please explain: ______


Has the teacher told you that he/she is having difficulty? ______

If yes, is the problem related to learning or behavior? ______

Please describe teacher’s concerns: ______


Did teachers in earlier grades have the same concerns? ______Did they also have other concerns?______

If yes, please describe: ______


Has/does your child receive tutoring? ______


What do you see as his/her strengths? ______


Comments: (Please use other side if necessary): ______




Parent or Guardian signature DateParent or Guardian signature Date