Complete Weblinks for Science!
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Keystage 3
Year 7
Unit 7A. Cells 4
Unit 7B. Reproduction5
Unit 7C. Environment and feeding relationships 6
Unit 7D. Variation and classification 7
Unit 7E. Acidsand alkalis 8
Unit 7F. Simple chemical reactions 9
Unit 7G. Particle model of solids, liquids and gases 10
Unit 7H. Solutions 11
Unit 7I. Energy resources 12
Unit 7J. Electrical circuits 14
Unit 7K. Forces and their effects 16
Unit 7L. The solar system and beyond 17
Year 8
Unit 8A. Food and digestion 19
Unit 8B. Respiration 19
Unit 8C. Microbes and disease 20
Unit 8D. Ecological relationships 23
Unit 8E. Atoms and elements 23
Unit 8F. Compounds and mixtures 25
Unit 8G. Rocks and weathering 27
Unit 8H. The rock cycle 27
Unit 8I. Heating and cooling 28
Unit 8J. Magnets and electromagnets 31
Unit 8K. Light 32
Unit 8L. Sound and hearing 34
Year 9
Unit 9A. Inheritance and selection 36
Unit 9B. Fit and healthy 37
Unit 9C. Plants and photosynthesis 37
Unit 9D. Plants for food 39
Unit 9E. Reactions of metals and metal compounds 39
Unit 9F. Patterns of reactivity 41
Unit 9G. Environmental chemistry 42
Unit 9H. Using chemistry 43
Unit 9I. Energy and electricity 44
Unit 9J. Gravity and space 45
Unit 9K.Speeding up 46
Unit 9L. Pressure and moments 46
Unit 9M. Investigating scientific questions 48
Environment & Ecology
Variance, inheritance & Selection
Diffusion / Osmosis
A Level
Key Stage 3(back to top)
Lots of useful information, flash activities, etc
Lots of great animations
Unit 7A.Cells
- Imperial Cancer Research Fund site; simple presentation explaining how conception occurs and what's contained in cells.
- brilliant site but too technical for Y7. Useful for teachers and higher years.
Light Microscopy – some great images
Flowering plant reproduction: A comprehensive and well explained account of sexual reproduction in flowering plants.
Unit 7B. Reproduction
Absolutely beautiful site with photographs and commentary of the first 9 months of a baby's life (from conception).
teenagers/ - Puberty animation from the BBC, click on the body parts of the boy and girl to see how they change (kids will be in hysterics and the breast and penis animations...) has links to more information on changes that occur during puberty.
The visible embryo: This site shows and explains the different developmental stages in fetal growth from fertilisation until birth. Detailed information is available about each week in this process.
Unit 7C. Environment and feeding relationships
NB: This topic is closely related to 8D, Ecological relationships, so those links may be relevant too.
- Animated food chains movie from BBC Bitesize (actually aimed at KS2, but would make a good introduction as it defines all the words such as ‘consumer’, ‘producer’ etc.).
- Biomes Living Worlds from ThinkQuest, lots of detail on the seven major land biomes (tundra, desert, rainforest etc) around the world including how animals are adapted for them. Might make a good project...
- Site on habitats from Robert Hitcham's Primary School - basic, but might be an ok introduction for low-ability Y7s and has some nice pictures.
- The full E&FR topic by Laisterdyke High School.
Mainly for the KS2 or early KS3 pupils, but lots of eco-friendly ideas, such as nature walks, etc.
This is just a glossary of ecological terms but it includes some interesting words that pupils may not have come across before.
This has great photos and lots of information about fish, corals and anemones. It could be used to discuss how organisms are adapted to their environment.
This has lots of detail on the ways that animals are adapted to cold conditions and includes posters to print out and label.
Unit 7D. Variation and classification
- Classifying Critters - this is an interactive activity allowing kids to put various animals into their correct groups.
Classification of Living Things: This is an excellent website dealing with how the modern system of classification operates. Plenty of diagrams and pictures to illustrate the points. The site does, however, use slightly different names for some kingdoms (protist and not protoctist; monera and not bacteria).
Woodlice Online: A great site dedicated to the humble woodlouse. This resource contains almost everything you are ever likely to need to know about these invertebrates (and some of their relatives) and the site also contains further practical investigations and results. Classification and identification of woodlice are also considered.
Unit 7E. Acids and alkalis
The pH factor; Virtual chemistry lab about the pH scale
Acids, alkalis and salts crossword.
Sambal's Science Web, acids and alkalis (info is useful, but mostly text-based).
Acids and bases: A comprehensive overview of exactly what acids and alkalis (soluble bases) are.
Unit 7F. Simple chemical reactions
- Chemical reactions WebQuest, contains a link to a game separating compounds and mixtures, some examples of chemical reactions, a movie, some example experiments and riddles.
- A gap fill quiz on simple chemical reactions from Doc Brown, and a multiple choice quiz.
- Great movies of various (dangerous!) chemical reactions, including nitrogen triiodide detonation and the reaction of sodium and chlorine. Requires QuickTime. Totally Rocks!
A US site which concentrates on fire safety such as smoke alarms. There is basic information and some games to play.
Unit 7G. Particle model of solids, liquids and gases
- Movie from the BBC, actually KS2 but is very good nonetheless, would make a great introduction.
- Solids, liquids and gases crossword from Doc Brown, a gapfill exercise and a multiple choice quiz.
Particle Theory
7Ga – States matter
Matter: Simple site giving a good overview of the states of matter and particle theory.
7Ge – What a gas!
Are you under pressure? A very comprehensive site dealing with all aspects of the pressure of gases.
Unit 7H. Solutions
NB: This topic is closely connected to 7G, Particle Model and 8F, Compounds and Mixtures, so those links may be useful too.
From Doc Brown: (multi-word fill quiz) and (multiple choice quiz)
- Text-based definition of a solution (useful for research).
- Separating mixtures, how to get pure salt and water from sea water and how to extract pure, ‘clean’ salt from rock salt. Includes info and a short interactive comprehension exercise at the end.
- Solve a ‘crime’ using chromatography (may be a useful lesson idea for teachers).
- Kitchen sink experiments from BBCi, separate the colours in Smarties.
7Hc – Focus on:Alcohol and oil
Alcoholic Drinks of the Middle Ages: Fascinating site about the development of alcoholic drinks, including a page concerning the theory of distillation. The site includes recipes too!
A history of perfumery, which relies on distillation.
Unit 7I. Energy resources
- Lots of links from Yahooligans about Energy and energy resources (good for project work).
- News stories and information about different power plants all over the world, renewable and non-renewable. Not that useful?
Energy games from the science museum – great for Y7 or Y8
Good information on renewable energy
7Ia – Fuelled by fossils
Dti - energy: A wealth of excellent data on UK energy use from the Department of Trade and Industry. You will, however, need adobe acrobat to download some of the most useful information.
7Ib - Make them last!
The National Energy Foundation: This is the homepage of an educational charity, based at Milton Keynes . It aims to work for more efficient use of energy in many aspects of life and has education resources and other useful information and links.
The Integer House
Gives information about the technology used in the house.
7Ic – Planning for the future
A website provided by the California Energy Commission, so some of the units quoted are imperial rather than SI. However, the chapters on geothermal energy, hydro power, ocean energy, solar energy and biomass energy will be useful for pupils looking for more details on these alternative energy sources.
Alternate Fuel Vehicles
A useful site for pupils researching possible future alternatives to petrol and diesel in vehicles of the future.
A general introduction to alternative fuel vehicles: An American site, that contains a good, brief guide to the current options being explored to replace petrol as the primary source of fuel in cars.
Unit 7J. Electrical circuits
- Interactive ‘clickable’ diagram about electrical safety.
and - Activities from BBC Bitesize about electrical circuits, e.g. “which switches need to be closed to make the green light work?”-type questions (N.B. the second includes electromagnets which aren’t covered till Year 8).
- Download some free (registration is all that’s required) software called crocodile-clips, which allows you to create virtual circuits. Comes with worksheets too!
Pages from How Stuff Works explaining familiar electrical items:
(burglar alarm)
(dimmer switch)
(computer motherboard)
(radio controlled toys)
7Ja –Switched on
Go with the Flow
This describes an experiment which allows you to make your own battery using household items. It's good fun and the whole site is worth a look.
7Jc – Series and parallel
There is a lot of information here and it may be a better site for teachers rather than pupils. However, it does tell you a lot about the series and parallel implications of Christmas tree lights.
Unit 7K. Forces and their effects
- Lots of great resources from the Science Joy Wagon, including animations and slide shows (has a really good explanation of Newton’s laws).
7Ka – The forces are with us
How bridges work: An in depth look at how forces are used in the design and construction of various types of bridge.
Gravity, Upthrust and Balooning
Air Travellers: [sic.] A good site dedicated to the science behind hot air ballooning. Includes a range of activities and teachers notes.
7Kc – Weighing in
How does gravity work?: A good treatment of a complex question. Well worth the read.
Unit 7L. The solar system and beyond
- Beautiful 3D animations of the solar system with a haunting soundtrack, includes the ability to zoom in and out and change to different viewing angles. There’s also a fun activity to build your own planet (planet ‘10’).
- Animation of moon phases, allows you to see the moon moving around the earth in space AND what it looks like from earth at the same time.
- BBC’s Planets site, tons of info on all the different planets: history, stats, etc plus jigsaw activities to build the solar system, place all the moons, and identify artificial satellites.
7Ld – The Solar System
The Universe
StarDate Online: An excellent site bulging with well organised information about the Solar System and beyond.
The Solar System
The Nine Planets: An excellent site giving access to information on the planets and their moons.
Planetary Fact Sheets: Numerical information on all the planets and their satellites can be accessed from this page. Pupils may need some help 'translating' some of the terminology (eg. if looking at the moons of the outer planets, 'semimajor axis' can be used as the distance of the moon from the planet)
The Electronic Sky
This site is all about space and has information on and picutres of planets, comets, asteroids, galaxies and stars. It also includes some information on planets outside our solar system.
Sc1 Investigation into Pd2
Moon data: Further information on the moons of the outer planets can be obtained from the above two websites. Data from these sites has been compiled into a spreadsheet in case pupils do not have time to find the information for themselves.
Click here for the Moons spreadsheet.
Year 8
Unit 8A. Food and digestion
- Text-based info on the digestive system aimed at kids – good for project work.
Digestion quiz (match the words to the definitions).
Nutrition analysis tool
8Ac - You’ve got guts
Another body tour - this one has excellent graphics and lots of interaction. Once again the digestive system is included.
Unit 8B. Respiration
- Information on respiration from Sambal’s Science Web (good for kids’ own research).
- Quiz on respiration from BBC Bitesize.
Another body tour - this one has excellent graphics and lots of interaction. The circulatory system is included here.
Unit 8C. Microbes and disease
- Stalking the mysterious microbe! A great site with lots of info including “microbes in the news” and a careers section.
- name says it all really! Is quite detailed, but would be a good place to send kids doing project work.
- Info on Eyam, the famous plague village (good for kids’ own research) and - Short plays about the discovery of vaccines and the plague at Eyam, from the Science Year site.
- Bread, from How Stuff Works (contains lots of activities that kids could try at home).
- Simple animation of a white blood cell engulfing some bacteria.
- The National Centre for Infectious Diseases (probably a bit difficult for pupils, but useful for finding out what disease-related issues are in the news at the moment and researching them).
8Ca - A hidden world
This web site provides links to lots of other areas. The best ones are listed below:
Take a tour round the microbe zoo. There are lots of clickable areas which break down into information about specific bacteria and then have photos of each type.
This interactive site allows you to look at the relative sizes of objects such as a human hair, a pin, a red blood cell, a bacteria and a virus.
Contains some mystery images - try to guess what they are. Plus take the tour of the virtual worm!
8Cc - Cholera: the evidence
Contains maps drawn by John Snow to illustrate the concentration of cholera around the Broad street pump.
This BBC site explains why cholera spread so quickly in Snow’s time.
Contains advice on modern cases of cholera.
8Cd - Stopping the spread
This has some nice little cartoons on antiseptics that you may want to discuss with pupils. It includes a little information on Joseph Lister.
This is another BBC site that looks at the importance of antiseptics.
8Ce- Medicine men
looks at the problem of antibiotic resistance. There is an area for teachers as well. The site may look daunting but the level of text is suitable for pupils.
is a one-page summary of the antibiotic story.
Unit 8D. Ecological relationships
NB: This topic is closely related to 7C, Environment and Feeding Relationships, so those links may be relevant too.
- The 7 characteristics of life (MRS NERG), actually KS2 but good for revision/summary.
- Lots of information about food chains and pyramids.
Mainly for the KS2 or early KS3 pupils, but lots of eco-friendly ideas, such as nature walks, etc.
Unit 8E. Atoms and elements
- Interactive periodic table from WebElements™, good for kids as it has lots of detailed information and is easy to use.
- Tom Lehrer’s Elements Song (requires sound).
- RSC’s Visual Elements periodic table. Great for presentations as it’s very pretty!
From Doc Brown’s Chemistry Clinic: - Cartoons linking element uses with their names, plus a test. - gap fill exercise and a multiple choice quiz.
- IBM’s STM image gallery has some beautiful images of real atoms, recorded with a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope. The inner workings of an STM are a bit advanced for Year 8 (!) but they’ll love the pictures.
- The Particle Adventure (very advanced, gets into quarks and antimatter, but interesting!)
8Eb - Elementary
There are several sites which offer interactive Periodic Tables including:
This site includes information on each element and has some video clips of reactions.
Once again information on each element with some detail of how each element.
This has the lyrics for the Tom Lehrer song 'The elements'. Further advice for using this link can be found in the BECTa publication 'Science On-line'.
This is an unusual site which displays the elements as characters from comic books. It is interesting and might catch the imagination of less motivated pupils.
Unit 8F. Compounds and mixtures
- Simple animations of an element, compound and mixture (in the gas phase).
- Matching exercise from Doc Brown, multi-word fill quiz and multiple choice quiz.
8Fb - All change
BBC Bitesize revision.
Unit 8G. Rocks and weathering
- Essential guide to rocks from the BBC, site contains loads and loads of useful information, activities and pictures, including an animation/timeline of Britain’s ‘rocky’ past.
- Glossary of rock words (handy when someone asks you what, say, breccia is.
- all sorts of information about fossils, and has lots of pictures to help with identification.