PTSA Convention Highlights from Scooter Sagee
- Presidents should use their team. Farm out the work that needs attention. Presidents should be fully aware of ALL positions.
- DO NOT TAKE OVER YOUR POSITIONS but let volunteers help.
- Volunteers SHINE use them!
- Find what direction your PTSA is going
- Activities- you do (give list)
- Activities- you didn’t and why
- What activities should we do?
- Work within your local community
- Take advantage of any training
- Each chair should have a notebook about it (committee not books)
- Have a board retreat- gather for 3-4 hours to set goals for the up and coming year and work really hard on communication
- If more then 1 position has 2 people, make sure they have all the training
- President or president elect not co-chair
- PTSA can work with ASB but only in a contract
- President should never enter a meeting alone
- Know when your PTSA started, National started in 1897
- Make certain that records are available for members but don’t give copies. This falls on the treasurer but he/she should ask questions like is there something I could answer?
- Membership is a tax deduction
- Do we have fidelity bond?
- Should we have property coverage?
- Make sure we have proper handling of PTSA funds
- Main rule in PTSA is 2 signers on a check
- Get rid of parking lot talk
- A receipt should be given for all funds received
- Staff should not handle funds while on the clock
- Don’t store PTSA funds in school safe because then it becomes ASB’s money
- Can teacher be signers in our school?
- Think about using lock boxes for money that is entered into classrooms due to audit bases. President has key as well as the chair of the fundraiser
- Check should be written as followed sue to being taxed on it: Pay to the order of John Doe custodian for carnival
- What is the CORE to run our PTSA
- Do we have a contact for our PTSA room?
- Protect members interests
- Promote parent involvement
- Membership
- Prepare a plan for your campaign
- Define the value of PTSA for your community
- Prepare materials
- Evaluate programs
- Separate membership table from volunteer table
- Game plan: plan now, lay out a timeline, select committee memebers, determine needs, find out what is successful in our PTSA, and have goals
- Campaign ideas: contests, open house, registration, press release, back to school night, display boards/theme, and contact previous members
- Who can join? Anybody!
- Male involvement: get fathers and other male role models involved in PTSA. Get goals for fathers
- Let’s put the “T” back in PTSA with teacher involvement
- Student involvement
- Do we have volunteer time available?
- I have several ideas listed for fundraisers, too many to list
- Sign up sheets for teachers to help
- Can we do a movie night and elementary level?
- Do Fundraisers when needed, give kids a break!
In Conclusion:
- Be responsible board members
- Comply with state and federal regulations
- Properly handle all PTSA funds
- Build a working relationship with your school
Had a really great time at convention. Would be nice to have the time to be over there longer and get other classes in. Look forward to possible using ideas that I learned for the up and coming school year!
Thank You!
Scooter Sagee