Group: Row House (RH)
Compiler: Parvis Mir Haschemi
GROUND PLAN FILE: Building /Group: RH
/ No. 25Location: / Homberg
Constr. Year: / 1966
Architect: / Karl Heinz Stuke, Essen
Owner: / Gerhard Muster, Essen
1. Analysis
1.1 Calculative Analysis
Plot size446.96 m2 / Building width
8.44 m / Building depth
8,17 m / Built up area
52.56 m2 / Storey surface area (Gfl)
105.16 m2 / Storey height
2.70 m / Number of storeys
Dwelling 1
/ Dwelling 2Number of rooms / 4
Number of persons / 5
Room floor space / Code / m2 / Code / m2
G 1 / 27.53 / G
G / G
G / G
G / G
G / G
Total surfaces
/ G / 27.53 /G
I 1 / 14.00 / II 2 / 13.30 / I
I 3 / 6.96 / I
I / I
I / I
Total surfaces
/ I / 34.26 / IW 1
/ 6.96 / WW / W
W / W
W / W
W / W
Total surfaces
/ W / 6.96 / WS 1 / 4.28 / S
S 8 / 1.54 / S
S / S
S / S
S / S
Total surfaces
/ S / 5.82 / SA 1 / 0.95 / A
A 3 / 2.92 / A
A / A
A / A
A / A
Total surfaces
/ A / 3.87 / AV 1 / 1.46 / V
V 2 / 5.52 / V
V / V
V / V
V / V
Total surfaces
/ V / 6.38 / VF / F
F / F
F / F
F / F
Total surfaces / F / F
Floor space (DIN 283) / 61.79 m2
Use surface / 37,98 m2 / m2
Circulation area / - m2 / m2
G = Communication rooms / I = Individual rooms / W = Purpose rooms
G 1 Living room / I 1 Master bedroom / W 1 Prep kitchen
G 2 Living-dining area / I 3 Children’s bedroom 1 bed / W 2 Kitchen with seated eating area
G 3 Living – bedroom / I 4 Children‘s bedroom 2 Beds / W 3 Cooking area
G 4 Living-sleeping-dining area / I 5 Study / W 4 Kitchenette
G 5 Vestibule / I 6 Guest room / W 5 Work prep room (wet)
G 6 Dining area / I 7 / W 6 Work prep room (dry)
G 7 Multi-purpose room / W 7 Work prep room (wet/dry)
G 8 / W 8
S = Sanitary rooms / A = Storage rooms / F = External areas
S 1 Bathroom / A 1 Closet / F 1 Balcony
S 2 Bathroom + WC / A 2 Fitted cupboards / F 2 Loggia
S 3 Bathroom + Bidet / A 3 Wardrobe / F 3 Roofed terrace
S 4 Bathroom + WC + Bidet / A 4 / F 4 Open terrace
S 5 Bathroom + shower / F 5
S 6 Bathroom + WC + shower / V = Connecting rooms
S 7 Shower room + WC / V 1 Porch / S Parking spaces
S 8 WC / V 2 Vestibule / S 1 Garage
S 9 / V 3 Hallway / S 2 Carport
V 4 Playing area / S 3
V 5 Stairs
V 6 /
E Disposal areas
E 1
E 2
E 3
1.2 Comparative Analysis
C r I t e r I a
/ Yes / NoDwelling
1 / Ground plan divided into noise and quiet zones? (4) / x2 / Ground plan divided into living space functions: living/working/sleeping/sanitation / x
3 / Diagonal or corner-based ventilation possible in every room ? (6) / x
4 / Is every room at least 250 cm LH (= floor head room) high? (3) / x
5 / Can all doors be opened to 90°? (3) / x
6 / Can glass surfaces be cleaned without danger? (6) / x
7 / Change of room division or of individual building elements possible (flexibility)? / x
8 / Is another usage of a room possible by changing the furnishing (Variability)? / x
9 / Adjoining living areas insulated against noise through a 2-layer dividing wall? (4) / x
Communication rooms
1 / Window surface at least 1/8 of the room floor surface? (6) / x
2 / Is every room exposed to sunshine? (5) / x
3 / Living room free from traffic passing through? / x
4 / Living room breadth at least 375 cm? (9) / x
5 / Cupboard storage space at least 300 cm at a living room wall? (9) / x
6 / Dining area for at least 4 people at least 180x130 cm available? (1) / x
7 / Dining area to be extended for 8 people 180x240 cm? (10)
8 / Distance between eating area (behind chairs) and wall at least 30 cm? (1)
9 / Distance between eating area and another facility area at least 70 cm? (1)
8 / Is the eating area directly linked to the kitchen? (2) / x
Is the dining area so central that it can serve other purposes? (2)
9 / Distance from a door reveal to a corner of the room at least 50 cm? / x
10 / Required distances and movement areas available? (1) / x
Individual rooms
1 / Window surface at least 1/8 of the room floor surface? (6) / x
2 / Is every room exposed to sunshine? (5) / x
3 / Children’s rooms with two beds arranged one behind the other and a room depth of at least 426 cm? (7) / x
4 / Door width at least 70 cm for children’s room ( in order to push through the bed 70x140 cm) available? / x
5 / Every children’s room with a play area of at least 120 x180 cm? (1) / x
7 / Beds protected against draft, and not under any window? / x
8 / Study desk well lit, and without shade? / x
9 / Distance from door reveal to room corner at least 70 cm? / x
10 / A children’s room within hearing reach of parent’s bedroom? / x
11 / Required distances and movement areas available? (1) / x
Working rooms
1 / Window surface area at least 1/6 of room surface area RB (= dimension in unfinished state)? (6)
2 / Room width linear or l-shaped kitchen or work prep room respectively at least 186 cm? (2) / x
3 / Room width duel linear or u-shaped kitchen or work prep room respectively at least 246 cm? (2) / x
4 / Furnishings fitted together without gaps? (8) / x
5 / Furnishings with unified depth of 60 cm? (2) / x
6 / Right-to-left working pattern in the kitchen? (2) / x
7 / Total storage area wall length in the kitchen at least 700 cm? (2) / x
8 / Room-height refrigerator with external ventilation available? (2) / x
9 / Extractor fan shaft available? (2) / x
10 / Distance from door reveal to a corner of the room at least 70 cm in a One-Lined or L-Shaped kitchen? (2) / x
11 / Distance from the door reveal to a corner of the room at least 70 cm in a Two-Lined or U-Shaped kitchen? (2) / x
12 / Distance from door reveal to both corners of the room at least 45 cm? (2) / x
13 / Railing height at least 120 cm? / x
14 / Dining area available? (2) / x
15 / Standing eating area available? (2) / x
16 / Direct access from kitchen to the hallway and vestibule respectively? (2) / x
17 / Direct access from kitchen to dining area? (2) / x
18 / Can small children play near to the kitchen under observation? / x
19 / Can the entrance to the house be seen from the kitchen? / x
20 / Prep room (wet) with a door width of at least 75 cm RR (= shell of an unfinished building) ? (2) / x
21 / Direct access from prep room (wet/dry) to the kitchen and/or bathroom? (2) / x
22 / Total storage space wall length in:
- Prep room (wet) at least 450 cm
- Prep room (dry) at least 390 cm ? (2)
23 / Required distances and movement spaces available? (2)
Sanitation rooms
1 / WC with a room width of at least 90 cm? (6) / x
2 / WC room with a wash basin? (2) / x
3 / 2 separate WCs for a house with 5 people available? (2) / x
4 / Bathroom fittings and WC divided into separate rooms? (7) / x
5 / In a multi-storey dwelling, at least 1 WC per floor? (2) / x
6 / Bath tub and WC protected against draft and not under any window? / x
7 / Bathroom with storage space for a washing machine. Door width at least 75 cm available? (2) / x
8 / WC near to entrance? / x
9 / Direct access from bathroom and WC to the hallway? (8) / x
10 / Shower cubicle at least 80x80 cm available? (2) / x
11 / Bidet in place ? (2) / x
12 / Required distances and movement spaces available? (2) / x
Storage rooms
1 / Cleaning equipment cupboard at least 50x60 cm or storage corner at least 30 cm deep available? (1) / x
2 / Is the cleaning equipment cupboard or corner located near the kitchen? / x
3 / Wardrobe at least 100 cm wide near to the house entrance? (1) / x
4 / Pantry room protected against heat and not located at a boiler room wall? / x
5 / Storage space/room for pram, bikes on the entrance floor available, without having to go through the porch or kitchen? (9) / x
Connecting rooms
1 / Do the porch doors open up functionally? / x
2 / Vestibule at least 130 cm wide? (1) / x
3 / Side hallways at least 90 cm wide? (1)
4 / Stairs with a incline of 21/21 cm? (5)
5 / Stair width at least 80 cm in multi-storey dwellings? (6) / x
6 / Spiral staircases maximum 180° per storey in a multi-level dwelling? (6) / x
7 / Spiral staircases at the most narrow point with a first-step height of at least 10 cm? (3) / x
Open space rooms
1 / Terrace set towards neighbours with view- and sound protection? (9) / x
2 / Loggia / balcony at least 140 cm deep? (6)
2 / Can the garden be reached without entering the internal living space? (9) / x
3 / Garden equipment near to hand in garden? / x
Rubbish disposal area
1 / Rubbish bins protected and stored away without disturbing? (6) / x
2 / Rubbish bin area located maximum 15 m away from accessible walkways? (6) / x
(1) DIN[1] 18011 Stellflächen, Abstände und Bewegungsflächen im Wohnungsbau. Berlin, March 1967
(2) DIN 18022 Küche, Bad WC Hausarbeitsraum; Planungsgrundlagen für den Wohnungsbau. Berlin, November 1967
(3) DIN 18025 (Entwurf) Wohnungen für Schwerbehinderte, Wohnungen für Rollstuhlbenutzer. Berlin, August 1969
(4) DIN 4109 Schallschutz im Hochbau. Berlin, April 1963
(5) DIN 5034 Innenraumbeleuchtung bei Tageslicht. Berlin, November 1963
(6) Bauordnung[2] für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. Düsseldorf, 1971
(7) Grundsätze des Demonstrativprogramms für Vorbereitung, Planung und Durchführung der Bauvorhaben in der Fassung von 1956 (II/2-2305a/16/56)
(8) Grundsätze für Demonstrativbauvorhaben des Bundesministers für Wohnungswesen und Städtebau in der Fassung von 1966 (IV A 3-2656/6/65)
(9) Gesellschaft für Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesen e.V. (Hrsg.): Die Gute Wohnung. Hamburg 1967
(10) Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Ed.):
Space in the home, London 1968
1.3 Graphic AnalysisRoom connection- and transport channels Scale = 1 : 100 North point
(60 cm wide)
2. Evaluation
2.1 Calculative AnalysisFloor space 61.79 Neighbouring width 6.49
Storey space = 105.16 = 0.58 m2 User number = 5 = 1.28 m2
Floor space 61.79 Storey space 105.16
User number = 5 = 12.36 m2 User number = 5 = 21.03 m2
Comparison of space surface area m2
55.3 100 130 0.28 0.04 / +G 2 I 1 I 2 I 3 P 1 S 1 S 8 A 1 V /
22.0 13.0 12.0 8.0 7.5 4.0 1.5 1.0 10.02.04 0.54 0.05 0.04 / -
Comparison of room groups in %
G + I = 61.79 % W + S + A = 16.65 % V = 6.98 % /CURRENT
G + I = 55.0 % W + S + A = 14.0 % V = 10 %
2.2 Graphic AnalysisRoom connections- and transport ways (60 cm wide)
walk (m) / climb (steps) / Passage through
Entrance ….. / - Living room / 5 / V 1 V 2
- Kitchen / 5 / V 1 V 2
- Children’s
bedrooms / 4 / 12 / V 1 V 2
- Sanitary rooms / 2 / V 1
- Terrace / 9 / V 1 V 2 K 2
Kitchen = = = = / - Dining area / 2.5
- Work prep. room
- Cupboards
- Broom closet
- Children’s bedrooms / 3
Bathroom - - - - / - Master bedroom / 1,50
- Children’s bedrooms / 3
Fitting, furnishing, distances, movement surfaces(DIN 18011, DIN 18022)
II 3
III 2 5
IV 7
V 2 5
2.3 Comparative Analysis
I = 5
II = 2
III = 3, 5
IV = 3, 4, 6
V = 2
VI = 2, 4VII = 1
VIII = 1, 3
3. Dwelling views
Street view
Garden view
[1]DIN e. V.
DIN, the German Institute for Standardisation, is a private organization registered as a non-profit association. Its members come from industry, associations, public authorities, commerce; the trades and research organisations.
By agreement with the German Federal Government, DIN is the acknowledged national standards body that represents German interests in European and international standards organisations. The permanent staff at DIN coordinate the entire standardisation process at national level, and are responsible for organising German participation in standards work at the European and international level.
[2] Construction regulations for the federal state NW (BauO NW);
II. Dwelling construction regulations from 27th July 1956 (state-financed dwelling construction programme),
§ 39 –dwelling size, § 40 – minimum furnishing level.