Clearview Minor Hockey Meeting Oct 4, 2016.

Present: Mike Giesbrecht, Brent Cote, Clint Ollenberger, Dave VanderLinden, Twila Clay, Andrea Johnson, Sherri Fell, Cindy Clay, Sandy Hiebert

Meeting called to order @ 7:18pm


Cindy: went over balance sheet and income statement.

We are in negative $ because of the new jerseys, but we are still doing allright.

Deadline for Registration fees: Nov 1, or at the start of All Peace season, whichever comes first; looks like start of All Peace will occur first.

Barb 1st Sheri 2nd the financial report

Brent said the new IP boards and nets will be ready in nine weeks. Brent will talk to Trudy Alexander to see if there is anything she can do to help us out meanwhile.

Website update: Mandie is looking after this; she is not present at tonight’s meeting.

CTT: everyone must complete them before stepping on ice.

Team managers are finalized; Barb will look after making sure criminal record checks are done and up-to-date.

Finance committee members so far: Dave V and Cindy C.

Arena signage: the company started working on the new CV signs today.

Brent will look into booking Phil Hiscock clinics.


Affiliation policy review: this will be looked after as soon as other pending issues are out of the way.

We must follow up with all discipline. All suspensions must be reviewed. Clint Ollenberger will look after this.

Head coach (Brent C.): has one assessment request. Parent must pay the non-refundable fee made out to Clearview Minor Hockey, and then the player must be evaluated.

Hockey Canada says 4 year olds can play minor hockey.

ShaelynnLeuenberger: she is currently rostered in PeeWee, but she will be assessed and then it is up to the family from there.

Jayden Storey: same as above.

Katelynn Bueckert played with the Novice today and had a great game; Barb will roster her in Novice.

Barb: Registration number:

Initiation: 13 Coaches: Clayton, Lance, Matt, Sabrina

Novice: 17 Coaches: Mike, Steve, Clayton, Matt. Safety people unknown at this point

Atom: 12 Coaches: Mike, Steve, Wes, Dave V, Clinton

PeeWee: 18 (Jayden Storey may move to Atom) Coaches: Matt, Brent, Steve, Clint

Midget Female: 16 Coaches: Dave W., Kevin Woolen, Chad Rogers, Corey Byrd.

Bantam Boys: 0 (none)

Sheri (safety):

She showed us Hockey Canada’s newone-page medical form to be filled out by every player at registration. Sherri will print of 80 forms for Clearview. Sherri will get all of the Medical Binders ready for this coming weekend.

Novice and Atoms have completed their “Out of Province” forms.

Mike: (Official in Chief):

Level-One refs and new refs need to do the On-line course.

First games: Oct 15.

Ice Time for refs: They want to take the non-existent Bantam time of 6:00pm on Tuesdays, as needed. 4on4 will then start at 8:00 pm

Sandy will have the yearly tournament and game time schedule done by Wed. Oct 19.

Apparel ordering: Troy has some samples for us to look at. We still have the old jackets that have no logo on them; Troy can put the new logo on these coats. They need to be purchased by Dec 15.

We need to have the bulk of this order of new jacket orders need to be in by Oct 20; team managers make sure that everything is ordered by this date, otherwise the price will likely be higher.

We need “Clearview Hockey Coach” coats.

Dave will order a box of new pucks. Brent made motion; Mike second.

Player evaluators:

We need two additional impartial evaluators to do the evaluation of players. (besides Vice Pres, Head Coach, Safety Coordinator). Once the evaluation in made, the results will be final.

Jersey Parents:

Dave asked if Jersey Parents should receive honorarium of $150.00 per team (goes to the person/people who wash jerseys; if two families are sharing this job, they will split the $150.00). Cindy made motion toreceive honorarium of $150.00 per team; Barb second. Team managers will let Cindy know who the jersey parents are and Cindy will cut the cheques.

Jerseys should arrive to Crayon Box tomorrow. There should be a list of which team gets which jerseys. Team managers will need to keep a record of whichplayersreceive their socks. Each payer will get one free pair of hockey socks this year. Replacement socks will cost roughly $20-30 per pair.

Non-registered players cannot play games.

Added to Agenda:

Managers need to inform visiting teams that the Canteen and Skate sharpening is CASH ONLY, and there is no bank machine on premises (closest bank machine is at the Cecil Lake Store which has limited hours).

The TV needs to be mounted in the “New Office” before next week: “Sportsmanship in the Stands” course is next week.


Cost for signs in arena: $150 for side wall and $200 for end wall. The company must buy their own sign.

We need to pay the arena staff to take down the signs. Sandy makes the motion. Cindy Second.

We have a new form to show that eachplayer’sregistration information is complete, accurate, and current, each and every year; this form must be attached to every player filelocated in the “New Office”.

Dave attended the NERHL meeting. They threatened to mandate that we may have to go in the NERHL league next year. They are through BC Hockey. If they have the numbers for the teams next year, the teams will be tiered. Bantam and Midget won’t have to be part of NERHL.

Sheri read a letter that the Girls LB Energy Predators sent to Clearview Hockey; they are asking Clearview to donate money to their team to help cover costs.

Dave asked for details of their finances. This request will be tabled until we get more financial information.

Mike: There will be a parent orientation session/meeting for parents of players in the IP program (Initiation and Novice),on Oct 6.

We need to change our Hockey meetings from Tuesdays to a different night because Dave has coaching commitments in town. We chose to have our hockey meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. Next meeting will be Wed. Nov. 2, 2016 @ 7:00pm.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:05pm.