Competitors Subcommittee (CSC)
Committee report
10 March 2005
Lausanne, Switzerland
1) Roll call:
Present were Chairman, Alan Blount, and committee members, Sean Kavanagh, Nick Donner, Olivier Roux Devillas and Mathijs DeBruijn.
Observing were, David Levin, Salvator Haim, David Bareford, Marcus and Nicole Haggeney, Gerald Sturzlinger, Ewe Schneider and others.
2) Event Questionnaires and Evaluations. Discussion / Proposals:
Various committee members and others who will be present at events will compile questionnaires. European championships to be prepared by Nick Donner, Pre-worlds in Motegi to be prepared by Sean Kavanagh, Mobilux to be prepared by Gerald Sturzlinger.
Each summary will be preceded with a disclaimer. Once compiled and summarized, the document will be sent, first, to the event director and organizer who will have 14 days for comment, then will be sent to the Competition sub committee members who will have 14 days for comments. At the end of these time periods Mathijs DeBruijn will post the evaluation report to the Internet
No recommendations necessary.
3) Recommendations for future Event / organizer stipend guidelines:
There was discussion about the need for a substantial deposit by an organizer or a performance bond to guarantee that stipends or promises of services would be given to the pilots without restriction or conditions. It was also recommended that EPAS obtain clear descriptions of promised incentives in the most clear and unambiguous terms.
Motion: During the bid process, organizers shall clearly define which promises or stipends can be guaranteed and which are still under investigation or under negotiation. EPAS shall draw up this list and distribute it at the time the bid is put to the CIA for consideration. Any conditions attached to these items shall also be presented at this time.
During the bid process, where an organizer promises stipends, the organizer shall supply a cash value that is a guaranteed alternative for competitors to receive in place of that product or service.
Motion: EPAS are to adjust the event agreement to include a section covering stipends that clearly commits the organizer to those items that they have promised. Any conditions attached to those items should also be recorded in the agreement.
4) Recommendations to address shortcomings in other bid requirements:
Discussion of previous agenda item encompassed this topic.
No recommendations necessary.
5) Discussion about who should pay the World Championship's Trophy (Kinsinger Trophy) shipping expenses:
There was consensus that the arrangements for transport, transportation costs and shipping insurance are the responsibility of the organizer. While there might be practical means from time to time for the winner of the trophy to help in these regards, winning the trophy does not impose a responsibility to transport it. The weight of the trophy is roughly 35 kilos including the case.
Motion: The Organizer shall agree in the bid contract to provide transport and insurance in a timely fashion for the Kinsinger Trophy, if necessary, from the defending champion to the current championship and then from the championship to the new champion’s home. .
6) Designate a Competitor’s representative for 2005 Events. (All CAT I, Worlds and Continentals.).
It was agreed by the members that there should be a competitor’s representative staff member at each CATI, Worlds and Continental event. Discussion included the need for the committee to select each representative (This could be a choice from several names supplied by the competition director, as is currently done with jury selection). There was a desire for 2005 and 2006 events to have an informal representative. However, it was recognized that the following points should be developed:
1) A definition of the competitor’s representative’s duties.
2) Define who would qualify for this position / what qualities they should possess.
3) Define what privileges the individual should have.
4) Define the obligations that the organizer should have for travel, lodging, meals and related costs for the competitor’s representative, if any.
No recommendations necessary. Tabled for further study until 2006 meeting.
7) Recommendations to the new invitation procedures of Section I 5.6.2 ADDITIONAL INVITATIONS, in particular, the handling of a 'Standby list':
Mathijs to refine a statement that addresses invitation procedures and recommends an ongoing website presence that would be updated regularly by the organizer (daily, if necessary). The website would have a statement that clearly identifies deadlines, procedures and progress at each stage of the invitation process that could be easily monitored by the prospective competitors. The CIA website would have a link to this information.
No recommendation necessary. Tabled for further development until 2006 meeting.
8) Review pilot selection methodology for World Championships:
The committee took no action.
No recommendation necessary
9) Explore concept of scratching the worst score from competitors during a championship:
It was decided to take no action to authorize scratching of a worst score. The overall consensus was that the concept would not provide any significant benefit.
No recommendation necessary.
10) Use of data loggers. Possible guidelines for use:
It was discussed that the competitors should be polled by use of the event evaluations and other means as to their thoughts about the use of data loggers. Proposals for use guidelines to be developed and presented for discussion at the 2006 meeting.
No recommendations necessary.
11) Recommendation for a standardized ceiling height during championships:
The committee believes that it is in the competitors’ best interests to have protected airspace that extends to a sufficient height to have good competition and that low ceiling heights are detrimental to good competition.
Motion: To ensure a good level of competition, organizers presenting a bid shall include a letter from the relevant Civil Aviation organization outlining the agreed airspace restrictions, maximum and minimum altitudes in relation to the proposed competition area. The maximum altitude should be in excess of 6000ft AGL.
There was no further business proposed at the meeting.
12) 2005 / 2006 CSC and WG members, CSC chairman:
The subcommittee shall consist of Alan Blount, chairman, Nick Donner, Sean Kavanagh, Sasha Haim and Olivier Roux Devillas as committee members. According to the rotation principal established for the committee, Mathijs DeBruijn is retiring from the committee.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30, 10 March 2004
Competition Subcommittee (CSC)
Proposed Motions
10 March 2005
Lausanne, Switzerland
Motion 1a: During the bid process, organizers shall clearly define which promises or stipends can be guaranteed and which are still under investigation or under negotiation. EPAS shall draw up this list and distribute it at the time the bid is put to the CIA for consideration. Any conditions attached to these items shall also be presented at this time.
Motion 1b: During the bid process, where stipends are promised by an organizer, the organizer shall state a cash value that is a guaranteed alternative for competitors to receive in place of that product or service.
Carried; For 16
Motion 2: EPAS are to adjust the event agreement to include a section covering stipends that clearly commits the organizer to those items that they have promised. Any conditions attached to those items should also be recorded in the agreement.
Carried: for 20
Motion 3: The Organizer shall agree in the bid contract to provide transport and insurance in a timely fashion for any traveling Trophy, if necessary, from the defending champion to the current championship and then from the championship to the new champion’s home.
Carried: for 23
Motion 4: To ensure a good level of competition, organizers presenting a bid shall include a letter from the relevant Civil Aviation organization outlining the agreed airspace restrictions, maximum and minimum altitudes in relation to the proposed competition area. The maximum altitude should be in excess of 6000ft AGL.