Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
CE 4910W & ENVE 4920W Senior Design Project Presentations
FLC Room 212 (Times are approximate)
April 28, 2009
2:00 PM
Athletic Field
Sponsor: Town of Mansfield
Lesley Beers
Michael Manos
Eric Nigosanti
2:20 PM
Renovation/Addition to Skilled Nursing Facility
Sponsor: BVH Integrated Services
Derrick Bell
Brian Hollingworth
Jonathan Popoli
Stephen Prusaczyk
2:40 PM
Main St. Crossing Feasibility Study
Sponsor: Fuss & O'Neill
Susan Bakulski
Philip Cassata
Tyler Piche
Robert Sasson
3:00 PM
The Hydrosail: Efficient Harvesting of Waterborne Energy
Sponsor: eGen LLC
Paul Johnson
Michelle Przybylek
Amanda Ziegler
3:30 PM
Best Management Practices for Mirror Lake Retention Basin
Sponsor: UConn Office of Environmental Policy
Mykel Mendes
Lisa Sarubbi
3:50 PM
Mirror Lake: Efficient Weir Design for Best Management Practices
Sponsor: UConn Office of Environmental Policy
Garrett Bolella
Miguel Lopez
4:10 PM
Walkway/Bikeway - Groton
Sponsor: Karl Acimovic P.E.
Daniel Blanchette
William Higgins
Shelley Plude
Erin Spanos
4:30 PM
Bridge Design – Rt. 1 over Wepawaug River
Sponsor: Baker Engineering
Justin Abate
Alison Galasso
Stephen Marien
Brenton Schoppmann
April 30, 2009
2:00 PM
Community Sports Complex - Norwalk
Sponsor: George Torello Engineers
Brian Deperry
David Gruttadauria
Gregory Khirallah
Bryan Sardo
2:20 PM
Bridge Design – Stonington/Ledyard
Sponsor: George Torello Engineers
Christopher Chuck
Christopher Kolasa
Gustavo Melo
Besmir Xhurxhi
2:40 PM
Thrall Hall
Sponsor: Doug Moore
Sean Laudati
Eric Lovejoy
Kevin Seidensticker
Patrick Surace
3:00 PM
Stafford Springs WPCF: Fixed Film Wastewater Treatment
Sponsor: ENTEX
Michael McGuire
Brian Messner
Zachary Monge
3:30 PM
National Chromium Remedial Action Plan
Sponsor: AECOM
James Honda
Kathryn Shinkiewicz
Matthew Quaranta
3:50 PM
Oil Storage Facility
Sponsor: Ocean and Coastal Consultants
Thomas Gionet
James Jacobson
Nicholas Keenan
Daniel Marieni
4:10 PM
CTDOT BRT Busway Station
Sponsor: S E A Consultants
Harry Martindale
Phillip Straker
Dan Veronesi
Jason Zheng
4:30 PM
Albany Avenue Signal Design - Hartford
Sponsor: Urban Engineers
Timothy Chan
Rachel Kennedy
Rebecca Ruitto