Compass Men’s Bible Study LESSON 1 Hebrews 1:1-4
Day 1 / THEN
Read Hebrews 1:1-2
1)Unlike other New Testament books, in these opening verses of Hebrews, the author doesn’t introduce himself, the recipients are not identified and there is no greeting. What effect, if any, might this greeting have had on the original readers of this book (see especially v.2)?
2)The author compares God speaking in the past through the prophets, but in “these last days” through his Son. What does this say about God’s relationship to His people?How mightthis comparison hint at issues that the author of Hebrews hopes to address in this letter? (See Heb. 8:13).
In prayer, thank God for speaking to us clearly and definitively through his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Day 2 / THEN
Read Hebrews 1:3-4
3)What does the author say about Jesus Christ in verse 3? (See John 1:1-3, 10:30, and 14:9-10).Why is this important?
4)What role do verses 3 and 4 say that Jesus plays in superintending his created order? (SeeCol. 1:17). Why is it important to understand this truth about Christ?
Pray for increasing trust in Christ’s daily superintendence over his world and in your life.
Day 3 / ALWAYS
Read Hebrews 1:1-4
5)Here (v. 2) and elsewhere, the New Testament refers to the “last days,” which includes those days up to the present. How should Christians be living if these are really the last days?
6)Verses 1-4 beautifully and eloquently speak broadly of the majesty, glory and deity of Jesus Christ. What two specific acts did he accomplish for you in the last sentence of verse 3? How will these acts always affect the course of history?
In prayer, praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his awesome glory and power! Thank him for purifying you of your sins!
Day 4 / ALWAYS
Read Hebrews 1:1-4
7)What is the author referring to in verse 1 in saying, “God spoke to our fathers by the prophets”? What relavence do those words have to believers who didn’t receive them directly?
8) Read each of the verses below and create an “always true” statement about each one, focusing on how each helps with your understanding of verses 1-2 and specifically on the truth that God has revealed himself to us through Christ, and then given his word to us in Scripture.
2 Tim. 3:16
2 Peter 1:21
Luke 24:25-27
John 5:39
Praise God for giving to us his written Word, and pray for increasing understanding and application of its truth.
Day 5 / NOW
Read Hebrews 1:1-4
9)In verse 3, after accomplishing purification for sins, Jesus “sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.” Considering John 16:7,why was it better for us that Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, rather than staying on earth? In what ways might your answer affect your prayers each morning?
10)Given Jesus’ exalted position, imagine yourself at your place of employment. Explain how each of the verses below should affect what you say, how youact, and present Christ each day.
Phil. 2:9-11
Ex. 20:3
Is. 45:5
Rev. 1:12-18
Praythat there would be no area of your life where Jesus Christ is not Lord.
Day 6 / NOW
Read Hebrews 1:1-4
11) How is the worldview presented in verses 1-4 different from that which we see in today’s culture?
12)Verses 1-4 clearly depict Jesus Christ as the culmination of God’s revelation—the Old Testament scriptures point to him and are fulfilled in him. Specifically, what can you do today to encourage other Christians to live for his God’s glory and the advancement of his kingdom?
Pray for daily endurance to follow Christ, encourage other Christians,and for opportunities to share his Gospel.