Vocabulary Final Review Lists 1,2,3 & 4 Ninth Grade English Mr. Zervanos

Matching. Roots with their meanings.

____ 1. -onymA. To write

____ 2. -miss, -mitB. Heart

____ 3. -demoC. People

____ 4. -cordD. To send, let go

____ 5. -scriptE. Name

Matching. Definitions with vocabulary words.

____ 6. pseudonymA. One who is forced to enroll in the army

____ 7. acronymB. To outlaw, to prohibit, to forbid

____ 8. remissionC. Harmony

____ 9. intermittentD. Warm, sincere

____ 10. endemicE. Statistical studies of human population

____ 11. DemographicsF. Existing in or specific to a particular locality or geographic area

____ 12. CordialG. Stopping and starting at intervals

____ 13. concordH. The condition of being diminished or relaxed

____ 14. proscribeI. A word formed from the initial letters of words

____ 15. conscriptJ. A fake name, often used by writers or artists

Matching. Roots with their meanings.

____ 1. -pleteA. To join

____ 2. -cogB. To fill

____ 3. -clus/-cludC. God

____ 4. -junctD. To shut

____ 5. -theoE. To get to know

Matching. Definitions with vocabulary words.

____ 6. RepleteA. One attached to another in a subordinate relationship

____ 7. DepleteB. With one’s identity concealed

____ 8. IncognitoC. Government by a god regarded as the ruling power

____ 9. IncognizantD. Plentifully supplied; abounding

____ 10. RecluseE. The study of the nature of God and religious truth

____ 11. PrecludeF. To use up or exhaust

____ 12. JunctureG. The point where two things are joined

____ 13. AdjunctH. Unconscious or unaware

____ 14. TheologyI. To prevent or make impossible

____ 15. TheocracyJ. One who lives in solitude or seclusion; a hermit

Matching roots and their meanings.

____ 1. Amphi, ambiA. Alone

____ 2. Voc B. To make, do

____ 3. Verb C. Both

____ 4. SoliD. Voice

____ 5. Fac, fic E. Word

Matching. Definitions with vocabulary words.

____ 6. AmbivalentA. Done or achieved with little effort; easy

____ 7. AmbidextrousB. An exact copy or likeness; perfect reproduction

____ 8. advocateC. Devoid of inhabitants; deserted; barren

____ 9. vociferousD. A speech made by an actor to himself when alone

____ 10. proverbialE. Able to use both hands equally

____ 11. VerboseF. Acting in opposite ways; having conflicting feelings

____ 12. soliloquyG. To speak in favor of

____ 13. desolateH. Making an outcry; loud

____ 14. FacileI. Like a well-known wise saying or phrase

____ 15. facsimileJ. Using too many words, wordy

Matching roots and their meanings.

____ 1. CantA. hand

____ 2. Man B. to roll

____ 3. Volve C. sing

____ 4. MedD. to lift up

____ 5. Levat E. middle

Matching. Definitions with vocabulary words.

____ 6. recantA. Peacemaker who intervenes between others

____ 7. cantorB. to take back formally or publicly

____ 8. manipulateC. apparent to the eye or mind; plan, clear

____ 9. manifestD. person who leads singing in religious service

____ 10. evolutionE. having to do with the middle ages

____ 11. convolutedF. confused, twisted

____ 12. medievalG. to make more bearable; to reduce pain

____ 13. mediatorH. to control by use of hands; to influence cleverly

____ 14. levityI. Gradual development; process of growth

____ 15. alleviateJ. lightness of speech or manner