Year 2 KO Reference h

Compare two lengths, masses or capacities by direct comparison.

8. Look at the white pencil and the red pencil.

Which pencil is longer?

18. Look at the blue cup and the green cup.

Which cup holds more rice? Check your answer with the balance.

Key Words

Long/longer, short/shorter, half full, half empty, full, empty, holds more, holds less, heavy/heavier than, light/lighter than, is about the same as, tall, taller, wide, narrow/narrower.

Key Questions

How did you decide which was the narrower/longer etc.?

Practical Activities

 Activities which require the pupils to use measurements practically – items that are longer/shorter, longest/shortest.

 Activities that require the pupils to compare lengths by lining up items.

 Activities that require the pupils to compare weight/mass by handling materials. (Their hands can be used as a balance).

 Activities that require the pupils to compare capacities by pouring.

 Go into the school grounds – describe the things you can see (use the Key Words above).

 The whiteboards can be used to draw items that are long/short, half full/full/empty, heavy/light etc. Remember, these can be photocopied and kept for the pupils’ workbooks.

 Select familiar items – draw and laminate. Use sentences such as "is about the same as", "is heavier than" and "is lighter than". Pupils to create sentences using these patterns. Actual items may also be used e.g. fruit, toys etc – they can check their accuracy on a balance.

 Gardening activities : compare growing plants, select pots by size etc.

 Sort objects into PE hoops as a large group activity.

Written Activities

Written activities should link with the above practical activities & may include;

 Two boxes labelled ‘long’ and ‘short’ – pupils draw items in the boxes (Comparing length).

 Two boxes labelled ‘heaviest’ and ‘lightest’ – pupils draw items in the boxes (Comparing weight).

 Two boxes labelled ‘half-full’ and ‘empty’ - pupils draw items in the boxes (Comparing capacity).

 Worksheet showing a selection of pictures, pupils to draw taller/longer/shorter examples e.g. Draw one pencil, pupil has to draw a narrower pencil etc.

Digital camera can be used to record results of practical work.


a Power Point presentation suitable for Year 1 : Heavy and Light (Which object will make the scales go down? This simple PowerPoint presentation will give your KS1 children a chance to discuss it).

has worksheets for Year 1: Measuring: Taller or Shorter than Me, Measuring: Shortest to Tallest and Measuring: Using our bodies (also lots of other suitable material here).

See for suggested Measurement activities and resources.

Any software can be adapted to develop skills & use of language in this area: comparing lengths, capacities and masses of items on the screen.


Storybooks/rhymes/songs to link with areas above.

Home activities/Homework

Worksheets to link with the above activities.

A Maths Sack could be produced. It could contain pictures of items (flashcards) or actual items. Parents could be encouraged to use the list of Key Words with their children (to describe the items). Making the Key Words into flashcards for practice at home would also be useful.

Sorting kitchen cupboards … tall tins … shorter tins etc.

Heights of family members … tallest … shortest etc.
