Product # 1

Escalon- Allegro Classic Italian Pasta Sauce, Ready-to-use

Weight: 6 lbs. 9 oz, (2.98 kg)

Serving size: ¼ cup Calories per serving: 30

Carbohydrate- 5 gm, Fiber- 2 gm, Sugar- 3 gm

Protein- 1 gm

Fat- 0 gm, Cholesterol- 0 gm

Na- 320 mg, Vit A- 6% of DV, Vit C 4%, Ca- 2%, Fe-2%

Ingredients: Tomato puree, salt, sugar, Extra virgin olive oil, spices, garlic powder.

Price per can: $4.70. Servings per can- 52.5

Texture: somewhat creamy, smooth, slick

Taste: mildly sweet, tangy, also savory, spicy, garlic

Fragrance: Earthy, smell of tomato, fragrant, garlicy, herbal

Color: red, vibrant

Storage: 2.5 years unopened. 2 weeks opened. (Organic Life will only keep opened tomato products for no more than 5 days then discard.)

Procurement: this product is purchased from the local GFS store.

This product has an excellent flavor and texture, with a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. Its list of ingredients is simple and short. This is a plus since all of the ingredients are easily identifiable and no chemicals are listed. Its sodium content per serving is rather high at 320 mg per ¼ cup. Most people would ingest at least a half cup with pasta, putting their sodium intake at 640 mg or more; almost half of the recommended daily value. There are only 30 calories per serving, but again, most would not have only a quarter cup. However, even 60 calories per serving is not bad. The vitamin and mineral content is minimal and insignificant. The sugar content is very low, which is a plus. The fiber content of 2 grams per ¼ cup is very nice. This is one area where having more than a quarter cup serving is of benefit. Carbohydrate content of only 5 grams is interesting, but the protein content is very low at only 1 gram. Another interesting feature is the fact that it states 0 grams fat, but the ingredient list shows extra virgin olive oil on the label. This is most likely indicative of less than 1 gram of fat per serving, but that kind of labeling is somewhat misleading. Since there are no animal products in this item, there would therefore be no cholesterol either.

The storage life of Allegro Classic Italian Pasta Sauce is excellent at > 2 years unopened. As with most canned goods, there is a long shelf life as long as the can is unopened. Once opened, it is best to use the product up within a few weeks.

Organic Life purchases almost all of their items from a local GFS store. They receive one delivery per week and the shipment must be at least $400. Since this is a non-perishable item, it is stored in dry storage.

The cost of $4.70 for a 105 ounce can is an impressive price. This comes to about 9 cents per serving. Organic life tries to keep costs down by having menu items cost 10 cents or less per serving if possible. At 9 cents per serving, this pasta sauce fits the bill.

Product #2

Primo Gusto Fancy California Pasta Sauce (made with fresh tomatoes)

Weight: 6 lbs. 9 oz, (2.98 kg)

Serving size: ½ cup Calories per serving: 50

Carbohydrate- 8 gm, Fiber- 2 gm, Sugar- 5 gm

Protein- 1 gm

Fat- 1.5 gm, trans fat- 0 gm, saturated fat- 0 gm, Cholesterol- 0 gm

Na- 480 mg, Vit A- 15% of DV, Vit C 15%, Ca- 2%, Fe-4%

Ingredients: Fresh vine-ripened, peeled tomatoes, tomato puree, extra virgin olive oil, dehydrated onions, garlic, salt, andspices.

Price per can: $5.62 Servings per can- 28.75

Texture: liquid, thinner consistency, slightly chunky, moderately creamy, strong tomato flavor

Taste: Rich, authentic Italian flavor, slightly tangy, also savory, oniony, garlicy

Fragrance: Strong tomato fragrance, smell of onion, fragrant, garlicy, herbal

Color: dark red

Storage: 2.5 years unopened. 2 weeks opened. (Organic Life will only keep opened tomato products for no more than 5 days then discard.)

Procurement: This product is purchased from the local GFS store.

This product has a traditional pasta sauce flavor. It is much less tangy and pungent than the first product. It is also chunkier than the first item. A positive feature of this pasta sauce is that it also has a short and easily identifiable ingredient list. There are no artificial chemicals, flavors or colors in this item. I find that to be a huge plus. Every ingredient is a familiar one. In addition, its serving size is more realistic at ½ cup. And if compared to the first sauce, this one has fewer calories per half cup at only 50. A half cup of the other sauce has 60. For a country with an epidemic of obesity, I would take this under consideration and view it as a positive thing. The vitamin content of this sauce is slightly higher per half cup serving at 15% for vitamins A and C. The calcium and iron content are about the same. The sodium content is a bit lower at only 480 grams per half cup compared to the other sauce at 640 per half cup. This is a definite plus in terms of health and nutrition. Cutting sodium in our diets is not only recommended in terms of blood pressure control, but also in terms of water retention, and it is one of the USDA Recommended Dietary Guidelines. Sugar is lower in this product by 1 gram per serving. It is also lower in carbohydrate content by 2 grams. Unfortunately, it is also lower in fiber with only 2 grams per half cup; the other product had 4 grams per half cup. The protein content in this item is also lower at 1 gram per half cup, whereas the other sauce had 2 grams per half cup. The texture of this sauce was much more consistent with a traditional pasta sauce, having more texture to it. The chunks of tomato and onions gave a more interesting mouthfeel. The consistency was thinner and more watery than the other sauce. Neither contained meat, which would have added flavor and texture. The label states that vine ripened tomatoes were used. I’m not sure what benefit this adds other than possibly a slightly better flavor. However, that description is most likely a selling feature of this item and probably the reason for the higher cost.

The cost of this product is $5.62 per 105 ounce can. This comes to almost 20 cents per serving. Although a serving of this sauce is 1/2 cup, if you adjust the other sauce to a ½ cup, it is still cheaper at 18 cents per half cup serving, which is the more realistic serving size. For the additional 2 cents per serving, this second sauce has the more authentic flavor and better texture.

The recommendation would be to use the second sauce for traditional pasta recipes and stick to the ½ cup serving. The flavor, texture and mouthfeel in addition to the slightly higher vitamin content and lower sodium justifies the ever so slightly higher serving cost.