Student Annual Research Progress Report
Students in the CBMS Program are required to meet with their graduate committees at least once each year. MS students should meet with their committees near the anniversary of Certification. PhD students should meet with their committees near the anniversary of Prelim B. The purpose of each meeting is for the student to demonstrate satisfactory research progress toward achievement of their degree. A short progress report (1 – 10 pages) should be prepared by the student and delivered to the committee members at least one week before the scheduled meeting. During the meeting, the student is expected to give a brief oral presentation of research progress. This form should be returned to the program office for the student’s file.
Additional requirements may be added at the discretion of the graduate committee.
Student’s Name: ______
Date Dissertator Status Attained (if applicable) ______
Has the student completed an IDP in the past year? _____ Yes _____ No
Has the student his/her work in meetings or published in appropriate journals?
_____ Yes _____ No
Please indicate your evaluation of the student’s progress over the past year as indicated below.
Assessment Criteria / Does Not MeetExpectations / Meets
Expectations / Exceeds
Overall: The student is making
progress to degree, overcoming
weaknesses, and exhibiting success
as an independent scientist.
Scholarship: The student has
maintained an acceptable academic
record, performed well in
preliminary exams (if applicable),
and shown intellectual capacity
with regard to synthesis of
scientific concepts/hypotheses,
design and interpretation of
experiments, and breadth of
knowledge. The student is
sufficiently focused in his/her
Assessment Criteria / Does Not Meet
Expectations / Meets
Expectations / Exceeds
Communication skills: The student
has demonstrated the ability to
present high quality presentations
and is able to write summaries of
their findings. This includes
articulation of complex ideas,
organizing thoughts, and
presenting sufficient information
to allow an audience to draw
conclusions. Language skills are
Scientific aptitude: The student is
capable of carrying out
experiments, can identify problems
in experimental design, analyze
data, and assess the statistical
significance of the data.
Please indicate any recommendations made to the student to improve aspects mentioned above in which they do not meet expectations.
Graduate Committee Signatures Approving Report:
Major Professor: ______