Thursday January 28, 2010
City of Island Park
Regular Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m. Mayor Tom Jewell called the meeting to order.
Roll Call: Mayor Tom Jewell was present. Council members Brian Caldwell, Torry Anderson, Maxine Layton and Kevin Phillips were in attendance. A quorum was present. Also present Steve Lookabaugh, Planning & Zoning Administrator and Dena Burns, City Clerk.
General Business:
· A motion was made by Maxine Layton to approve the minutes of the November 6, 2009, City Council Special Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
· A motion was made by Brian Caldwell to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2009, City Council Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
· A motion was made by Maxine Layton to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2009, City Council Special Meeting. The motion carried unanimously.
· A motion was made by Torry Anderson to approve the summary of accounts paid before the Council. The motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
· Rob Renna, auditor with Robert Hardy’s office, presented and explained in detail, the completed audit report for fiscal year 2009. No serious audit exceptions or deficiencies were noted.
· Mayor Jewell clarified a gathering at a local lodge.
· Mayor Jewell presented plaques to the outgoing Council Members and thanked them for their years of excellent service.
· Brian Caldwell congratulated the new Council Members and thanked the Mayor and City Council and stated how much he has enjoyed being a part of the City Council.
· Newly elected City Council Members Jessica Peterson and Greg Walker were sworn in with the Oath of Office by Mayor Jewell and took their places at the Council table.
· Mayor Jewell suggested consideration of an additional Deputy City Clerk for back up to the City Clerk.
· Explanation was made by Mayor Jewell that the census question and answer location for the community will be at the City office. The possibility of Dena Burns facilitating the census question and answer service was discussed. A motion was made by Maxine Layton to allow Dena Burns to work with the census. The motion carried unanimously.
· Steve Lookabaugh gave the following Planning & Zoning report:
o Steve presented a Building Department Summary and Comparison Report for the years 2007-2009 to the Mayor and Council (report attached).
o Steve reported he has had some inquiries for single family dwelling permits but no applications at this time.
o An update on the new City office building progress was given to the Council and Steve stated the contractor was on schedule.
o A recently recorded final plat map of a lot spit on Huckleberry Lane that had been previously approved by the City Council was presented by Steve Lookabaugh for the Mayor’s and Clerk’s signature. Mayor Jewell gave a brief background of the public hearings that were held to approve the lot split for the benefit of the new Council Members. Mayor Jewell informed the Council of a situation regarding a problem in retaining the County Treasures’ signature on the plat map. Steve had to repeatedly visit the County Treasurer, and the City Attorney had to be involved to resolve the issue with the County Treasure. The result, Mayor Jewell explained, was unwarranted expenses incurred by the City of Island Park. A motion was made by Kevin Phillips to recover the unnecessary fees incurred by the City from Fremont County. The motion carried unanimously.
· The Fourth Quarter Financial Report and the First Quarter Financial Report were presented to the Council by Dena Burns. Dena explained the details of both reports to the Council. There were no questions at this time regarding the reports.
Mayors Report:
o Mayor Jewell reviewed the proposed meeting schedule for this year. He proposed next year, the schedule reflect an earlier date for January so there is a shorter time laps between meetings during the holidays. A motion was made by Maxine Layton to approve the current meeting schedule and next year, schedule the January meeting on the second Thursday of the month. The motion carried unanimously.
o The Council was asked to consider whom to elect as President of the Council at the February meeting.
o The Council was asked to check their “in” boxes and possibly arrive a little early to meetings to review the Consent Agenda.
o Mayor Jewell has been approached by a company in Rexburg with a possible solar power grant. He suggested allowing the company to proceed with providing the information and the Council can decide if they want to consider solar power after hearing the details.
o The new City building is progressing on schedule, the Mayor stated.
o For the benefit of the new members, Mayor explained how the City addresses agenda items. He reminded the Council of the new law pertaining to adding agenda items after the agenda deadline. He also reviewed the open meeting laws. Mayor Jewell requested to add the following agenda items to this meeting: furniture, the Christmas open house, the City of Island Park Development Code, County grant, the signing of checks and computers for the Sheriff’s Department. A motion was made by Maxine Layton to amend the agenda and allow additional agenda items. The purpose is informational only and mainly to bring the new Council members up to date. The motion carried unanimously.
o Furniture: Mayor Jewell stated that with previous Council approval, new chairs have been purchased for the office. Some furniture will need to be purchased for new office building.
o Christmas open house: Mayor Jewell and the Council Members discussed hosting a Christmas open house again this year. A motion was made by Greg Walker to host a Christmas open house. The motion carried unanimously.
o The City of Island Park Development Code: A background of the compilation of the Development Code was rendered by Mayor Jewell. Efforts made by several people including our Planning & Zoning Commission, private consultants, developers, members of the public, and the City Attorney all reviewed and contributed to the Development Code. The procedure, including all public hearings, was a long process and the City considers this a good quality document.
o County Grant: Mayor Jewell reviewed the grant the County has given to the City for landscaping the new City office site.
o Signing Checks: The process for the signing of checks was reviewed by Mayor Jewell.
o Computers for the Sheriff’s Department: Mayor Jewell explained the fine distribution fund and how the Council has, in the past, decided to help fund the needs of the County Sheriff’s Department. Last summer, monies from the fund were spent on a traffic trailer that benefits both the Sheriff’s Department and the City. At this time, they need new computers. A motion was made by Jessica Peterson to purchase three (3) new computers for the Sheriff’s Department from the fine distribution fund. The motion carried unanimously.
· Maxine thanked the City for all the consideration and help she has received during her recovery from falling and hurting her leg.
· A motion was made by Maxine Layton to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Mayor Tom Jewell
City Clerk Date Approved