Training booking form/Invoice

You can book and pay online at (you will need to be registered and logged in)
OR complete and send the form below with your payment (one form per person please).

The course:

Course: / Aims, outcomes and impact
Date/Time: / Wednesday 9 April 2014 9.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: / The Circle, Voluntary Action Sheffield

Contact details:

Full name:
This is my: / personal / organisation / address
Telephone: / Mobile:
We will confirm your booking and provide a map to the venue - we prefer to do this via email, so please try to provide a direct email address.
How did you find out about this course?
Please tell us about any issues that might affect your ability to get the best from this course and how we might help. For example, do you need materials provided in different formats, or a disabled parking space?

Payment (indicate option):

The fee for this course is: / £ / 50
Cheque enclosed
Bank transfer
Please use a copy of this form as your invoice, if you need one – we don’t issue separate invoices (payment terms on next page).

Registration with SYFAB:

For monitoring purposes only, we need to record your details onto the SYFAB database via our website. If you have not registered on our website, we will need to create an account for you, and we’ll send you your username and password.

This registration will give you access to our full range of online services, including our weekly Funding News from SYFAB emails. You can change this subscription at any time by logging into your account or by clicking the “unsubscribe” or “update my preferences” links in the email.


I have read and agreed to registration with SYFAB, the payment terms and cancellation policy (next page).
Thank you for your booking.

Please send this form and payment to:

SYFAB Training, The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX

Or (for bank transfers):


Payments must be received by us before course start date and your place

will NOT be confirmed until payment has been received.

Cheque payment

Cheques should be made payable to SYFAB.

Bank transfer

Please include the attendee’s surname in the payment reference.

Account number 00081125 Sort code 40-52-40


Please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot attend. We can then offer your place to someone else.

If you do need to cancel, please email or write to: Training, SYFAB, The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX. Unfortunately we cannot accept telephone cancellations.

Refunds are made as follows:

Cancellations received up to 21 days before the course start date will receive a full refund.

Cancellations received between 21 and 14 days of the course start date will incur a 50% charge.

Cancellations received within 14 days or less of the course start date will be charged at the full course fee. Booked places left unfilled without notice will not be refunded.

SYFAB reserves the right to cancel any course in advance of the start date. In this case a full refund will be given, without further liability on the part of SYFAB.

SYFAB, The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX

Telephone: 0114 249 4343 Email: Website:

Registered charity number 1061118 Company limited by guarantee Registered in England & Wales number 3030641