Yorgum Aboriginal Corporation

Company Policy & Conditions of Employment

1 February 2010



Case Worker

“Link-Up” Program


The Link-Up’ Caseworker’s position reports directly to the Link-Up Coordinator who is directly responsible to the Yorgum, Chief Executive Officer.


To provide case work, family tracing, link-up and re-union services to Aboriginal clients accessing Yorgum for the Link-Up Program.

Hours of Duty

This position is identified as being 37.5 hours per week during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The position is responsible to the Link-Up Coordinator and is reliant on funding.

Time-in-lieu can be negotiated with the Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer as no overtime can be paid. Authorisation for any time-off must be negotiated first with the Supervisor and CEO and in-line with the availability of Link-Up staff.

Position Title

/ Caseworker
‘Link-Up’ Program / Level
5.3 Aboriginal Community Award

Effective Date






Yorgum Aboriginal Family Counselling Service

Role of this position

Provide family tracing, reunions and counselling referrals as a part of Link-Up services.
Assist management and staff in planning and service delivery documentation and reporting data.
Link-Up staff to work in a holistic manner with clients and work as a whole with all Yorgum programs and employees.
Direction and Authorisation from the Link-Up Coordinator and Chief Executive Officer

Responsibilities of this Position

Service Delivery
  • Work according to the Link-Up Agreement, Work Plan and Yorgum Employment Agreement, Yorgum “Ways of Working’ and Ethos.
  • Adhere to the strictest confidentiality
  • Provide and contribute to Link-Up and Yorgum presentations, forums and training.
  • To work according to the Yorgum concept, objectives under an Aboriginal Terms of Reference.
Admin and data management
  • Collect and record statistical data as outlined in the Link-Up Output Reporting requirements,
  • Undertakes assessment for Aboriginal Individuals, families and those affected by family separation and wanting to locate family member/s;
  • Provide specific information on available support services and referral to appropriate specialist services where necessary
  • Advocates on behalf of the clients in dealing with other agencies, government /non-governmental; Eg. Link-Up, Bringing Them Home Services, Battye Library, National Link-up offices (MOU)
  • Arranges client counselling referrals to Yorgum (internal) counselling section, Bringing Them Home Counsellors or to other agencies for on going specialist support (external) as required;
  • Prepares necessary documentation as required
  • Participate in training in “Fox Trot” data collection system and other training as directed.
  • Provides advice on issues relating to locating lost family member/s, link-up issues and reunion/s.
  • Promote community awareness of services available for people affected by stolen generations
  • Participate in Yorgum Planning sessions and contribute to documents such as the Annual Report; Strategic Business Plan;
  • Contributes to the implementation of Strategic Business Plans, Annual Reports, Activity and Work plans for Yorgum Aboriginal Family Counselling Service.
  • Attend and participate in annual state and federal Link-up conferences.
  • Contribute to a Link-Up Work Plan
  • Undertake Supervision and Debriefing
Stakeholder relationships
  • Develops relationships, liaises and communicates with other key stakeholders within and outside of Yorgum as appropriate.
Information and Knowledge Management
  • A confidential Filing System and Archive System to be established and maintained on a weekly basis.
  • Record and maintain database of clients and issues. (Training will be provided)
  • Follow protocols for security and access (including confidentiality) to information collected; and mechanisms for quality assurance.
  • Attend Yorgum Staff Meetings on a weekly basis.
  • Build rapport with Link-Up colleagues and work as a Team
  • Attend Link-Up Team meetings as required
  • Contribute to statistical data and service delivery reports as required.
  • Responsible to the Link-Up Coordinator, who is responsible to the CEO

Position Title

/ Case Worker
Link-Up / Level
5.3 Aboriginal Community Award

Effective Date



Link-Up Team /


22nd February 2010



Yorgum Aboriginal Family Counselling Service

Skills, Knowledge, Behaviours and Qualifications


Service Delivery
  • Establish circumstances surrounding Family Separation
  • Identify needs of individuals, families and communities for service support.
  • Ability to assess client needs for family reunion, counselling and related support services,
  • Ability to be resilient, adaptable and show initiative in professional practice.
  • Family Tracing and reunion skills
  • Arrange ongoing support and referral for individuals and families immediately after family reunion
  • Possess verbal and written communication skills.

RelationshipBuilding and Networking

  • The ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with clients, colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Ability to promote community awareness of services available for people affected by stolen generation issues.
  • Network with the Family Information and Records Bureau, Link-up services and Private and Government record holding organisations.
  • Assist with Compliance with all relevant aspects of the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Link-Up Services as stated in the Agreement.
  • Knowledge and experience of working with people affected by trauma,
  • Knowledge of the issues for victims of family separation and stolen generation issues,
  • Understanding of and ability to work with people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent,


  • Possession of relevant tertiary qualifications and/or equivalent experience.


  • Identifies and responds to emerging client and service needs,
  • Works effectively as part of a team towards the achievement of group objectives,
  • As a member of the Yorgum and
  • Link-Up Team, meets outcomes consistent with Yorgum’s Business plan, Yorgum Employment Agreement; Link-UpWork Plans and Link-Up Contractual Agreement.

Position Title

/ Caseworker
Link-Up / Level
5.3 Aboriginal Community Award

Effective Date



Link-Up Team /





Yorgum Aboriginal Family Counselling Service

Work Related Requirements (Selection Criteria)
Essential Criteria
  1. Possess a relevant tertiary degree or equivalent experience working with Aboriginal people in a similar area.
  1. Aboriginality is a genuine occupational qualification (Section 50D EEO Act).


  1. Demonstrated ability to work as a team and to work independently.
  2. Possess well-developed inter-personal skills in dealing with clients.
  3. Possess skills in Family Tracing, Genealogy and knowledge of Aboriginal Family names.
  4. Demonstrated experience & knowledge in working with a broad range of issues such as trauma, grief and loss associated with family separation and stolen generation.
  1. Sound understanding of Aboriginal culture, boundaries, values, protocols and “ways of working”.
  1. Possess oral and written communication skills.
  2. Knowledge and experience with computer and associated programs
Highly Desirable
  1. Must possess a current Federal Police Clearance or willingness to obtain.
  2. Possession of Current “C” Class driver’s licence

Employee Initial ………………..

Employer Initial ………………..