MINUTES OF MEETINGheld at the Red Lion, Withern, on 8 December 2009

PRESENT:Mabel Calthorpe

Mike & Jan Clarke

Nick Denby [Chairman]

Ian & Sue Goulding

Will Hart

Robert Key

[Cllr] Hugo Marfleet

John Platt

Chris Pocklington

Janet Stubbs [Woodthorpe]

APOLOGIES:Jim Bullivant and Alan Fox.

1 MINUTES [CP 17]:

Approved:The Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 October 2009.


Reported:Insurance: the Group's insurance premium [£125] had been paid.

Income: Councillor Marfleet had offered a contribution to the Group from his Council funds in the year 2009/10 and further assistance in 2010/11 if required. The cost of the Community Plan exercise was not known, but would largely arise with production of the final report.


Reported:The Gayton representatives had withdrawnfrom furtherinvolvement with Withern on a Community Plan; Gayton would proceed independently. Certain Gayton residents might continue their interest in the Withern Plan.

Noted:Councillor Marfleet termed Withern a service village [school/businesses/Post Office etc]; Gayton, Tothill and Woodthorpe, which all tied into Withern, lay outside the coastal flood zone in the Alford/Louth/Mablethorpe triangle. He would speak to Carol Marsden about Gayton'sintentions.


Received:Will Hart tabled a draft Questionnaire for discussion. He stressed that the final document should take no longer than 25 minutes to complete [references to Gayton would be removed from it].

Noted:The Questionnaire would include:

- climate

- safety [including traffic and personal safety]

- speed control methods

- housing future

- Coastal Action Zone

- information about households

- work/school

- education and training needs

- public services [eg medical/dental]

- life in the local community

- faith and spirituality

- the environment

- electricity/broadband

- use of local services and facilities

- library

- involvement in Withern Village Hall activities/type of events people would like to see [these answers would help with grant applications].

In publicity it should be emphasized that the Questionnaire was NOT a public authority document and that the responses would be important in forming any proposals requiring funding, grants, etc.

Consideration would be given to launching the Questionnaire in the Village Hall with the public invited to come along.

Will Hart reported that 'detached youth workers' would shortly be working in the area on the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme etc.

Agreed:The final version should be prepared [in consultation with Janet Clarke]. [ACTION: WH]


Received and

Agreed:Robert Key circulated a list of proposed topics for comment. The Survey would be undertaken by 2 or 3 volunteers visiting those on the 'business list' and going through the questions with them. The survey would cover:

- basic details of business

- operations in the area

- employees/staff training

- how could business develop/help the community

- local authority support [form and how it affects business]

- planning issues

- highway and transport issues

- constraints on business

- customers

- business promotion.

Noted:List of Businesses -the following should be included:

- Steve Horner [Gayton]: Corgi-registered plumber/heating engineer.

- go-karting [Woodthorpe] under recreational businesses.

- Alford Drainage Board [Strubby] under 'publicservices'.



Reported:Will Hart said he had spoken to a number of local parents, who had lamented the lack of facilities for 5 - 11 year olds. Staffing problems had prevented the youth bus visiting Withern. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School in Alford was doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and it might be that some of the students could be persuaded to help in Withern. He also hoped to get some older children involved in area activity.


Reported:Ian Goulding hoped to produce a Newsletter in the second half of January 2010.


Agreed:Tuesday, 26 January 2010, at The Red Lion, 6.45pm.
