Community Hub in Former Co-Op Store
In our last newsletter we asked for your views on whether we should take on the spare space at the former Co-Op stores, for a small shop, meeting space, tourist information and archive display and storage.
28 people got in touch formally to say they supported the idea, with 8 volunteering their time to help. 10 people wrote to object to the proposal. Several others voiced their concerns to councillors.
The councillors met again with the East of England Co-Op to talk about possible uses of the building, but it was acknowledged that it would take considerable work to make the space how we wanted it to look, and to run it as we envisioned.
At the Parish Council meeting on 30th October the proposal was discussed again. Given that there was very limited local support for the scheme, and that villageshops have started stocking more foods to meet the needs of residents from the north of the village, it was decided, with some regret, not to continue with the scheme.
Youth Club
The Tuesday youth club continues to be very successful. The Parish Council has paid for a third youth worker from the YMCA to cope with the demand. They still need volunteers; anyone interested in helping should turn up at the Bure Room on a Tuesday evening and speak to one of the members of staff.
You may have seen in the local paper that Norfolk County Council has designated Herondale as “surplus to requirements”. This is a technical process whereby NCC decide that they do not have an operational need for the site but there is no information yet as to how or when they will develop the site. The Parish Council supports the building of Housing with Care on the site but have also expressed an interest in buying some of the land for additional play space. We will be keeping an eye on any proposals!
No Cold Calling Zones
We have applied to Norfolk County Council to consider a No Cold Calling Zone for Hermitage Close and for St Edmunds Road/Glebe Road, where there was very good support for the scheme. There was also good support in New Road, but not in the roads branching off New Road so NCC has been asked to consider how best to treat this area. Mill Road/ Mill Crescent/ Aldis Road and the Englands Road estate have also been put forward for Zones.If NCC agree with our requests then residents in those areas who have not yet indicated their support or opposition for the scheme will be contacted by NCC to find out if they support the scheme.
Springfield Play Area
We’ve paid for some lovely new fencing around the new play area, together with a couple of picnic benches and a litter bin. Hopefully the families moving into the new houses, and those already living in the area, will enjoy the new play equipment.
There are 3 defibrillators in Acle –at the New Co-op in Norwich Road (outside), Acle Social Club (inside) and Acle Academy (outside). We are currently looking to install another one somewhere around The Green and one at Acle Bridge.
Our thanks to Jackie Clover and David Savory for putting together a lovely calendar of local photos to raise funds for Acle Lands Trust. You can buy your calendar for £6 from Carters, Chocolate Box, Gallery Tearoom, Garden Machinery, Scooters and Acle Social Club.
Cemetery Extension
There is still no news from the Government about the Parish Council’s request for a Compulsory Purchase order for land north of the current cemetery. The Parish Council successfully applied for planning permission for change of use of the farming land for a cemetery, but this is just a formality unless the land can be purchased.
Dates for your Diary
The next Parish Council meetings are Mondays, 27th November, 18th December and 29th Januaryat 7.00 pm in the Methodist meeting room, with refreshments from 6.45pm. All residents are very welcome to attend. Meetings are advertised on the board in The Street, and on the websites.
Don’t forget to send me details of your local events and clubs so that I can publish details on the Council’s websites and facebook page.
Pauline James – parish clerk