Community Health Nursing Course
Epidemiologic Process"
Lecture 4
Learning Objectives:
- Define epidemiology
- Discuss the basic epidemiological concepts
- Summarize the steps of epidemiological process and investigation
Definition of Epidemiology –
It is "concerned with the distribution and determinants of health and disease, morbidity, injuries, disability and morbidity in populations"(Friis & Sellers, 2009, p. 6).
Allender (2014), page. 217
Concepts Basic to Epidemiology
Host, Agent, and Environmental Model Relationship-
Disease results from a complex interaction between man, agent and the environment. This interaction is frequently referred to as epidemiological triangle. Healthis maintained when the host-agent-environment variables are in a state of equilibrium. Disease occurs when there is a change in any one of the three variables that disturbs the state of equilibrium.
Allender (2014), page. 220
These variables are defined as follows:
- Agent-
An animate or inanimate factor which must be present or lacking for
a disease or condition to occur.
Agent Factors-
Disease agent may be classified into following groups.
- Biological agent- these are living agents of diseases, virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa. These agents exhibit certain properties such as infectivity, pathogenicity, and virulence.
- Nutrient agent- These can be proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. PEM, anaemia, goiter, obesity, and vitamin deficiencies are some of the nutritional problems.
- Physical agent- exposure to excessive heat, cold, humidity, pressure, radiation, electricity, sound, etc. may result in illness.
- Chemical agent-
Endogenous- some of the chemicals may produced in the body as a result of derangement in the body functions. E.g. urea (uraemia), serum bilirubin (jaundice), uric acid (gout), Calcium carbonate (kidney stone).
Exogenous- agents arising outside of human host e.g. fumes, dust, gases, insecticides etc. these may be acquired by inhalation, ingestion or inoculation.
- Mechanical agent- exposure to chronic friction and other mechanical forces may result in crushing, tearing, dislocations and even death.
- Social agents- these are poverty, smoking, unhealthy life styles, social isolation, maternal deprivation etc.
Living species, humans or animals capable of being infected or affected by an agent.
Host Factors –
The host factors may be classified as:
- Demographic characteristics such as age, sex, race, etc.
- Biological e.g. genetic factors.
- Social and economic characteristics, education, occupation.
- Life style factors, habits, nutrition, physical exercises, use of alcohol, drugs and smoking etc.
- Environment –
Environment is a term used to describe all living and non-living things which surrounds man.
- Environmental Factors-
Environment has been classified as three components
- Physical environment
- Biological environment
- Psycho-social Environment
Allender (2014), page. 220-222
Epidemiological Process and Investigation-
The epidemiologic investigative process is a systemic course of action taken to identify
- Who is affected (person)
- Where the affected person reside (place)
- When the person were affected (time)
- Causal factors of the disease
- Prevalence and incidence of health and disease (frequencies)
- Prevention and control measures.
Allender (2014), page 236-239
Prepared by-
Professor Dr. Muna Abdul WahabKhaleel
College of Nursing/ UOB/2016