Deadline Friday January 26, 2018
Registered Name of Organization:CRA charitable registration #:
Contact Person:
Full Mailing Address:
- Project title:
- What does your organization plan to doto improve our community?
- Who will benefit? Target audience? Age? Demographics? How many individuals?
- Where will the project be delivered?
- When will it be delivered?
- Why is this project important?
- How will your organization know if the project is successful? Please describe activities, impact, and evidencethat will indicate change.
- How does your initiative align with the following priority areas?(truth and reconciliation, environment and watershed protection, climate change adaption and mitigation, public health/social/educational services, art/culture/creativity, access to mountain sports/outdoor recreation/land based education, sustainable living-wage economy.)
- If the foundation cannot support the project for the full amount, will the project still proceed? Please explain your strategy and share with us your other funding sources in the following budget.
- Project Budget(Expand table as necessary)
Total budget of project
Amount requested
Sourceof revenues: / Confirmed/Pending / Amount
Expenses: / Amount
By signing this document, you give permission to the Banff Canmore Community Foundation to verify all information contained herein, and refer to information contained herein during its public relations activities.
Name (please print):Position:
Authorized Signature:
Application Guide for Community Grants January 2018
How to apply
- Call or email Elizabeth if you have any questions at all. We are happy to help in any way. Contact details below.
- Fill in grant application using 12 point font minimum. Expand tables as necessary
- Grants must be max5 pages long, including this 1 page ‘application guide’ section.
- Please resave your file with the title: GrantApp_ORGNAME_2018
- Include your document name in the subject line of the email
- Email completed application to Elizabeth at by midnight Friday January 26, 2018.
- Electronic file is preferred, however if you prefer to drop off a paper copy please be aware we close at 5:00pm on Fridays.
- If you have any trouble with this template please email Elizabeth.
Eligibility & Granting Policy
- Priority will be given to those projects that serve the geographic region: Lake Louise, Banff, Canmore, Exshaw, Morley, Kananaskis, and surrounding areas.
- Applicants must be a “qualified donee” as defined under the Income Tax Act – see CRA website or contact Elizabeth for more info
- Grant distribution policy can be found on our website:
- Note the following restrictions as outlined in the grant distribution policy:
- 5.6 Grants are not made towards operating costs or capital deficits
- 5.7 Grants are not given to support annual fund raising campaigns, form letter requests or telephone campaigns
- 5.8 Grants are not made to religious organizations for direct religious activities
- 5.9 Grants for team support and sponsorship will not be considered
Time Lines
- Grant application deadline is January 26, 2018
- Granting decisions are made in February 2018
- Cheques and grants reception in March 2018. Date TBA.
- Successful applicants will receive funds by March 31, 2018 and have 15 months to complete a project
- Grant report due by June 30, 2019. A template will be provided.
Banff Canmore Community Foundation | Email application to
Charitable Registration #87481 9410 RR0001 | 403-762-8549 | 214 Banff Ave | Box 3100, Banff, AB, T1L 1C7