Annual Town Meeting
Lancaster, NH
March 11, 2014
At 7:30 pm. Moderator John L Riff IV opened the Annual Meeting.
Moderator Riff asked the WMRHS JROTC to bring the colors forward and lead all in the Pledge of Allegiance. He introduced Jamie Whiting who sang the National Anthem.
Moderator Riff explained the rules of procedure for this evening's meeting as follows:
Handling the Articles
The individual that seeks to bring an article to the floor will seek recognition.
a) The moderator will grant recognition.
b) The motion will be made.
c) Moderator will seek a second.
d) Moderator will restate the motion and then open the floor for debate.
e) After debate the moderator will call the question from the floor and then call for a vote.
Dealing with Motions
a) When a motion is amended – the main motion will be held in abeyance and the motion to amend will be addressed.
b) If motion to amend passes, the main motion must be moved and seconded as amended.
c) Any objections must be made immediately. If not they are lost.
a) If a person wishes to speak – they must stand, identify themselves and state as specifically as they can their point.
b) Goal tonight is to keep the meeting moving.
c) For the Articles – please keep points to 1 minute or less.
d) If anyone goes beyond the time limit – the moderator will interrupt, state what he believes the point is and if the speaker disagrees and does not believe he/she has made their point then they may continue a little longer.
e) However at some point the moderator will call for a 2/3 vote to end discussion.
f) Civility – must remain civil to each other. All comments and questions will be directed to the moderator not to each other. No personal attacks except to the moderator. If anyone becomes disruptive, there will be a warning, then they will be asked to leave or be removed.
Non Residents must have a majority vote to speak.
Articles 1 results, voted on during the day by written ballot are attached.
Article 2 – Zoning Amendment - voted on during the day by written ballot.
To see what action the Town will take concerning the proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance as set forth in Exhibit A located in the Annual Town Report and available for viewing at the Lancaster Town Hall and Weeks Memorial Library.
Article 2 passed by a vote of 499 yes and 243 no.
Article 3 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00) to be added to the following Capital Reserve Fund accounts previously established for the purpose and in the amounts indicated:
Highway $ 40,000.00
Fire Department $ 40,000.00
Town Hall Improvements $ 10,000.00
Bridge Replacement $ 20,000.00
Revaluation $ 10,000.00
Police Dept $ 5,000.00
Library $ 5,000.00
Cemetery $ 5,000.00
Total $135,000.00
(Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee)
Article 3 was moved by Selectman Enos and seconded by Selectman Rideout.
Selectman Stickney explained these are the annual amounts put into the capital reserve fund accounts on a yearly basis.
Moved by Joyce McGee and duly seconded to amend Article 3 to read as follows:
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($135,000.00) to be added to the following Capital Reserve Fund accounts previously established for the purpose and in the amounts indicated:
Highway $ 40,000.00
Fire Department $ 40,000.00
Town Hall Improvements $ 10,000.00
Bridge Replacement $ 20,000.00
Revaluation $ 10,000.00
Police Dept $ 5,000.00
Library $ 5,000.00
Cemetery $ 5,000.00
Total $135,000.00
And to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of said sum from the fund balance surplus.
Mrs. McGee explained that she has proposed this amendment because it is projected that the tax rate will increase by $.41 per $1000 this year for the town portion only which means that on a $200,000.00 home there will be an increase of $82.00 on property taxes. She stated that this article is roughly an increase of $.41. Mrs. McGee referred the voters to page 30 of the Annual Report which explains the use of the fund balance surplus. She stated that the fund balance surplus is monies that have already been raised through taxation over the years and is monies that have been used to buy equipment and help with town projects and this still can be done. Mrs. McGee stated that the State recommends that towns retain between 8% and 17% of the fund balance. She said that if the voters vote yes to all the articles funded by the surplus including her amendment to Article 3 the fund balance will still be above 8%.
Town Manager Samson explained that this article is funded through taxation but is the only article in this warrant other than the special requests that will be funded through taxation. He said that it is projected that the Town will have about 18% in the fund balance but will not know for sure until the audit is completed. Mr. Samson said that the Board of Selectmen, Budget Committee and himself, in recent years, have been using monies from the fund balance to complete long overdue projects in house by qualified individuals. He said, for example, street projects and water/sewer improvements. Town Manager Samson explained that the current budget projections, if all expenditures are approved and if all revenues that are currently budgeted are limited to just what is budgeted, there will be a $.41 increase in the town portion of the tax rate. He said that in September, when the tax rate is set, the revenues can be reviewed and can be adjusted. Mr. Samson said that revenues are budgeted in the beginning of the year realistically but the revenues have always been able to surpass what has been anticipated and thus are adjusted accordingly at the time that the tax rate is set. He said that the plan is, knowing what the increase will be, if there is $100,000.00 in revenues not anticipated, that it will be applied at that time, as in the past 2 years, to minimize the tax impact. Mr Samson discouraged the funding of Article 3 by the proposed amendment and to approve the original Article 3. He said that the capital reserve fund accounts are something that the fund balance surplus can be spent on for a few years but when the fund balance has gone below the minimum required the Town will no longer be able to fund outside projects and maintain a minimum impact to the taxpayer to do so. Mr. Samson urged a no vote to the amendment.
Peter Riviere asked how much was applied, in the last 3 years, in a dollar amount and what was the impact on reducing the tax rate?
Mr. Samson said that $100,000.00 was applied to reduce the tax rate each year which equates to approx. $.33.
Chris Parker asked if there is $1.3 million in the fund balance currently. Mr. Samson said that there are some monies that have been spent that do not reflect in the current audit.
Mr. Parker urged the voters to support the amendment to Article 3 and to level fund the budget.
Discussion ended, Moderator Riff called for a vote on the amendment to Article 3 by show of voter cards.
The amendment failed 41 yes and 48 no.
Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 3 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 3 carried as originally written.
Article 4 – read my Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell certain Town owned property shown on tax map R20, Lot 010 approx 1 acre located at Barkers Location. Said property will be sold by the Town on such terms and conditions as the Selectmen deem prudent with cost of survey and land transfer to be borne by the purchaser.
Article 4 was moved by Selectman Rideout and seconded by Selectman Stickney.
Selectman Enos explained that this property is located off Pleasant Valley Road behind the George Smith farm and was tax deeded back to the Town. He said that when it is sold the monies will go into the general fund.
It was asked if this was voted on at a prior meeting. Selectman Enos said no and stated that the parcel will go out for bid.
There being no more discussion Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 4 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 4 carried.
Article 5 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell certain Town owned property shown on tax map R01, Lot 035 approx 10.06 acres located on Main Street (Route 3 North). Said property will be sold by the Town on such terms and conditions as the Selectmen deem prudent with cost of survey and land transfer to be borne by the purchaser.
Article 5 was moved by Selectman Rideout and seconded by Selectman Stickney.
Selectman Enos explained that this parcel was tax deeded to the Town and is located near the Conservation building near the former Frank Savage log cabin home.
There being no more discussion Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 5 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 5 carried.
Article 6 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for the purpose of road reconstruction to be done in conjunction with water/sewer improvements on Railroad Street, Stevens Terrace and Middle Street and to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of said sum from the fund balance surplus.
Article 6 was moved by Selectman Stickney and seconded by Selectman Enos.
Selectman Rideout explained that the $100,000.00 will be used to improve the Town's infrastructure (water/sewer and road reconstruction) and will not have any impact on the tax rate.
There being no more discussion Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 6 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 6 carried.
Article 7 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) for the purchase of a new ambulance and to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of said sum from the fund balance surplus
Article 7 was moved by Selectman Enos and seconded by Selectman Rideout.
Selectman Stickney explained that the proposal is to replace the 2005 E450 ambulance style vehicle that currently has 140,000 miles on it. He said that the EMS Dept has a 10 year rotation schedule for the ambulances. Selectman Stickney said that with the amount of transfers and the amount of time this vehicle in on the road it is time to replace it.
Mr. Duursema asked what will be done with the old vehicle. Mr. Stickney said it will be either sold or traded, whichever realizes the most income.
There being no more discussion Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 7 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 7 carried.
Article 8 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the Landfill Closeout Capital Reserve Fund created in 1987. Said funds with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the Town's general fund.
Article 8 was moved by Selectman Rideout and seconded by Selectman Stickney.
Selectman Enos explained that Articles 8 and 9 go together and he will explain both at this time. He said that years ago the State mandated that the Town create a landfill closeout fund for the closeout of the landfill and money was put into that account for many years. Selectman Enos stated that the law was repealed by the State and the money stayed in the account. He said the Selectmen would like to closeout the account (Article 8) and open a new account (Article 9).
Town Manager Samson said that the money will be used for purchases and improvements to the Transfer Station facilities.
There being no more discussion Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 8 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 8 carried.
Article 9 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to establish a “Transfer Station Facility Capital Reserve Fund” under the provisions of RSA 35:1 for the purpose of maintenance and improvements to the existing Transfer Station Facility and to raise and appropriate the sum of Three Hundred Three Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Three Dollars ($303,653.00) from the fund balance surplus to be added to this fund (this represents the monies from the discontinuation of the Landfill Closeout Capital Reserve Fund in Article 8), as well as to name the Selectmen as agents authorized to expend from said fund. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee)
Article 9 was moved by Selectman Rideout and seconded by Selectman Stickney.
Selectman Enos explained that the money in this article will come from Article 8 and is going into a newly created capital reserve fund.
Chris Parker asked if all the money from Article 8 is going into Article 9. The answer was yes.
There being no more discussion Moderator Riff called for a vote on Article 9 by show of voter cards.
Moderator Riff declared that Article 9 carried.
Article 10 – read by Moderator Riff.
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) to construct an addition to the existing building at the Transfer Station and to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) from the Transfer Station Facility Capital Reserve Fund created for that purpose. (Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee)