Bridgewater Borough Council Meeting – December 19, 2017
Minutes from Council Meeting held on November 21, 2017
Council President Judith Bert opened the meeting at 7pm with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Roll Call: Bill Rains, present
Dennis Bevington, present
Tim Birge, present
Max Strano, present
Judy Bert, present
Mayor Paul, present
Attorney Spratt, present
At this time Mrs. Bert stated that Council will be going into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues.
Once Council returned from Executive Session Mrs. Bert asked for a motion to accept the minutes from October’s meeting. Bill Rains made the motion. Dennis Bevington seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
At this time Mrs. Bert asked Bill Rains for the Tax Collector’s report. Bill stated that for the month of October Pat collected $7,958.72.
Pat Rains would like to know if Council is going to raise taxes. Judy Bert said no.
At this time Mayor Paul read the police department’s report for the month of October. The report’s contents consist of the number of traffic citations and parking tickets issued…criminal and summary offenses and recorded mileage for the month. A full copy of the report will be filed with the permanent minutes.
Attorney Spratt had nothing at this time.
Police & Fire: Max Strano stated that he had nothing at this time. Rich Figas issued a call for service report for the month of October. This report will be filed with the permanent minutes. Rich stated that on November 30th between 6pm and 10pm the fire department will be going through a training program involving proper evacuation from a vehicle.
At this time Judy Bert read a letter from Chief Adams informing them that he will be retiring from the police department effective December 29, 2017.
Judy said with the Chief retiring she would like a motion to hire Officer Joshua Krizan as the interim Chief effective December 29, 2017. Dennis Bevington made the motion. Max Strano seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
At this time Judy Bert stated that she would like a motion to promote Jacob Weston to full time officer beginning December 29, 2017. Max Strano made the motion. Bill Rains seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
Streets: Judy Bert said that leaf collection has begun. Ed has been busy cleaning the storm drains of debris also, the Christmas decorations are in the process of getting put up.
Finance: Dennis Bevington stated that Council has been working on the 2018 budget. So far our current budget looks to be right in line as far as income goes.
Recreation: Tim Birge stated the the Community Christmas will be on Dec. 2nd from 6pm to 9pm. There will be refreshment for everyone. Santa will be there and the train will be there for everyone to enjoy. Also, the LED sign is in…seems to be working well. The other two signs are done…Tim will have to go to Pittsburgh to pick them up. Judy said that she will check with Ed to see if he will go pick them up.
At this time Dennis said the donation to the fire department hasn’t been paid yet. It was budgeted and has to be given to them. We agreed to this and they do need the money to get them through till next year. Dennis agrees with Max that next year the disbursement of funds should be handled in a different way but for this year he would like to see the funds given to them. Judy said that she will see that it gets done next week.
Nothing at this time.
At this time Judy Bert said that she would like a motion to adopt Resolution #2-2017…this is the waiver for employee contribution to the police pension plan. Dennis Bevington made the motion. Tim Birge seconds it. At this time Roll Call was taken: Bill Rains, yes, Dennis Bevington, yes, Tim Birge, yes, Max Strano, yes, Judy Bert, yes…5 yeas…Motion Carried.
At this time Judy Bert stated that the Borough will be adding on a third full time police officer early next year. With this happening Council needs to fill seats for the Civil Service Commission. Mrs. Bert would like a motion to appoint Kim Pavlinich, Barb Chevalier and William Bert to the Civil Service Board. Max Strano made the motion. Tim Birge seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
At this time Mayor Paul swears in Mrs. Pavlinich, Mr. Bert and Ms. Chevalier. The board excuses themselves for a few minutes returning to the meeting and announcing that William Bert will be the Chairman of the Board carrying a six(6) year term, Kim Pavlinich will be Vice Chairman carrying a four(4) year term and Barb Chevalier will be secretary carrying a two(2) year term.
At this time Mr. Bert announced that the Civil Service Commission, on this date, unanimously adopted the Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
At this time Judy Bert stated that she would like a motion for Council to adopt the Civil Service Rules and Regulations as well. Max Strano made the motion. Dennis Bevington seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
At this time Judy Bert stated that she would like a motion to pay the bills. Tim Birge made the motion. Bill Rains seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
At this time Judy Bert stated that if there is nothing else she would like a motion to adjourn. Bill Rains made the motion. Tim Birge seconds it. All in favor say I. The vote is unanimous…Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Vickie McDaniels, Secretary