Community Counseling & Psychological Services
4900 California Avenue 330-B
PO Box 82096
Bakersfield, CA 93380
(661)326-8167 FAX (661)326-8221
Tips for Copingwith Traumatic School Events
Tips for managing your distress in the aftermath of a Traumatic School Event:
You may be struggling to understand how a Traumatic School Event could occur and why such a terrible thing would happen. There may never be satisfactory answers to these questions.
We do know, though, that it is typical for people to experience a variety of emotions following such an event. These feelings can include shock, sorrow, numbness, fear, anger, disillusionment, grief and many other feelings. You may find that you have trouble sleeping, concentrating, eating or remembering even simple tasks. You may feel that the world is a more dangerous place today than you did yesterday. It will take some time to recover your sense of equilibrium. This is normal, talk to a trusted person.
Tips for helping children manage their distress:
As a parent, guardian or teacher you may be struggling with how to talk or listen with children about Traumatic School Events. It is important to remember that children look to their trusted adults to make them feel safe. This is true no matter what age the children are, be they toddlers, adolescents or even young adults.
Find times when they are most likely to talk; for parents, such as when riding in the car, before dinner, or at bedtime. Teachers and counselors can take the time by letting them know you are available and then pay attention when approached because the ‘talk’ may be disguised by a neutral question. Let them know you are interested in them and how they are coping with the information they are getting. Listen to their thoughts and point of view. Don't interrupt, allow them to express their ideas and understanding before you respond. Remind them you are there for them to provide safety, comfort and support.
Building resilience:
Many people react to traumatic events with a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. Yet people generally adapt well over time to life-changing situations and stressful conditions. What enables them to do so? It involves resilience, an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps. Post Traumatic Growth is possible. Learn how to take your own road to resilience.
(Provided with the research and assistance of the American Psychological Association)