Community Cohesion Policy Appendix 1
(based on suggestions in DCSF guidance on the duty to promote community cohesion)
Teaching, learning and curriculum
•helping pupils to understand others and value diversity
•promoting shared values
•promoting awareness of human rights, and applying and defending them
•developing the skills of participation and responsible action
In place? Yes/No/Partly / Where in place / Areas for developmentOpportunities across the curriculum to promote shared values and help pupils to value differences and challenge prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping (eg through citizenship, RE and PSHE). / Yes / PSHE curriculum
RE curriculum
SEAL materials
Circle time
Assemblies / ‘Language of the “Month”’ (half term?)
A programme of curriculum based activities whereby pupils’ understanding of community and diversity is enriched through fieldwork, visits (eg to places of worship) and meetings with members of different communities. / Yes / PSHE curriculum
RE curriculum
SEAL materials
Circle time
Bridgebuilder Trust / Development into the wider community including areas with greater ethnic diversity.
Support for pupils with EAL, and specific support for teaching staff, to remove barriers to effective learning, enabling the pupils to be integrated and achieve the highest possible level in English. / Yes / Links with EMASS, EAL teaching assistants employed FS and KS1 / Continue to develop links with EAL service.
Assemblies which involve members of the local and wider community and promote shared understanding. / Yes / PCSOs
MK Dons
Feeder school
Local vicar
Bridgebuilder Trust
Sports Providers
eg Karate
MKMS / Further involvement of the wider community.
Encouragement for learners to value diversity and develop a better understanding of UK society (eg by challenging assumptions and creating an open climate to address sensitive and controversial issues). / Yes / PSHE curriculum
RE curriculum
SEAL materials
Circle time
Curriculum weeks with multicultural themes
Red Nose Day
Children in Need appeal
Harvest Festival / Continue to develop a proactive approach to teaching about diversity throughout the school.
Equity and excellence
•ensuring equal opportunities for all to succeed at the highest level possible
•removing barriers to access and participation in learning and wider activities
•eliminating variations in outcomes for different groups
In place? Yes/No/Partly / Where in place / Areas for developmentHigh standards of attainment for all pupils from all ethnic backgrounds and of different socio-economic statuses. / Yes / Data analysis
ECM screening tool
High achievement throughout the school / Continue to analyse & track progress of different groups of pupils..
All pupils are treated with respect and supported to achieve their full potential. / Yes / School ethos of mutual respect.
PSHE lessons
Behaviour Policy
Teaching and Learning Policy
Anti bullying policy, Disability Equality Scheme,
Equal Opportunities Policy
ECM screening tool / Further tracking and provision mapping to meet individual needs.
Mixed Literacy and Numeracy lessons in KS1.
(weekly setted)
Split phonic groups
Assessment results are analysed to track the relative performance of different groups and tackle underperformance by any particular group. / Yes / Pupil progress tracked termly & intervention groups put in place
Effective approaches in place to deal with incidents of prejudice, discrimination, bullying and harassment. / Yes / Race Equality Policy
Anti bullying policy
Equal Opportunities Policy Disability Equality Scheme / Monitor policies and analyse data
Effective systems in place for the reintegration of excluded or self-excluded pupils. / Yes / IEPs
Good liaison with EWO for pupils with persistent attendance problems
Links with PRU
PSP meetings
Monitoring takes place to ascertain whether pupils from particular groups are more likely to be excluded or disciplined than others, and having appropriate behaviour and discipline policies in place to deal with issues arising. / Yes / Strong and inclusive Behaviour Policy in place
Strong partnership working with parents
Pupils involved in evaluating how successfully policies are implemented. / Partly / School council
Pupil questioning / Further development of school council and pupil voice
School Admissions Code adhered to and pupils from particular communities are not deterred / Yes / Nursery Admission follow set criteria. FS2 Admissions are dealt with by the LA and not the school / None
Engagement and extended services
•providing reasonable means for children, young people, their friends and families to interact with people from different backgrounds and build positive relations
•links with different schools and communities
•the provision of extended service with opportunities for pupils, families and the wider community to take part in activities and receive services which build positive interaction and achievement for all groups
School to school
In place? Yes/No/Partly / Where in place / Areas for developmentPartnership arrangements offer pupils the opportunity to meet and learn from and with other young people from different backgrounds. / Yes / With partner and feeder schools for:
Liaison visits & activities
MK Music festival
Strings and Brass projects / Develop links with the wider community outside the immediate local area.
Links developed with a very different type of school, either locally or further afield. / Partly / Develop links with Kommandantsdrift School in Kammanassie, South Africa through Anel Burger / Needs a ‘champion’ within School to keep the link going.
Partnerships and joint curricular projects with other schools internationally. / No / TIPD to Bahrain / A future initiative once links established.
Opportunities for teachers and governors to work with different groups of pupils, teachers and governors. / Partly / Opportunities through governor groups and cluster meetings.
NQTs attend LA training sessions
Teachers attend LA meetings
School is part of Denbigh Schools Liaison Group
Teachers visit/liaise with colleagues across LA eg APP, CLLD, ICT links / ‘Narrowing the Gap’ EAL mentoring project
Shared use of facilities and opportunities for intercultural activities (eg sport, drama, music, festivals, volunteering activities, trips) as a means for pupils to interact. / Yes / After School Clubs. Liaison Activities
MK Brass
MKMS Gospel Choir
MK Development Band
‘No Strings’ singers
Saturday Art Club / Improvements to extra-curricular activities.
School to parents and the wider community
In place? Yes/No/Partly / Where in place / Areas for developmentWorking together with community representatives. / Yes / Parish Council
Bridgebuilder Trust
Baptist Church
All Saints Church / Links with a wider range of community groups.
Local engagement through links with community groups and organisations. / Yes / Tapestry Project
The Black Horse Woburn
MK Springers
Dance club
Football Academy
Vocalis choir / Links with a wider range of community groups.
Pupil voice is heard and able to effect change. / Yes / School council
Buddy training
Parent & pupil surveys
Open door policy
Curriculum input / Continue to involve pupils in decision making and monitoring processes
Strong links and multi-agency working maintained between the school and other local agencies. / Yes / Very strong links with outside agencies to support SEN pupils eg Sendis, ED Psych service, Behaviour Support
Geoff Dean re Gifted and Talented
Links developed with work placed learning providers and other employers. / Yes / Foreign students
GTP students / Continue to develop these links
Placements for pupils in voluntary community based activities. / Music festival, / Further development through greater involvement of a range of community groups.
Engagement with parents. / Yes / Workshops – ACE, Parent Partnership, Open days
Parent Champions –
Nurture group
Stay and Play Days
EAL drop in sessions
Parenting Workshops Parent Consultations Questionnaires
Open door policy, Newsletters
Curriculum newsletters
Parent information leaflets
Website / Continue to develop Parent Champion role & parenting courses where required
Work with CC to deliver courses/ information/services for parents and community
Extended services
In place? Yes/No/Partly / Where in place / Areas for developmentConsultation with pupils, parents, families and the wider community. / Yes / Parent Consultation Appts
Home Visits
Parent Mail
Open door policy
Parent governors
Friends of Loughton Manor
Disability Equality Scheme
Healthy Schools audit
Stay and Play sessions
- coffee morning discussions / Further develop the use of curriculum communications to support parental involvement.
Working in clusters with other schools. / Yes / ‘Narrowing the Gap’ EAL mentoring project / Ensure pilot evaluated with a view ongoing opportunities
Working with local voluntary and community groups. / Yes / Local church
Bridgebuilder Trust
Deloitte Santander
Embedding services and activities to their school improvement plan and to personalisation to ensure they support the achievement of pupils from all different backgrounds. / Yes / Community Cohesion Action Plan / Embed into SIP
Support for all parents through providing information, advice and parenting programmes designed to meet the needs of different groups. / Yes / As above re consultation + 21st century parenting course + CAF process / Need to look at new way of supporting parenting course as 21st century parenting finished.
School to Local Authorities (LAs) and other partners
In place? Yes/No/Partly / Where in place / Areas for developmentThe LA, religious or non-religious organisations (inc. SACRE) and other voluntary and community organisations provide support for the school. / Yes / Local churches, LA support through inset & training / Use of a greater range of organisations eg church, mosque, gudwara.
The LA works with the school, providing support and information and acting as a point of contact with community groups and other agencies. / Yes / Materials, courses, information.
LA Parent Partnership Officer
The promotion of community cohesion is placed within the broader context of community planning, eg in the development of the local area’s CYPP and the wider Sustainable Community Strategy, to which schools should contribute through engagement with the Children’s Trust partnership arrangements and the Local Strategic partnership. / Yes / LA documentation and national initiatives given due regard by school and Governing Body. / Continue to monitor
Look for ongoing opportunities to network and engage with others
Audit completed by: Whole staff Inset day focus September 2009
Lucy Lock – Inclusion Manager
Lizzie Bancroft - Headteacher