Home and Community Support Services and Community Residential Living Newsletter

1 September 2017

This newsletter is designed to help Community and Residential Living (CRL) providers implement the Care and Support Workers (Pay Equity) Settlement.

This edition includes:

·  Annual leave liability data collection

·  October and November pay equity advance payment

·  Initial wash-up

·  Support

Annual leave liability data collection

Thank you to providers who submitted their leave liability data collection tools by the 25 August deadline.

We are now reviewing this information and will contact providers directly if there is any need to clarify their data submissions.

We aim to transfer the payments in late September.

If you have any queries please email the pay equity implementation team at or call them on 04 496 2452.

October and November pay equity advance payment

The first pay equity advance payment for HCSS and CRL contracts was transferred to providers at the beginning of July and covered the three months from 1 July to 30 September. If you also provide ARC services, these have already received a price increase and are not included in the advance payment.

The second pay equity advance payment will be transferred on 15 September and will be for October and November.

The payment amount will be two thirds of the first payment, except where there has been a start or stop to a contract. If a contract has started or stopped, we will confirm with DHBs how it affects pay equity advance payment amounts and notify you as soon as this has been done.

The pay equity advance for December will be made in early October.

Initial wash-up


The advance interim payment covers the period 1 July – 30 September 2017. Data collection for the initial wash-up will cover this same period and will be due by the end of October.

The data required for this initial wash-up will be very similar to that which was collected for the first payment, that is:

·  eligible workers,

·  their pay rate, and

·  their worked ordinary hours on eligible contracts.

We will be releasing the data collection tool in mid to late September. We are currently testing the tool with some providers.

When adjustments will be made to payments

Because these initial wash-up calculations won’t be finalised until late in 2017, adjustments to future advance payments will be effective from 1 January 2018 onwards.


If you have any questions about leave liability, the initial wash-up or advance payment, please contact the pay equity implementation team at or call 04 496 2452.

If you have a question about qualifications, please get in touch with Careerforce (0800 277 486 or email ).

For other questions relating to the pay equity settlement, please contact your funder in the first instance.

For more information visit health.govt.nz.

1 September 2017

Pay Equity Settlement Implementation 2