11t December 2012 RNIB London

  1. Welcome and Apologies

There were no apologies. RW , chair for this meeting, welcomed Kamal Bishai as the GP representative to the group


Joint Chairs: Lesley Anne Baxter LAB, Richard Wormald RW

John Lawrendon JL

Matt Broom MB

Anita Lightstone AL

Roger Buckley RB

Stewart Mitchell SM

Jane Bell JB

Stella Wolfram SW

Kamal Bisha KB

Nick Astbury NA

Aeesha Malik AM

Gok Raknarathan GR

By Phone

Heather Waterman HW

Matt to add list of attendees

  1. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

There were only two corrections and the minutes were accepted. JL will feed back to the College. All other matters were on the agenda.

Matt to send previous corrected minutes and these as draft out together

  1. Terms of Reference

AL pointed out that a significant restructuring was occurring to scope the present numbers of groups and meetings, where there was overlap and where more efficient use of time of group participants. A meeting in January/ February would look at where committees may be able to amalgamate work streams.

RW asked for views from the committee. SH gave an overview of her meeting with the RCOpth professional standards meeting ( MB has circulated her e-mail to Graham Kirkby re: Professional Standards Committee- Primary Care Ophthalmology this). This also led to a discussion on revalidation and training of GPSi KB also felt significant work could be undertaken in the community and AL gave an update on the 3 year project of 3 pilot sites that are scoping work already undertaken in those sites (does this make sense?).

There was also an update on Right Care as part of QIPP from AM and AL also updated the committee on work possibly starting in the new year with Muir Gray on integrated eye care.

A discussion on ICT and the use of secure systems such as Open Eyes, Medisoft of NHS mail across eye care professional groups. This included NEHEM and the CVI data presentation. It was agreed that integration of IT information is imperative

ACTION await outcome from work on possible amalgamation of groups before writing TOR

ACTION it was felt that CAPEC group should drive the generalist and public health work towards integration of service provision

ACTION CAPEC to feed into work stream with Muir Gray and the work being undertaken with AL – who and how was this to happen – was it with John Lawrenson? No this was working with Anita as she is the one in discussions with Muir

  1. Work Streams and Actions

a)Renegotiation of the GOC contract and a review of the Scottish AOP paper- various work streams are ongoing showing that there is poor uptake of eye health checks in poorer areas. David Allen, RNIB is working on a critical appraisal of existing literature – collating examples of best practice?

ACTION JL to look at integrating work streams with the work he is doingin a realist synthesis systematic review of models of eye care delverydelivery which will be published as a Cochrane Review
Richard please could you change this statement to read properly

b)RW stated that no article had been submitted to the New Statesman as yet although AL suggested that the RNIB may have a supplement at the time of the conference in 2013

c)Map of Medicine update, red eye update reviewed by College of Optometrists and RCOphth. Supporting people with sight loss- there is a meeting with the 2 colleges and Muir Gray is pushing for a pathway for low visionn?? AL said he has made a commitment to this.

ACTION SH and AL to link

Outstanding Actions

It was agreed that the tiers of service were adequate and would be sent to the new group if amalgamation takes place

Education and Training CAPEC minutes the excellent work already done on agreeing CMG on conjunctival pigmented lesions, and POAG. Those for comment will iinclude Corneal dystrophy and corneal rejection. The next pieces of work will include pigmented retinal lesions and TED.

SSH will inform the RCOphth feeding back to Prof Standards committee

ACTION RW to coordinate a letter to the RCOphth explaining what we see the role of the CAPEC to be and asking questions about the way forward coordinating guidelines and standards of care across the sector enforcing effective collaboration between professional bodies for the maximum benefit of our patients and population

LAB to contact Stuart Holland to feed information back to APPG

Next meeting 12th June 2013 at RNIB