



Geographical Location

Social Mobilization in Village Urdu

Objective of CAP development


Our Vision

Socio-Economic Situation

Seasonal calendar

Pie diagram

Wealth Ranking

Need Prioritization…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13

Action Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14


CDD by CBO Khushal……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18

Village Map:...... 21


As without pre planning no developmental program can get its objective and impact. Community Action Plan (CAP) is the planning document of Village Urdu designed by the men community members for future.


Village Urdusituated in Union Council Dabara situated at distance of 16 km at west side of district Tank. According to elders of the village in 1940 a railway track was made in this area all the staff of this railway track were urdu speaker, when the people of Dabara planned to visit this area that we will go to urdu village because all the engineer and labors were urdu speaker and thus this village famous as a urdu village.

Geographical Location

Urdu is located at the distance of 16 Km on west side of Tank city. In the south of Urdu Village a village sheikh sultan located and the north side is village dabara.

Social Mobilization in Village Urdu

The process of community organizations formation in Urdu started iSept.2013. KP-SADP played an instrumental role in social mobilization through regular meeting with community, awareness raising and self reliance. As a result of the social mobilization carried out by KP-SADP there are CBO formed namely Khushal formed on 9thOct 2013, having membership 0f 35,CBO.This community based organization covered the integral part of the village. Reported Community Organizations have provided community with platforms to identify their potentials and enhance their skills. CO being a Mohallah level organization focus on the needs, issues and resources of the concern mohallah, therefore a need felt of community organization to bring socio-economic change in the village.

KP-SADPfacilitated the community for their strategic felt need and conducted community assembly both for men and women. In the community based meeting,they discuss their needs, opportunities and organized into Community Based Organization.

CBO-Khushal members developed their village development plan through intensive 7 hours participation.

Objective of CAP development

Objectives of CAP formulation includes following;

  1. Identification of villages level developmental issues and challenges.
  2. To suggest and develop mechanism for community based developmental interventions.
  3. To plan and strategize for overall community development through analyzing community issues, resources and opportunities.
  4. To contribute in improvement of living standard of target community.
  5. To create sense of self reliance, self confidence, self management, self finance.
  6. To prepare them to take self initiative for their own development.


Information for CAP formulation is collected through different interactive methodologies which include:-

  1. Transect walk
  2. Social mapping
  3. Daily activity charts (Time managed activity)
  4. Seasonal calendar
  5. Pie diagram
  6. Wealth ranking (poverty ranking)
  7. Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
  8. Group work
  9. Village map

Group discussion & transect walk

Focus group discussion and group work held with community men incorporated in community action plan. KP-SADP DIU-Tank staff attended the sessions and documented the gathered information. Through the mentioned techniques community set their development vision for future.

Transact walkCommunity Meeting

Our Vision

As a CDD Approach KP SADP staff provided them a free environment without any hesitation to empowered themselves to identify SWOT(strength ,weakness, opportunities and threats)to point out their needs and resources to make a strategy for their own development within the available resourcesin community and service provider where people will have facilities of health, education and skill enhancement with increased participation in decision making through viable institutions.

Socio-Economic Situation

All the collected information in this portion is gained from community through a designed checklist. Urdu is a village having 200 household with a population of 1000individual. In village Urdu various ethnic residing including Bhittani,Marwat,Pawanda,Baloch, Banochi.Sheikh and Miani.

In the village for village level decision making there is Jirga system. Jirga has only representation of men but making decisions both for community men and women. Therefore women are ultimately excluded in traditional village level decision making process.

Community of the said locality categorize in different categories of wealth ranking ranging from poorest of the poor to well off having varying access to resources. The living arrangement and construction of houses also varies, most of the houses are muddy some of them are made with bricks and mud and few were cemented houses. In village Urdu 5% houses are cemented and 15% and 80% houses are half and full mudded respectively.


Inhabitants of the Village have land for agriculture purpose and 20% of the of the peoples are involved directly and indirectly in it. 20% of the peoples earning proportion of population totally depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The total land of village Urdu consisting on 1500 kanal,out of which 1400 kanal is cultivable and the remaining 100 is barren and need to bring under cultivation. Some tenants cultivate the land of land owners on sharing in crops product. and also having some land in the village. For irrigation of cultivable land there is a Gomal river,dug well and peters.they also felt the need to divert the water to agriculture land.From agriculture point of view, land of Urdu is foritlel for all kind of crops cultivation/sowing provided availability of irrigation water for it.

The farmers/tenants plough by tractor. District Tank as whole is arid-zone/rain fed area , production depends upon the rainfall ratio. In harvesting season there is local term used Vegar, it is to collectively harvest the crop of one farmer/tenant then the second and continued till accomplishment. There is no spray machine and other modern appliances with community used to prevent plants from insects and weeds grown in the field that affect the productivity of the crops and human lives from various diseases prevail out of it.

As the community has landholding and cultivate crops such as, wheat,maize, sugarcane, tomatoes and other vegetable along with that they also cultivate green fodder for livestock in both seasons.

While discussing issues associated with agriculture sector community mentioned that the community has no timely access to fertilizers and certified seed at their village. Unavailability of water in time and lack of modern technology and technical expertise for agriculture also persist.


20% belongs to livestock, Community also depends on livestock both for domestic and earning purposes. Therefore they used to keep goats, sheep’s, cows, camels, donkeys and poultry within their houses. In the village there is considerable number of livestock village Urdu mentioned below.

Type / Number / Type / Number
Goat / 100 / Cow / 100
sheep / 80 / Donkey / 10
Camels / 0 / Poultry / 1000
Buffalos / 40

Both the community men and women are supposed to engage in livestock raring and management. But it is mentioned by community that they are using traditional old methods for this purpose and never attended training on the subject matter. There is also lack of facility to provide proper treatment to livestock related diseasesas the community people having no linkages with service provider. The community members demanded Civil Veterinary Centre (CVC) and Civil Veterinary Dispensary (CVD) to prevent livestock from various diseases. As there is no facility of vaccination the Ranikhet and Blackquarter disease is common disease suffering the livestock of village Urdu.vaccination, Devorming facilicities and improve breeds are the demand of the community to be provided to them to make this sector profit orientant in future .


The academic condition of the village is not so good, there are 1 boy primary with2 teachers, 150 children enrolled in these schools 1 girl primary schools with 2 teachers, having an enrollment of 100 children but lacking teaching staff and no interest in duty are big hurdle making the future of the children dark children.

The academic data provided by the community members is as : in men there 7 MAs, 7 BAs, 10 FAs, 15Matriculate and 150 primary, on the other hand females are 0 MA, 4 BA, 6 FAs, 7 Matriculate and 100 are primary respectively.


There is a No BHU in village Urdu. unfortunately there is no MBBS doctor to facilitate the people with the basic health amenities. There is no private clinic in the village. Here is no mother care center so in case of delivery they approach to BHU Dabara.Though there is casual arrangement of vaccination of children from Government. There is no facility for reproductive health & family planning forwomen. Water born diseases are also common in the area due to lack of proper sewerage system.


All the households in locality have access to electricity , mobile services facility is even available in remote and far flung areas of the country and considered a good development in the field of communication, community members stated.

Water & Sanitation

In village Urdu one DWSS tube wells installed by the Government, however the water quality is potable.. The dwellers digger water bores by their own in their individual houses or 3-4 houses combined hand pumps , its water is usable for drinking ,cooking and washing clothes purpose, its number according to the villagers is 10, along with that there are pressure pumps using for the same purpose and its number is 15.

As per the information of community members 50% dwellers have flush latrines 40% have pit latrines and 10% ODF, Street of the village are totally unpaved and there is no proper sewerage and solid wastes disposal system in the entire village.

Women’s development

Traditionally the women are supposed to live within houses and undertake productive, reproductive and community tasks. As a part of their productive tasks women do embroidery, stitching etc. but there is no vocational center to enhance the skills of both men and women and give them opportunity to sell their products for income generation.

Disaster Preparedness

The area is prone to some natural and manmade disaster likes drought, earthquake and environmental issues. But the respective community has no awareness about disasters; therefore there are no disaster preparedness and risk management strategies at local level.


Urdu village is absolutely lacking in social structure like education, health & Sanitation and environment, there are no streets lights even streets are paved.

The phenomenon of unemployment is also common in Urdu village like other adjacent areas. About 30% of population of earning age is unemployed and with no income to fulfill their basic needs.

Seasonal calendar

Community men draw their respective seasonal calendars. The purpose of seasonal calendar is to point out and document community engagement during the whole year. The calendar also shows availability of community for development interventions and other engagement of community with socially given activities. The activity also shows community role in agriculture, livestock, education and other sectors of development. There seasonal calendar revealed that community has comparatively with more time for development interventions during winter and spring seasons.

seasonal CalendarGroup Work Activity

Pie diagram

The given tool described professions of the target community. This information is for that proportion of population who is earning and has economic responsibilities of their household.

Above table shows that 20% of earning people have acquired profession associated with agriculture And 20% livestock while 40% are Labour, 10% have their own businesses, and 10% skilled labour.

Wealth Ranking

Through a PRA tool called wealth ranking participants categorize community into four major economic categories poorest of the poor, poor, better off and well off.

During the exercise community classified 200 community households under these four categories.


The given chart shows that 200hh of the total households of village Urdu 10hhare well off, 20hh are better off, 80 hh are Middle 40hh are poor and 50hh are poorest of the poor according to the criteria developed by the community for wealth ranking. The criterion for the ranking purpose is given below

Criteria for wealth ranking

Well off / Better off / Poor / Very Poor / Middle
Standard / Standard / Standard / Standard / Standard
-Needs and requirements of a daily routine can be easily fulfilled and can cope with unexpected financial expenses and unfavorable situations.
-can support other (family & other people) in case of any crises.
-owned more than one income sources. / daily routine can achieve hardly
-income and expenses are equal.
- can provide education to their children. / Those who can afford 3 times meal a day but unable to fulfill other needs.
-Those who cannot bear expenses of health and education.
-Expenditures are more than their income
-do not have theirown residence. / -Those who have nothing to meet their basic needs and rely maximum on others. / Those having little land, have a govt Job
A small business
10 households / 20 households / 40 households / 50 households / 80 household

Need Prioritization:

Need prioritization is one of the tool by whom one can easily asses the dire need of any sort of problem/issue facing by any kind of community it may be, like rural, business, urban etc. As is self explanatory needs/problems/issues should written in a tabular form in this tool then the peoples will grade/prefer the most dire need they facing and should be written in a prioritized form.

S. No / Need / Street Pavements / DWSS / BHU / Animals Ponds / Bridge / Vocational training centre / Scoring / Ranking
Street Pavements / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 5 / 1
DWSS School / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 4 / 2
BHU / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3
Animals Ponds / 4 / 4 / 2 / 4
Bridge / 5 / 1 / 5
Vocational Training centre / 6 / 0 / 6

Revised Action Plans

S# / What / Why / How / When / By whom / Impact
1 / Link Road / it will be easy for children and elders to move through Road particularly in rainy days. / CBO with the support ofKP-SADP and coordination with other Govt. line agencies / After tech social feasibility. / KP-SADP and line departments. / Easy mobility ,
Clean environment.
2 / Street Pavements / Because locals cannot move in rainy days and worse drainage produce stagnant water / The CBO shall extend a unanimous resolution to KP-SADP / 4 months / KP-SADP and line departments / It will facilitate the dwellers in mobility
3 / DWSS / Because need of life / Through proper technical feasibility survey and implementation. / After technical and social feasibility ASAP / KP-SADP and Government Department / Time saving, Health hygiene promotion
4 / BHU / It’s a basic need to save the life / CBO with the support of KP-SADP and coordination with other Govt health deptt. / After technical and social feasibility or after meeting with Health Department ASAP / KP-SADP and Government Health Department / To protect life from different diseases
5 / Cattle Pond / The village have maximum number of livestock, / CBO with the support of KP-SADP and coordination with Livestock deptt. / After technical and social feasibility / KP-SADP and Government Health Department / As water is the basic need of life for human & livestock if Cattele pond is available near grazing land, the impact will increase.
6 / Bridge / To linkup the village with district / CBO with the support ofKP-SADP and coordination with other Govt. line agencies / After tech social feasibility. / KP-SADP and line departments. / Easy mobility ,
7 / Woman vocational center ( Embroidery) / There is no such center for woman, / CBO with the support ofKP-SADP. / After tech social feasibility. When woman CBO is formed / KP-SADP and line departments / Woman will empower, availability of local embroidery, the talent of local woman will increase


As formation of EIG is to serve the community in different productive sectors for boosting up their per capita income and socio-economic condition, recognition to it, thekhushal community organization has also formed Live Stock and Agriculture Economic Interest Groups. When asked during the CAP activity each EIG also draw their respective need identification chart.

Agriculture EIG:

The agriculture EIG of khushal CBO wants to use the newly developed agriculture practices with the due support of KP-SADP in order to increase the agricultural production. The Need prioritization chart developed by khushal agriculture EIG of khushal CBO was as shown below

S No / Need / Agriculture Tube well / Irrigation channels / Mogas / Rod Kohi / Scoring
1 / Agriculture Tube well / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3
2 / Irrigation channels / 2 / 2 / 2
3 / Mogas / 1 / 1
4 / Rod Kohi / 0

Action Plan

S.NO / What / Why / How / When / Impact
1 / Irrigation tube well / It will increase their agricultural assets / The CBO will forward a resolution to PK-SADP program / 6 Months / It will boost up the agriculturist to increase the crop production
2 / Irrigation Channel / Save water, increase the crop production / CBO with the support of PK-SADP and coordination with other Govt health deptt. / 4 months / Save the water and increase the crop production and gives positive results to agriculturist
3 / Mogas / It will equally distribute irrigation water / The CBO will forward a resolution to PK-SADP program / 4 Months / Equal distribution of irrigation water will ensure increased agricultural productivity
4 / Rod Kohi / Because the existing Rod is damaged by floods / The CBO will forward a resolution to PK-SADP program / 4 Months / Flood water will utilized for irrigation which will result in fertility of land

The EIG identified Agriculture Tube Well as first, Irrigation Channel second, Mogas third and Rod Kohi fourth respectively as their prioritized needs.