Communication is essential!
On very rare occasions we have school based issues which can cause concern. If these concerns are not dealt with promptly they can lead to complaints – so, please forgive us if we address some of these issues.
- Chewing gum is beginning to appear on the paths around school. Please ensure that if you and / or your child have gum, that it is disposed of appropriately. It is hard to remove and takes a lot of Mr. Johnson’s time –as he is so proud of the way our school looks.
- Parking has improved massively – thank you for your consideration – please don’t let standards slip!
- Jewellery is an issue that we address in our school brochure. Please can we draw your attention to this again. There is currently a very popular trend for crafted jewellery – and it’s a great activity to undertake with your child. However, it can cause a safety issue – particularly necklaces. Three of us have just refreshed our Paediatric First Aid – and were given graphic reminders of the dangers of choking and strangulation with small children. The Local Authority’s guidance is clear – “do not” send your child to school in jewellery (please).
- Animals in school have to be Risk Assessed. When we have the chicks, donkey, goats or lambs we have toconsider the health hazards and take appropriate control measures. The same is true of dogs – their faeces / urine can cause toxoplasmosis in young children – an awful disease which can lead to blindness. If you use your walk to Sunny Brow as a healthy dog-walk, please ensure that your dog is secured away from the front gates and not brought into the school grounds.
- Forest School has been cancelled on a number of occasions this year – due to the repeated rainfall and high winds. Decisions are made based on a number of safety factors – conditions, ratios of staff to pupils, qualifications of the staff involved and OFSTED regulations. Sometimes we have to make operational decisions, which take all these factors into account, and which may seem to adversely affect your child. We’re sorry if you feel thatyour child is missing out – and we love the fact that you have been defending their right to have their Forest School sessions. Believe me, if I could, I would be out there more often, not less. The well-being of your child is paramount when we make these decisions.
- Back packs should not be needed at school. We provide clean clothing in the event of accidents – and gloves, hats, scarves etc. should be put in coat pockets or down sleeves. It is essential that we keep our cloakroom areas clear –as they are also entry / exit areas for Fire Regulations. Items on the floor are also a trip hazard (the most common accident, by far, in every school). If your child is being picked up by a Grandparent, or is going for a ‘sleep-over’ and a bag is essential, then please pass it to a member of staff for safe keeping.
- Healthy packed lunches are encouraged at school- we hold Healthy School and Golden Grin Awards. Recently, we have seen more ‘chocolate treats’ sneaking into lunch bags. We are realistic and know that it’s very tempting to add these little extras – but please save them for home, where children can have easy access to a toothbrush. You’ll thank us if the sugar tax comes in!
- Data Protection can be a nightmare – but essential! We are not able to distribute any details that we hold to a third party. Recently, we have been thrilled to see you all organising an end of year event. When the details needed circulating, school has assisted by distributing them on your behalf. Can I stress that we fully support your efforts – we think it’s a great idea. However, it is not a school event and the dates, times, costs etc. are not being determined by the staff. We are happy to be a conduit for your arrangements and will do all we can to support you.