- Internal Communications
Communication is crucial during the Ethics Awareness Initiative. Some of the communications that have been successful in the past have been as follows:
- E-mail communication from the President during the kickoff of the Ethics Awareness Initiative.
- Alternatively, video from the president and / or other senior leader(s)
- E-mails from Senior management
- Recognition of the initiative during staff meetings
- Post a message about the initiative to internal electronic bulletin boards.
- Post a message on digital signage
- Post flyers on bulletin boards
- Departmental newsletters
- Internal surveys
- External Communications & Social Media
- Press release
- Post information about the awareness initiative on the institution’s website
- Create a website for the initiative with a link from the institution’s homepage.
- Post information on Facebook
- Use of other social media to include Twitter
- Create a video and share by way of social media or share on institution’s website
- YouTube video
- Education
- Include awareness initiative in compliance trainings offered by the institution
- Offer on-line training
- Host a featured speaker
- Host an educationalroundtable or panel of experts on an ethics or related topic
- Lunch & Learn
- Staff / Faculty presentations
- Ethics Workshops – would have information, policies, handouts and associated forms related to gratuities, conflict of interest, outside activities, ethics policy, etc.
- Lecture series, some potential speakers might be: Chuck Gallagher, James Holzrichter, Frank Bucaro, Lynn Brewer, Noah Bopp, Annabel Beerel, Michael Connor or Jerome Mayne.
- Have internal audit speak to institutional departments about services offered, mission, how to avoid problems, reminders about disclosures, etc.
- Activities / Events / Promotions
- Kickoff event – breakfast, lunch & learn or similar
- Document shred event – could feature a speaker or handout about privacy, security, records retention, etc.
- Daily ethics quiz: could be conducted in person, by e-mail, through website, or through social media
- Ethics Chalk event
- T-shirt design competition
- Community events
- Information tables
- Vendor fair
- Use of promotional items related to Ethics Awareness, e.g. a cup, kicksack, sticky pad with the Ethics Hotline Information
- Role playing
- Games such as Family Feud or Jeopardy using ethics questions.
- Host a movie event / night for students; some movies that might be relevant are as follows: Catch Me If You Can, Wall Street, Fargo, The Firm, Man for all Seasons, and documentaries such as “Inside Job”, “The High Cost of Low Prices.”
- Cookie table at student center or other location convenient for students and faculty