SPC 4445
Reference: 91088
Fall 2015
Section u05
Monday (August 24th- Dec 5th)
10-12:50 PM
SIPA 220
Florida International University
College of Architecture + The Arts
Communication Arts Department
Instructor: Daniel Blaeuer, Phd.
Phone: (305)348-0067
Email address:
Office Hours: Monday: 1-2 PM
Office: VH 209
Important Dates:
November 2 Last day to drop a course with a DR grade or Withdraw from University with WI Grade (University drop deadline)
Course description:Leadership is given to those who speak well, inspire change, and motivate people. This course teaches students the theory and practice of leadership communication to become effective leaders in our global and dynamic world. In this course students will learn the basic traditions of studying leadership communication. They will also learn key communication competencies for effective 21 century global leadership.
Course Learning Objectives:
- Understand trait, situation, and transformational approaches to leadership studies
- Develop key leadership competencies in the rhetorical management of meaning.
- Develop leadership competencies in small group, interpersonal relationship and team work to negotiate and manage diverse stakeholders.
Course design: This course is a mix of lecture and group activity. Lectures and group activity will allow students to explore the content of leadership studies and explore effective leadership. Student will be given the opportunity to work with class members to develop a reflective coaching environment to foster their own leadership development. The coaching circles will develop the practices of action-centered and action-learning where leaders regularly reflect on experiences to influence management practices.
Mid-term 100 points
Final Exam 100 points
Weekly Assessment Quizzes AND ASSIGNMENTS100 points.
Leadership Portfolio and Final report 100 points
Assignment descriptions:
Mid-term and Final exam (100 points each ): Participants take two semester exams testing understanding and comprehension of key theories and concepts explored in the course. The exams will be short answer, multiple choice, and short essay.
Weekly Assessment Quizzes AND ASSIGNEMNTS (100 points): Students will have a weekly assessment and skills quizzes.
Leadership portfolio (100 points): The portfolio is intended to document students' growth and development during the semester. Students will be given writing, reflection, or short projects that are intended to shape the students active leadership skills. Students are invited to answer the portfolio assignments from the context of his or her own leadership experiences. In order to gain the experiences for reflection students are asked to commit in a semester long civic leadership project to engage a community issue by serving and leading with an established community organization.
The portfolio will include a series of weekly journals along with student peer reviews the course blackboard site will have journal prompts for each week!
Required Textbook:
Northouse, Peter G. Leadership: Theory and Practice. 6th Edition. Sage: Thousand Oak California, 2012.
Assignment due dates and late work
All assignments will have clear due dates and no assignment will be accepted late without an appropriate and documented excuse.
Grade Scale:
A is between 93-100%; A- is between 90-92%; B+ is between 87-89%; B is between 83-86%; B- is between 80-82%; C+ is between 77-79%; C is between 73-76%; C- is between 70-72%; D+ is between 67-69%; D is between 63-67%; D- is between 60-62F is below 60%
This syllabus is a contract of understanding between professor and student. If the assignments and grading system are not acceptable, then the student needs to negotiate a change by midnight Sunday on the second week of class or accept the rules as written.
This Code of Academic Integrity was adopted by the Student Government Association on November 28, 2001 and reflects the values articulated in the Student Code of Standards.
Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of Florida International University.
As a student of this university:
I will be honest in my academic endeavors.
I will not represent someone else's work as my own.
I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another's cheating.
All students are deemed by the university to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Code of Academic Integrity’s procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the FIU Student Handbook. Students have the right to due process in all disciplinary situations. For additional information concerning student rights and responsibilities, please contact FIU’s Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.
Plagiarizing and Academic Honest
Plagiarizing is a serious academic offense and students are expected to submit his or her original work for all class assignments. If students are caught plagiarizing an assignment, then he or she will receive a 0 for the assignment and an official FIU written notice. Refer to the section on plagiarism in the FIU Student Handbook.
The University's policy on religious holy days as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook will be followed in this class. Any student may request to be excused from an online class to observe a religious holy day of his or her faith.
Your instructor is committed to the educational success of all his students and will make any reasonable accommodation recommended by the Office of Disabilities services or negotiated with the student. Students needing accommodations are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services. It is also the responsibility of the student to advocate for any accommodations before needing them in the course.
An incomplete grade is a temporary symbol given for work not completed because of serious interruption not caused by the student's own negligence. An incomplete must be made up as quickly as possible, but no later than two consecutive semesters after the initial taking of the course or it will automatically default to an "F" or the grade that the student earned in the course. There is no extension of the two semester deadline. The student must not register again for the course to make up the incomplete. Students who have incomplete grades on their records must remove the incomplete by the end of the fourth week of the term in which they plan to graduate. Failure to do so will result in a cancellation of graduation.
Incompletes are awarded only if the student has completed most of the course work. If a student misses a significant portion of the course work, he/she should drop the course. If the drop period has ended, the student may petition for a withdrawal—this requires the student to un-enroll in all of their courses for that semester.
Incompletes are not to be used because a student took on too many credits and they cannot complete everything that is now required of them. In such cases where the course instructor determines that it appropriate to award a student a grade of "I" (incomplete) the following steps must be followed.
Using an Official University Form the course instructor will report the following:
- The grade earned by the student to date
- The missing work and the percentage of the final grade it represents (this requires the details of the specific missing assignment)
- The date the instructor expects the missing work to be submitted or in the case of an examination made up
- The justification for awarding the grade of "I"
- Have the student sign the form
- Submit this form to the Department Chair and Dean and maintain a copy for instructor records and provide a copy for the student
- Upon satisfying the requirements for a grade the instructor will sign off on the form and attach it to the change of grade form she or he will submit.
Florida International University
Student Code of Standards
A University is a learning community following a tradition more than 1,000 years old. Florida International University is such a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. As a member of this community:
- I will respect the tradition of academic inquiry, the University’s rules of conduct, and its mission.
- I will respect the opinions and differences of all members of the FIU community.
- I will practice civility and demonstrate conduct that reflects the values of the institution.
- I will be diligent and honest in my personal and academic endeavors.
The FIU Student Handbook outlines the Student Code of Conduct regarding students with disruptive behavior.
Course Schedule
Week One(August 24th )
Journal assignment due on Blackboard by Friday at 5pm EST
Weekly Assessment Quiz covering the syllabus
Week Two(August 31st)
Read Chapter 1: Northouse: Introduction
Read Grist “introduction” Leadership available on blackboard
Journal assignment due
Week Three (September 7th)
Read Chapter 2 Northouse: Trait Approach
Journal assignment due
Week Four (September 14th)
Read chapter 3 Northouse: Skills Approach
Journal assignment due
Week Five (September 21st)
Read Chapter 4 Northouse: Style Approach
Journal assignment due
Week Six (September 28th)
Read Chapter 5 Northouse: Situational Approach
Read Arenstein “latter of Participation” available via Blackboard
Journal assignment due
Week Seven (October 5th)
Read Chapter 6: Contingency Theory
Journal assignment dueWeekly Assessment Quiz due
Week Eight (October 12th)
Read Chapter 7: Path-Goal Theory
Read Wheatley article on Blackboard
Journal assignment due
Week Nine (October 19th)
Read Chapter 8: Leader-Member Exchange Theory
Journal assignment due
Week Ten (October 26th)
Read Chapter 9: transformational leadership
Week Eleven (Nov 2nd)
Read chapter 10: Servant Leadership
Journal assignment due
Week Twelve (Nov 9th)
Read Chapter 11-12 Authentic and Team Leadership
Journal assignment due
Week Thirteen (Nov 16th)
Read Chapter 13-14 Psychodynamic approach and Women and Leadership
Journal assignment due
Week Fourteen (Nov 23rd)
Read Chapter 15-16 Culture and leadership and Leadership Ethics.
Journal assignment due
Week Fifteen (Nov 30th)
Final portfolio presentation
Week Sixteen (Dec 7th)
Final Exam