Communicating Europe in Partnership
Beyond borders and cultures
Seminar organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Brussels, 27January 2009
The European Economic and Social Committee is hosting a press officer networking seminar on "Communicating Europe in Partnership – Beyond borders and cultures". This event, to be held at the EESC in Brusselson 27 January 2009, will serve to strengthen the ties between civil society organisations from across Europe and the EESC. Facilitating a growing network of press officers of civil society organisations, the EESC provides a platform for exchange of best practice in the area of communication and information on policy contents.
The EESC invites spokespersons and press officers from the Member states' Economic and Social Councils, organisations of EESC members and European organisations as well as spokespersons and communication contacts from other EU institutions, including the Commission contact points at EC representations in Member states. For a limited number of participants, the EESC will pay for travel and hotel costs.
The press officers' network and this event in particular are intended to ensure more effective cooperation between civil society organisations and all European institutions. Therefore this seminar is organised in cooperation with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the EU and the Committee of Regions.
"Communicating Europe in partnership”
Beyond borders and cultures
Seminar organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
Brussels, 27 January 2009
Monday 26 January 2009
7.30 p.m.Networking Dinner
Welcome speech by Claus SØRENSEN – Director General of DG Communication – European Commission
Tuesday 27 January 2009
09.00 a.m.Arrival and registration of participants
09:30a.m.Opening session (Debating Europe), chaired by Irini PARI – EESC Vice-President responsible for Communication
Mario SEPI – EESC President(10’)
The EESC as a platform of dialogue with civil society in communicating Europe
Jo LEINEN –chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament (10')
The European Parliament elections and debating a real European agenda
Marek MORA –State Secretary for European Affairs of the Czech Republic(10')
Developing EU policy priorities in order to meet the European citizens' expectations
Ján FIGEL'– European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth (10')
Intercultural dialogue - European Year of Creativity and Innovation
Anna Terrón I CUSI',Member of the Committee of the Regions (10')
Involving the regions in communicatingEurope
10.30 a.m.Question time
Reaction from Civil Society represented by Henri MALOSSE, President Group I (Employers), Georgios DASSIS, President Group II (Employees) and Staffan NILSSON President Group III (Various Interests)
11.10 – 11.30 a.m.Self-service coffee and refreshments
11.30 -12.30Tony BASS – European Institute of public administration
Europe and the media
12.30-1.00Introduction of the workshop methodology by Irini PARI - EESC Vice President responsible for Communication
1.00-2.30 p.m.Working lunch (Atrium, 6th floor)
2.30 –4.00 p.m.Working session of the 3 workshops
(Discussing tools and good practices and setting up a short list of recommendation)
Workshop No. 1 –Communicating beyond borders and cultures
The workshop shall look at examples of the challenges of intercultural public communication and to what extent it is in tune with citizens'needs and expectations.
Introduction by:
- Willy HÉLIN, Head of the Representation of the Commission in Belgium
- Patrick DELFOSSE,editor-in-chief ofEuroparlTV
Moderator:Brenda KING, Member of the EESC
Co-moderator: Ágnes CSER, Member of the EESC
Workshop No. 2 –How to reconcilethe national and European dimensions in communicating Europe? (Perspectives of European Elections)
The workshop shall examine examples of concrete benefits of the European integration process, its values and goals for citizensand how these can be of relevance in national debates.
Introduction by:
- Hans BRUNMAYR, Former Director General (directorate F) of the Council of the European Union, special advisor of the DG Communication to the European Parliament - EP elections
- Babette NIEDER,Secretary general of the House of Europe in Paris
Moderator:Béatrice OUIN, Member of the EESC
Workshop No. 3 – Civil society organisations : a network to promote key issues at European level
The workshop shall look at concrete examples of stakeholder involvement in decision-making and of dialogue between multilateral institutions and civil society organisations and give a vision of democracy, transparency, civil society, social responsibility and equal opportunities.
Introduction by:
- Silvia GEISE, Vice-President of the International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) Conference of the Council of Europe
- Luc DENAYER, Secretary General of the Central Economic Council
Moderator: Mall HELLAM, Member of the EESC
4.00 – 4.20 p.m.Coffee break
4.20 p.m.Concluding session:
- Report by the moderators of the 3 working groups
- Conclusions by Martin WESTLAKE, EESC Secretary General
5.30 p.m.End of meeting