Subject: Art, Photography and Textiles / Faculty: Expressive Arts / Teacher i/c AG&T: Mrs S Jimenez (JMS) – Art & Photography
Miss C Lipparelli (LPC) - Textiles
Students who are gifted and talented in this subject can be identified if they demonstrate many of the following:
- Communicate ideas and feelings imaginatively and effectively in visual form.
- May challenge tasks given or extend the brief in seemingly unrelated or fantastic directions.
- Select relevant resources and materials appropriate to the task.
- Develop their own investigations and analyse methods and outcomes independently persevering until they have completed a task successfully. They may want to follow a different plan to the other pupils.
- Able to produce work that is technically excellent, exploiting the characteristics of selected materials and visual elements. They learn new approaches easily and may take risks without knowing what the outcome will be.
- Refine their work and realise their intentions to take account of purpose and meaning.
- They show a genuine interest in the art world and make informed judgements about their own work and the work of others.
- Able to plan and subsequently develop their work further in light of others evaluation.
- Use an accurate and extensive art and design vocabulary.
- Able to evaluate images and artefacts and identify different styles and traditions from a variety of historical and cultural contexts.
- Able to critically appraise their own work and use their knowledge and understanding in justifying ideas and opinions.
Teaching and learning strategies:
- Setting arrangements
- Schemes of work
- Differentiation
- Teaching approaches / activities
- Textbooks
- Websites
- Other materials
- After-school / lunchtime clubs taking place this year
- Competitions
- Educational visits taking place this year
- Masterclasses
Schemes of Work; Extension for all activities and ISBL to cater for advanced abilities both practical and theoretical.
Resources; Writing frames for annotation.Wider range of materials available to encourage more sophisticated use.
Teaching approaches; Build on core skills to extend visual literacy. Link key stage levels and assessment activities to success criteria during activities.
Targeted questioning to support and extend higher order thinking skills or analysis.
Broader use of artistic key terms to challenge comprehension during peer and self-assessment tasks. Utilizing the specialist skills of subject teachers to support extended learning in a variety of art and design disciplines. /
- Art/Textiles and Photography reference book (Phaidon).
- Wide reference library within the art department available for independent learning on both sites.
- Apple Macs and P.C.’s with Photoshop capabilities available to extend ICT skill-base.
- Website and Gallery reference list.
- The use of more sophisticated equipment to promote refinement in practical tasks. To develop professional approach when utilizing current industry resources.
- Extended photo-shop tutorials to promote advanced skills.
- Outside specialists in art and photography who provide workshops for able students
- Outside workshop in school – (ESP) Edmonton School Partnership Project with 30 Yr 7 students. Combined Art, Textiles and Photography project (4 weeks workshops on Thursday after school and 4 exhibition weeks. Final piece will be exhibited in a local community space.
- Competition involvement.
- Art,Photography and Textiles clubs.
- Educational visits within school time:
Sixth Form trip to Madrid (Exam prep)
- Directed encouragement of specific Independent visits to support coursework development – Yr 10 BP Portrait Award at National Portrait Gallery. Sixth formers attend galleries for projects.
- Encouragement of achievement by using postcards and
- Certificates to support parental involvement.