Heartland District Board Meeting

Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 8 pm

Meeting called to order shortly after 8pm by Governor Debbie Bruce-Juhlke.

Present on call: Debbie Juhlke, Jack Fournier, Karla Fournier, JoAnn Hampton, Kenneth Ellis, Ellen Voss, Sharon Conley, Vivian Dial, George Thompson, Jeannie Hanson, Mary Isabell, and Betsy Barnes, James Fogg, Lyranita Williams, Jack Truesdell, Connie Black

Minutes approved from August 7th meeting, with the change of Ann Curry to Jeanette Curry motion made by Jack Fournier and second by Ken Ellis, motion passed.

Minutes approved from August 9th meeting, motion by Betsy Barnes and second Jack Fournier, motion passed.

Review of Financial statements

  1. End of Year report 2008-2009: Review only
  2. Update: Approval of Non budget items – no action
  3. Financial Report of 10/1/09
  4. Motion: Amendment of the 2009-2010 budget: 150.00 dollars transferred to the Civitan Campus Clubs, and no district wide Spring meeting that 8000.00 moved to District convention increasing that budgeted amount to 17,500; motion to approve Jack Fournier, second by Ken Ellis, motion passed.
  5. First Quarter billing for District with dues increase. –reviewed only
  6. District Policy 4.02 line 5 (Travel Expenses) – reviewed only

No alcohol beverage expense will be reimbursed. When traveling overnight or travel exceeding 200 miles each way, meals not included in a registration fee will be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $30.00 per day. Receipts must be attached to the expense form.

  1. Motion: Concerning waiving unpaid district dues for 2008-09 for clubs. Conway (Conway, AR), Corsicana (Corsicana, TX), (150 days delinquent on financial obligations to Civitan International as of 9/2/09). Motion by Sharon Conley, second by Jack Fournier, motion passed.
  2. Motion: Waiving District dues when a member is laid off or unemployed. According to section 3.02.2 Motion by Jack Fournier, second by Ellen Voss, motion passed.

Report of Directors and Team Leaders provided for (Q&A only)

Reminded Directors and Team Leaders to send quarterly reports to Governor.

Action Items:

Welcome 2 (two) new Civitan Clubs (White River Valley and Civitan Club Batesville, AR chartered Sept. 30th and Heart of the Rock Civitan Club Round Rock, TX chartered October 1st).

  1. Assign to Area III and V& VI: Batesville will be assigned to Area III, motion Betsy Barnes, second Ellen Voss, motion passed.
  2. Heart of the Rock will be assigned to Area V & VI, motion Jack Fournier, second Sharon Conley, motion passed.

Reviewed 2009 Club Officer training status and deadlines(Area Directors to F/U)

  1. Online for Secretary/Treasurer November 13th
  2. All Texas club Presidents/President elects Workbook Nov. 1st
  3. Broken Arrow – Pres. Elect not trained
  4. Cabot – President not training
  5. Camden – No Officers trained
  6. Enid – President not trained
  7. Jonesboro – President not trained
  8. People First – President and President Elect not training
  9. Sand Spring – President not trained
  10. Siloam Spring – President and President Elect not train

Reviewed District Quality Achievement Award (no action required)

  1. Review of membership goals 2010 in 2010
  2. Review of New Club Building goals 6
  3. Review of our 2015 plan
  4. Review of Honor club award. Deadline is December 1
  5. Review leadership sponsorship (owing a piece of the rock)

Unfinished Business:

  1. Review of Board Policy 303.1 dues administration/collection. Jeannie Hanson read the policy. Treasurer will notify clubs about past due amounts. Jack Fournier will add to policy. Policy was approved previously no action required.
  2. Update: Area III, IV and VI meeting location for calendar. Information will be emailed to Governor Juhlke.
  3. Review TX past Governors areas 2009-10: Mary Isabell shared this information; North (Vivian and Flo), South (Paul and Karen), East (Mary and Katherine), West (C. Patterson and George Thompson). One (1) new club from each area – sponsored by Heartland or a club sponsor.

New Business:

  1. Ratify: Appointment of George Thompson as Area V & VI Director, motion by Jack Fournier, second Sharon Conley, passed.
  2. Motion: Concerning clubs to be rebuilt Arkadelphia (Arkadelphia AR) charter #1773, Russellville (Russellville, AR) charter #3759 Corsicana (Corsicana, TX) charter #3826. Establish rebuilding team. Work with growth department to rebuild clubs, motion Jack Fournier, second George Thompson, passed.
  3. Motion: Adoption of District incentives, motion George Thompson, second Jack Fournier, passed.
  4. Motion: Appointment of Audit/Review committee Chair for 2010 – no action
  5. Need to appoint Lt. Governor for Area III, V and VI – no action
  6. Motion: Establish Plan for training of new Club Officers – no action
  7. Update: Belle and Garvin – fund raiser plan – ransom note has been received.
  8. New Facebook Page Civitan International Heartland District


District teleconference (chair leaders) Oct 18th at 8 pm

District Webinars “Civitan Rock Our World” (Club Officers & Leaders) Nov. 22nd

Next Board Teleconference Jan 24th

Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm

Respectfully submitted

JoAnn Hampton

Heartland District Secretary