Local Mandate Fiscal Impact Estimate
Kentucky Legislative Research Commission
2011 Regular Session
Part I: Measure Information
Bill Request #: / 1388Bill #: / SJR 117 SCS
Bill Subject/Title: / A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to issue a special "In God We Trust" license plate under the provisions of KRS 186.164.
Sponsor: / Senator Ernie Harris
Unit of Government: / City / x / County / x / Urban-County
x / Charter County / x / Consolidated Local / x / Unified Local Government
Office(s) Impacted / County Clerk
Requirement: / x / Mandatory / Optional
Effect on
Powers & Duties / Modifies Existing / x / Adds New / Eliminates Existing
Part II: Purpose and Mechanics
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SJR 117 SCS makes several changes in the preamble relating to the name and purpose of the organization seeking the special “In God We Trust” license plate and various other references to the statutory standards for receiving a special license plate under the provisions of KRS 186.164. The reference to the sponsoring organization for the special “In God We Trust” license plate is changed from “Reclaim our Culture Kentuckiana” to the “ROCK Cares Foundation, Inc.” These various changes do not affect the Local Mandate.
The special license plate would carry the logo of the ROCK Cares Foundation, Inc. or some other symbol that identifies the ROCK Cares Foundation, Inc. as the sponsor of the plate. Currently under KRS 186.164(11) and subject to Transportation Cabinet approval of the special license plate, the cabinet would collect the required number of application fees, and design and print the plates. Thereafter the County Clerk would have the additional duties of special license plate storage and issuance. County Clerks would collect fees for issuance of the “special” license plate under KRS 186.164(3) and KRS 186.040(1) and (6).
As a point of information, during December, 2010, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet announced the unveiling of a new standard-issue license plate for 2011 bearing the motto “In God We Trust”. This new alternate standard-issue license plate is available for issuance at County Clerks’ Offices.
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Part III: Fiscal Explanation, Bill Provisions, and Estimated Cost
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The fiscal impact of SJR 117 SCS on County Clerks’ offices is expected to remain the same as for the measure as introduced, that is nil to minimal.
Upon enactment and under implementation, County Clerks would have the additional duties of storage and issuance of the special “In God We Trust” license plate and for collection of fees under KRS 186.164(3) and KRS 186.040(1) and (6) for administrative processing duties as follows:
Fees collected under KRS 186.164(3)
$28 Total Initial fee (State keeps $25. County Clerk keeps $3)
$15 Total Renewal fee (State keeps $12. County Clerk keeps $3)
Fees collected under KRS 186.040(1) and (6)
$6 for each registration, County Clerk keeps all.
$3 total for AVIS technology improvements. County Clerk keeps $1 of $3 for hardware and software improvements.
Generally, these fees are the same as for initial applications and renewals for other special license plates, unless there are specific exemptions.
The number of applicants and that would select the initial special “In God We Trust” license plate and renew the plate thereafter is unknown. County Clerks could see some increase in revenue depending upon the popularity of the plate. However this would have to be balanced with additional storage costs.
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Data Source(s): / LRC staff; Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.Preparer: / Dianna McClure / Reviewer: / Date:
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