C Sc 335 Final Project Fall 2010 Common Specification
The final project for C Sc 335 is to develop software that demonstrates your understanding of and ability to use many of the topics discussed over the course of the semester in lecture and section. It is worth 30% of your overall course grade. Expect to spend somewhere between 42-75 hours working on this over the final six weeks of the semester, beginning Tuesday 26-Oct.
Groups and Options: The project is to be completed in teams of four students (working in smaller or larger groups is prohibited without explicit consent of the instructor). Your team will pick one project from the following four options (to be decided by 28-Oct).
- M.U.D. (networking required)
- Risk (networking optional as an additional feature)
- Arcade Cabinet
- Tanks (networking required)
Grading +300 points total: Most of the points will be a team grade, some will be individual. The team grade will be the same for every team member unless participation is low. Individual scoreswill vary based on non-attendance at team meetings, not contributing a proper share of the work, and the quality of each person's project report.
Team +200
+25 Analysis and Design Artifacts due on or before 5-Nov
+25 Robustness, Appearance, Usability
+100 Project Specific Requirements
+50 Project Specific Chosen Features
Individual +100
- +25 Individual Project Report, due 14:00 16-Dec (beginning of final exam time)
- +15 Three in-class Thursday team meetings on 28-Oct, 4-Nov, and 16-Nov
- +15 Three meetings with Project manager (once each week from 1-Nov through 19-Nov)
- +5 Present during team demonstration in on 2-Dec, 7-Dec, or 16-Dec
- +40 Team members report indicate that you contributed at least 15% (on average) or more on a 4 person project or 25% or more on a three person team.
Individual Participation Penalty -150 or -75: 150 points of your team score will be deducted (from a maximum of 200) if your team members report that you contributed 10% or less (on average) on the final project. If the average participation report from other Final project reports is from 10.0 to 14.9%, 75 points will be deducted from total team points.
Analysis and Design Artifacts
There are three required documents due 1-Nov..5-Novat your first meeting with your PM
1) AnalysisDocument
2) UML Class Diagram are due by Nov 5th in a team meeting. Use Violet to draw, save, and print
3) UML Sequence Diagram. Use Violet to draw, save, and print
The UML Class and Sequence Diagrams must be written and saved in Violet. This applications can be downloaded as an executable jar file which can be clicked on to run. It is located with the projects specs as:
Your team UML Class Diagram must show at least all of your candidate objects from your Analysis Document. Show any relationships between them the classes such as inheritance or interface implementation. Draw general associations such as dependency or aggregation.Label some to help explain things. Add any multiplicity adornmentsthat seem appropriate. Use notes to explain things if you feel it will help. Each UML class must show the class name. There should be an average of 1 or more attribute per class. There must be an average of 2 or more methods per class.
Your one team UML Sequence Diagram should show an important scenario from your list of user stories required for Iteration 1. This actual scenario used will vary for each team. You sequence diagram should show how some of your objects will communicate with each other.
Team Meetings in lab: Meetings with Project Manager must occur each week in November. Attendance by all team members is required. You must arrange a day and team with your project manager, which should be set during our 28-Oct Lecture.
Team Meetings in lecture: Meet with your team during lectures on 28-Oct, 4-Nov, and 16-Nov
Iteration 1due Monday, 15-Nov at 23:59: You will be selecting the most important user stories to implement for this first iteration on Thursday 28-Oct with your Project Manager and all teams doing that particular project. These will be added to the specification after class on Thursday. Any of these user stories not completed by Iteration 1 will result in a 10 point deduction from the team score for all members of the team. Maximum deduction will be 50 pts. You may have some bugs, but they must be documented in your project in a file named Iteration1Bugs.
Iteration 2is due Monday, 6-Dec at 23:59 pm: This is the final turnin where all requirements must be met with 50 points chosen from the list of additional features. Turninsafter on Tuesday or Wednesday will result in a 10 point late penalty. Any project not turned in by 23:59 8-Dec will receive 0 points for the 200 point part of the final project. Completed projects that are submitted on or before Friday 3-Dec 23:39 will receive a 10 point bonus.
Final Project Report: Individual project reports must be submitted no later than the start of our final exam period, which is 14:00 Thursday 16-Dec in BIOW 301. After 14:05, you receive 0 for your individual Final Project Report. The final project and a report on your final project are required to avoid a final exam. We will use Final exam time for project presentations.
Team Problems: All group members are expected to contribute roughly equally to the work for this project. If this is the case, each group member will receive the same grade. If a partner is performing significantly less than his/her share of the work, report this to your project manager (or Rick) as soon as possible. If enough advance notice is given of a major group problem, we may be able to work something out rather than having one team member losing 150 of the 200 team points.
Project Demos: Project demonstrations will be held on Thursday 2-Dec (perhaps only a few), Tuesday 7-Dec,and Tuesday 15-Dec during the final exam time.