State FFA Degree
Common Errors and Mistakes
- Cover Page
- GPA Requirement - If the candidate is still in school, they must be currently enrolled in an Agricultural Education course and have a 93% or better school attendance rate or a 3.00 GPA, If the candidate is a graduate, they must have a 2.00 GPA or better. The aforementioned must be certified by the school guidance counselor.
- Page 2 – Make sure Enterprise, Description, Size, Title, Site, Hours, etc are completed for each SAE.
- Example: Animal Enterprise – Dairy Breeding , 2 hd, ($50.00)
Job Placement – Triple R Stables, 229 hours, $1,488.50
Improvement Project – Restoration of Building – 101 hours
- Page 3 – Make sure hours are properly placed in the correct category, paid or unpaid. Do not include reduction in earning due to taxes on this particular page. Taxes go on Page 11, line 22e.
- Make sure agricultural related competencies/skills that relate to each specific placement experience are document along job tile and type of work.
- Inventory Problems – page 5, 6, 7, and 8.
- Increase in Non-Current/Capital Transactions with no documentation of capital purchases.
- Show or performance horse should be moved to current inventory. Increase on current inventory of the horse should be justifiable.
- Page 8, first year of SAE records show no beginning inventory but have a closing inventory.
- Go to page 7, so see if the inventory item is labeled as gift.
- Got to page 11, item c to verify that there is at least the amount of closing inventory is present.
- Page 8 – No Operating expenses recorded.
- Should be documented under non-cash current/operating and Value of Ag Labor Exchanged for Non-Cash Operating Expenses or Income other than earnings
- Page 11 – Line item 22 a-f.
- Student should accurately account for all expenses and income not related to SAE. These lines are often looked over by advisors.
- Page 12 – For FFA activities and community service only input one year in each cell not multiple years. Creates issues with the formulas.
- CDE Requirements - least two different state sanctioned Career Development Events (CDE)
- All CDEs that have an elimination component are consider a state sanctioned CDE
- Community service requirements
- A student must have completed 25 hours of community service in at least 2 different activities.
- No marks or highlights on the any page of the application
- Proper signatures
- SAE Verification
- SAE Guidelines –