Eric LoPresti 2064 Imperial Ave

Davis, CA, 95616

(508) 463-5131

Bachelor of Science, honors: Brown University, 2006-2010

PhD program in Ecology, UC Davis 2012-

Research experience

Lab technician, 2007-2010

Brown University, Dr. Beth Brainerd

Fish morphology and biomechanics

Field researcher, 2008-2012

Brown University, Dr. Douglass Morse

Insect and spider ecology and behavior

Field assistant, 2011

Maria Mitchell Association, Andrew McKenna-Foster, MS

Endangered insect conservation, museum collection research and curatorial duties

Field assistant, 2010-2012

Cornell University, Dr. David Winkler

Swallow life-history and breeding biology: Peru, Argentina, Chile and the Bahamas

Teaching experience

Teaching assistantships:

Vertebrate evolution, 2008, Dr. Christine Janis, Brown University

Animal behavior, 2009, Dr. Jonathan Waage, Brown University

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution, 2013, Dr. David Spiller, UC-Davis

Introduction to Ecology and Evolution, 2014, Dr. Jason Baumsteiger, UC-Davis


Grant-writing workshop co-leader, 2013, 2015,UC Davis

Invited lectures:

2013: “Insect Reintroduction Projects” UC Davis, EVE 198 (Undergraduate conservation seminar).

2015: “Siren song of a columbine” Davis Botanical Society

Students mentored:

2014: Jacob Ewald, capstone project in animal sciences. “Do cowbirds match host egg shape?”

Professional Training

“Cursoecologia de bosques” Drs. Juan Armesto, Juan Celis-Diez & David Wardle. 2011, Chiloe Island, Chile.

“Phylogenetically corrected statistics” Dr. Luke Mahler. 2013, UC Davis


LoPresti, E.F.;Gidmark, N. & Brainerd, E. Morphological adaptations for high dexterity and extreme bite force in the pharyngeal jaw of Black Carp. 2011. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology conference, poster presentation.

Caraces-Apaza, D; LoPresti, E; Stager, M; Angulo, F; Cooper, K; Ardia, D & Winkler, D. Breeding biology of the Tumbes Swallow, Tachycinetastolzmanni, the smallest and least fecund in its genus. 2011. Neotropical Ornithology Congress, oral presentation.

LoPresti, E.F. External chemical defenses in plants: tests of abiotic and insect herbivore community consequences. 2014. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, oral presentation.

Krimmel, B.A.; Pearse, I.S.; Zaragoza, G.; Hughes, K. & LoPresti, E.F. Divergent antiherbivore syndromes in tarweed: Play it safe and hide or roll the dice and call for help. 2014. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, oral presentation.


2010, James F. Kidwell prize in genetics and population biology, Brown University biology department

2010, election to Sigma Xi

2013, NSF Graduate Research Fellow


2009:$3000 “To build or not to build: shelter construction and parasitism in fern moths” Brown University undergraduate teaching and research awards

2011: $500 Blyth, J & LoPresti, EF. “Resurveying Nantucket’s Odonate Fauna” Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative annual research grant.

2013: $2330 Jastro Research Award, UC Davis

2013: $1500 Center for Population Biology, Hartman Native Plant Award, UC Davis

Refereed Publications

In review

LoPresti, EF; Karban, R; Robinson, ML.;Grof-Tisza, P. and WC Wetzel. The natural history supplement; furthering natural history study amongst ecologists and evolutionary biologists.

Krimmel, BA and EF LoPresti. Plants reduce costs of herbivory by provisioning “herbivores” with carrion.

Grof-Tisza, P.; LoPresti, EF and SK Heath. Plant structural complexity and mechanical defense mediate predator-prey interactions.

LoPresti, EF. Carrion-provisioning in tarweed: limits of a protective, largely constitutive, mutualism and contrasts with ant-plant systems.

In revision:

LoPresti, EF & Morse, DH. Nowhere to run: a parasitoid’s mating success decreases with increasing space.


LoPresti, EF and Karban, R. Chewing sandpaper: grit, plant apparency and plant defense in sand-entrapping plants.Ecology. doi: 101890/15-1696


LoPresti, EF; Pearse, IS & Charles, GK. (2015) The siren song of a sticky plant: columbines provision mutualistic arthropods by attracting and killing passerby insects. Ecology. doi: 10.1890/15-0342.1

LoPresti, EF. (2015) Chemicals on plant surfaces are a heretofore unrecognized, but ecologically-informative, class for investigations into plant defense.Biological Reviews. doi:10.1111/brv.12212

Gidmark, NJ; Taylor, C; LoPresti, EF & Brainerd, E. (2015) Functional morphology of durophagy in Black Carp, Mylopharygodonpiceus. Journal of Morphology. doi: 10.1002/jmor.20430

LoPresti, EF; Warren, AW; Stichter, SB & Eastwood, R. (2015) A review of the historical occurrence of Hesperia attalus in New England. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 48: 9-12


LoPresti, EF. (2014) Chenopod salt bladders deter insect herbivores. Oecologia. 174: 921-930 doi: 10.1007/s00442-013-2827-0

LoPresti, EF & Angulo F. (2014) New bird distribution records for Lambayeque, Peru: Nomonyxdominicus (Linneaus 1766) (Aves: Anatidae) and Incaspizapulchra (Sclater, 1886) (Aves: Emberizidae). Checklist 10: 618-620 doi:10.15560/10.3.618


Gidmark, NJ; Konow, N; LoPresti, EF & Brainerd, EL. (2013) Bite force is limited by the length-tension relationship of muscles in the durophagous black carp,Mylopharyngodonpiceus. Biology Letters. 9(2).doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2012.1181

Celis-Diez, JL; Ippi, S; LoPresti, EF, Salinas D; Diaz, IA & Willson, M.F. 2012. Presencia y nidificacion de la tenca (Mimusthenca) en el norte de la isla de Chiloe.La Chiricoca. 14:15-17

LoPresti, EF & Morse, DH. (2013)Costly leafshelters protect moth pupae fromparasitoids. Arthropod-plant Interactions. 7:445–453doi: 10.1007/s11829-013-9261-4


Stager, M; Lopresti, EF; Angulo F; Ardia DR; Caraces-Apaza D; Cooper CB; Molina J; Taylor N & Winkler DW. (2012) Reproductive biology of a narrowly endemic Tachycinetaswallow in dry, seasonal forest in coastal Peru. Ornitologia Neotropical: 23:1 95-112


Journal of Insect Behavior (1); Hydrobiologia (1).


Siren song of a sticky plant (2015): covered by Discover, Smithsonian,Science¸ IFL Science.

Natural Musings ( my ecology/natural history blog. 25,000 page views as of Oct. 2015.

Other contributions

Non-refereed articles:

LoPresti, EF. Nantucket Butterflies: past and present. Massachusetts Butterflies. 37: Fall 2011

LoPresti, EF; Mckenna-Foster, AM; Perrotti, L & Blyth, J. American burying beetle (Nicrophorusamericanus) survey on Nantucket, 2011. Submitted to US Fish & Wildlife Service as a report of the reintroduction project of the federally-listed beetle on November 1, 2011.

Photo contributions:

Odonates of Brazil (Guillermo, R),Butterflies of America (,Saturniidae of the World (La Chiricoca, Cotinga, Massachusetts Butterflies, Bird Observer