Common Clinical Registry Framework Minutes

Date: July 27, 2016

Time: 9:00am – 10:00am EST


Anita Walden – Mtg. Facilitator/Co-ChairProject Co-Facilitator *
Rachel Richesson *
Sarah Ryan *Ryan
Chrystal Price *
Chrystal Price *
Tom Kuhn
Claire Miller – Note Taker
John Roberts*
Peter Goldsmith
Elise Berliner Alise[Office4]


Hot Topics

Status on PSS – Anita W.

CQI – Level of Interest

Learning Health- Confirmation of Level of Interest

Domain Analysis Model

Prepare for Baltimore

ACTION Items (7/13):

ACTION: Minutes will be posted to WIKI vs. the Website from now on.


ACTION: Anita communicate to the HL7 Education Committee ACS’s (Chrystal) education needs to identify the correct individuals to talk with concerning specific topics of interest

ACTION: Chrystal will talk with performance committee chair to discuss types of training (i.e. payment) and we’ll see if there is any other ideas for training.

ACTION: If interested, Anita will get more info on the Physician CMIO meeting

ACTION: Anita will f/u with AbdulMalik to see status of DAM

ACTION: Reach out to PEW to see if they are interested in attending the Work Group Mtg. in Baltimore

[Office5]HOT Topics[Office6]

No Topics

Update on PSS

  • Rec from Floyd – TSC required that a co-sponsoring indicate theirey’re level of interest on the PSS. Patient Care and CQI are co-sponsors. Russ indicated that PC will have the highest level of involvement. Floyd will update, Russ indicated they will have highest level of interest.Floyd indicated that CQI would request periodic updates

Education for Clinicians/ Standards Workshop – Chrystal Price[Office7]

  • The HL7 Education Committee approached CIC about the tTypes or training needed for clinicians. What education will clinicians need to create, harmonize or manage with registries –
  • Suggestions provided from the group:
  • 1) What HL7 is, what standards are and how they impact systems, clarify what a standard is?
  • Having real world examples would help to clarify. Clarifying what a standard is
  • Standards – can help facilitate interoperability – we can help with this.
  • HL7 has in past has training for clinicians and maybe we can redevelop the training.
  • 2) What are registries?
  • 3) Physicians are looking how to meet requirements for CMS through registries
  • Tied education around standards
  • Lead in with legislation, get into details as to why registries are important
  • How to read a CQM or quality measures
  • 4) What standards are and how the work with EHR and how to build a standard – how it [Office8]works together.
  • Need real examples of how FHIR is used not conceptually how it could be used.
  • Couple of Use Cases and/or User’s stories
  • How would FHIR work together with registries, what would happen up front.
  • MACRA: CMS had several iterations of efforts to revolutionize collection of medial data - How to use electron health records. PQR = Physician Quality Reporting system – also system to track physician cases. Trying to streamline process and produce outcomes in MACRAacra- Medical access …..
  • Final rule being enacted in Oct 2016.
  • Reporting system, meaningful use, data collection and submitted to CMS to insure hospital systems are using electronic data that is submitted.
  • Workshops: National Quality Data Bank [Office9]– American Nat. College of Surgeons has 4 major registries. All registries run on different platforms with , different vendors.
  • Goal: To review data across registries
  • How can we helpThe HL7 Registry group asked how they can help the National College of Surgeons with their informatics needs. ?ACS We want focus on clinical data registries, need education on operability.
  • ACTION: Anita will look for people to providecommunicate to the HL7 Education Committee ACS’s(Chrystal) education needs to identify the correct individuals to talk with concerninginfo onspecific topics of interest
  • ACTION: Chrystal will talk with performance committee chair to discuss types of training (i.e. payment) and we’ll see if there is any other ideas for training.
  • Different types of training for different audiences.

ACTION: Anita will give ideas to Education Committee in HL7

CQI – Level of Interest

Learning Health – Confirmation of Level of Interest


Standards Workshop – Chrystal Price

Baltimore Agenda

  • Meeting in Sept. Meeting on Tuesday at Q4
  • One group creating Domain Analysis Model, identify standards that support,Review the Domain Analysis Models to discuss what arethe gaps between various registries, creating story boards. Invited some of the vendors to provide insight
  • Should we invite PEW and PCPI? Maybe NQRNI is group under all professional registries.
  • Chrystal’s view: definitely invite them.
  • Worth reaching out to CMS? Might be helpful to get their perspective.
  • A meetingMtg. is being planned for Physicians on Sunday afternoon and all day Monday Purpose: to engage clinicians, provide info about HL7, and to find out what they need from HL7. Hopefully CIMOs will be attending Clinician meeting. Many WG will talk about what they are working on.
  • ACTION: If interested, Anita will get more info on the Physician CMIO meeting
  • White Paper
  • Almost finished. About 8 pages, several contributors, led by Seth BloomenthalBlumenthal.
  • Gap now: Waiting for AbdulMalik’s work – ERHQ guide.
  • This will be sent out for ballot as an Informative Standard.
  • Not yet know when it will be ballot.
  • Could be used as a WG document and a true White Paper
  • Goal of paper: to introduce registry requirements to a more technical audience.
  • Alternative to Ballot: If WG has community reaches beyond HL7 – one way is to circulate within the community outside HL7 and issuedas White paper meaning that it is a product of WG, not all of HL7 and then it doesn’t have to go through ballot cycle.
  • Suggestion: Post to CIC Listserve and ask for review and comment before finalized. Also consider other groups to review – i.e. Pt. Care Group

ACTION: Anita will f/u with AbdulMalik to see status of DAM

ACTION: Reach out to PEW to see if they are interested in attending the Work Group Mtg. in Baltimore

Next Meeting – Wednesday, August 10 @ 9am (ET)

Submitted by: Claire Miller

July 13, 2016[Office11]

[Office1]I thought you said John Stamn was on the call

[Office2]I don’t remember hearing Floyd on the call but you can check with him to find out if he was there.

[Office3]Is there a reason why there are blank fields? Also, I see stars beside some of the names will you indicate the meaning of them below the table.

[Office4]Elise Berliner

[Office5]Is this space for new Action Items for This week? If there are no Action Items you can indicate “No Action Items”. If there are actions items they can be copied to this section.

[Office6]If there are no topics or comments for a particular Agenda item just indicate “no topics”

[Office7]I moved this topic up with the content of the Education for Clinicians topic since the notes are also in this section

[Office8]We should use bullets or numbers but not both

[Office9]I missed this comment. Not sure what this is. You can contact Chrystal Price for clarification.

[Office10]hese topic are covered above with the PSS Agenda. So they can be removed

[Office11]Is this date correct???