PERIOD : August 1, 2014 to June 25, 2015

SUBMITTED BY : Michele Goodyear

COMMITTEE : President, ASCLS Michigan


·  Discussed my profession of Clinical Laboratory Science and the need for licensure to neighbors, friends, relatives, employees at Rehabilitation Centers, Assisted Living Facilities

·  Attended Board of Director’s meeting September 6, 2014

·  Promoted Fall Legislative Symposium

·  Attended Fall Legislative Symposium, September 24, 2014

o  Visited with staff at Senator Judy Emmons’ and Representative Tom Leonard’s offices.

·  Wrote articles for Newslinks

o  September/October 2014

o  November/December 2014

o  January/February 2015

o  March/April 2015

o  May/June 2015

·  Attended Region IV Leadership Conference, October 25, 2014

·  Submitted nomination applications to ASCLS Awards committee for ASCLS Michigan website, Newslinks publication, New Professional Member, SA Chemistry, SA Point of Care, SA Phlebotomy

·  Submitted nomination applications to ASCLS Michigan awards committee for ASCLS Michigan Member of the Year, Donna Duberg Mentorship Award, and Pamela Agren Inspiration Award.

·  Attended Board of Director’s meeting January 17, 2015

·  Submitted nominations for Omicron Sigma, Key to the Future Awards

·  Submitted nomination for ASCLS Michigan Lifetime Achievement Award

·  Voted in ASCLS-Michigan election of officers

·  Approached Sparrow Health System Education Coordinator for Nurses about ASCLS-Michigan Phlebotomy workshop

·  Participated in Region IV Council Phone Conference March 26, 2015

·  Attend ASCLS-Michigan Spring Conference, Inn at St. John, April 15-17, 2015

o  Attend Pre-Conference meeting Tuesday April 14

o  Attend Board of Director’s meeting

o  Attend General Membership meeting

o  Attend 2016 conference preplanning meeting

·  2016 Program Planning meeting via SKYPE May 16, 2015

·  2016 Program Planning meeting via SKYPE June 25, 2015


·  Carry out duties of ASCLS-Michigan President, following suggested timeline in Handbook

·  Write final President’s message article for Newslinks, June 2015

·  Solicit speakers for 2016 Spring conference

·  Hold planning meetings with Conference Co-Chairs

·  Promote Participation on Lugnuts Baseball game outing, cosponsored by ASCLS Michigan and MSU BLD Alumni Association, Sunday, August 23, 2pm

·  Solicit volunteers for Leadership Development Committee

·  Attend Conference Wrap up/New Board member orientation meeting July 18, 2015

Revised 7-2011 1 Bylaws; 2 GOP