Tuesday,August 14, 2007 at 3:30P.M.
The Committee will discuss the following item with Larry Salley, Commissioner of the Department of Transportation:
164.HON. SUZANNE SWANSON: “Cell Phone Lot” Forwarding correspondence from Steven Roer suggesting that implementation of a “cell phone lot” be considered at the WestchesterCountyAirport. (Referred on: 09/11/06)
14. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $250,000 in County bonds to finance NewInstructionalBuilding at WCC (WCC53). (01/23/06 – Also referred to B&A)
50a.COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of 1 parcel located in the Town of Yorktown. (02/06/06 – Also referred to B&A)
69. CLERK OF THE BOARD: Road Repair: Constituent correspondence regarding the condition of roads in the City of Yonkers. (Referred on: 03/13/06)
78. LEGISLATORS MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ AND WILLIAM RYAN: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a petition from the Town of New Castle requesting the inclusion of parcels in the Saw Mill River Sanitary Sewer District. (04/10/06 – Also referred to B&A, E&E, GCED, & LEG)
95.COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Proposed Act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of nine (9) parcels of property located in the Town of Yorktown. (05/8/06 – Also referred to B&A)
107. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Proposed Act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of five (5) parcels of property located in the Town of Cortlandt. (06/5/06 – Also referred to B&A)
109. HON. GEORGE OROS: Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District: Forwarding correspondence and copies of Town of Cortlandt Resolutions 158-06 and 186-06 requesting “reservation of capacity” at the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (06/5/06 – Also referred to E&E)
112. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a Town of Yorktown Resolution requesting the addition of two parcels of land into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (06/19/06 – Also referred to B&A)
113. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a Town of New Castle Resolution requesting the removal of parcels from the Saw Mill Sewer District. (06/19/06 – Also referred to B&A)
124. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Lawrence Farms Drainage District: Forwarding a copy of the application for the Town of New Castle; Lawrence Farms Drainage District. (Referred on: 06/19/06)
127. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a Town of Yorktown Resolution requesting the addition of five parcels of land into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District (Gomer Street). (Referred on: 07/10/06)
129. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Hilltop Hanover Farm: Forwarding correspondence from the YorktownMuseum requesting the County consider a historic display of early farm living at the Hilltop Hanover Farm. (Referred on: 07/10/06)
134. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Proposed Act to modify the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of one (1) parcel of property located in the Town of Cortlandt. (07/10/06 – Also referred to B&A)
137. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Capital Budget Amendment: Proposed Act amending the 2006 County Capital Budget by increasing the appropriations for the following capital project: RB042 – Bedford Banksville Road. (07/10/06 – Also referred to B&A)
149.COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the issuance of up to $670,000 in bonds to finance capital project WD303 – County Water District No. 3 – Lateral Main Rehabilitation. (08/09/06 – Also referred to B&A)
150.COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Proposed Act to modify the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of one (1) parcel of property located in the Town of Cortlandt. (2 Westbrook Drive) (08/09/06 – Also referred to B&A)
165.CLERK OF THE BOARD: Site Development Plan: Forwarding the application, drawings and full EAF from the Town of Cortlandt for the application of the Congregation Yeshiva OHR Hamier for site development plan approval. (09/11/06 – Also referred to E&E)
172.HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Interpretation of CountyAdministrative Code: Forwarding correspondence from the Supervisor of the Town of Yorktown regarding the interpretation of the County Administrative Code with reference to adding or subtracting parcels from county sewer districts (9/25/06 – Also referred to B&A)
175.COUNTYEXECUTIVE: IMAs - Easements: Proposed Act authorizing the County to enter into IMAs with WestchesterCounty municipalities in order for the municipalities to provide easements to the County to enable the County to make improvements at bus stop locations.(9/25/06 – Also referred to B&A)
178. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Apprenticeship Standards: Forwarding correspondence from Finishing Trades Representative, Rick Bloomer, with regard to adopting apprenticeship standards.(9/25/06 – Also referred to Leg)
180. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding A Town of Yorktown resolution with regard to modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (10/10/06 – Also referred to B&A)
182.HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Groundwater Monitoring System: Forwarding a Board of Acquisition and Contract Resolution authorizing the County to enter into an agreement with Science Applications International Corporation to design and implement Phase II of the groundwater monitoring Program at WestchesterCountyAirport. (10/23/06 – Also referred to B&A)
183.HON. GEORGE OROS: IMA with North Castle: Forwarding a proposed amendment to the Act authorizing an IMA with NorthCastle to construct sewer lines. (10/23/06 – Also referred to B&A)
190. HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Westchester County Airport: Forwarding a Town of Rye Resolution reaffirming the policy of the Westchester County Board of Legislators supporting no increase in the total capacity of the Airport. (11/13/06 – Also referred to B&A)
191. HON. URSULA LA MOTTE: RiverWalk and Hudson Greenspace: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to the Hudson RiverWalk and Hudson Greenspace. (Referred 11/13/06)
192. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Capital Budget Amendment: Proposed Act amending the County 2006 Capital Budget by increasing the appropriations for Capital Project P0007. (11/13/06 – Also referred to B&A)
194. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Capital Budget Amendment: Proposed Act amending the County 2006 Capital Budget by increasing the appropriations for Capital Project RB014. (11/13/06 – Also referred to B&A)
209. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Legacy Funds: Forwarding correspondence requesting that some Legacy Funds be reserved for County participation in the acquisition of additional land for the GreenburghNatureCenter. (1/8/07 – Also referred to E&E)
210. HON. URSULA LA MOTTE: Legacy Funding: Forwarding correspondence and a resolution from the Town of Lewisboro with regard to building a sports facility with Legacy funding on the Route 22 parcel in GoldensBridge. (1/22/07 - Also referred to B&A)
211a. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Ridge Hill: Forwarding a copy of his letter to the President of the Yonkers City Council with regard to the Ridge Hill “flyover” proposal. (1/22/07 - Also referred to E&E)
211b. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Ridge Hill: Forwarding correspondence from the Westchester County Deputy County Executive to the President of the Yonkers City Council with regard to the Ridge Hill “flyover” proposal. (1/22/07 - Also referred to E&E)
220.HON. WILLIAM RYAN: WestchesterCountyAirport: Forwarding constituent correspondence opposing any expansion of the WestchesterCountyAirport. (Referred on: 2/12/07)
239.COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Proposed Act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of one (1) parcel of property located in the Town of Cortlandt. (1201 Oregon Road). (3/12/07 – Also referred to B&A)
242.HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: WestchesterCountyAirport: Forwarding a Board of Acquisition & Contract Resolution authorizing the County to enter into an agreement with First Environment, Inc. to perform an air emissions inventory at the Airport. (3/12/07 – Also referred to E&E)
243.HON. WILLIAM RYAN: CountyCenter Events: Forwarding correspondence from Ron Katz of Star Boxing, Inc. with regard to re-introducing a regular schedule of professional boxing events at the WestchesterCountyCenter.(Referred on: 03/12/07)
253.COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue up to $550,000 in bonds to finance Capital Project BSS10 – Infrastructure Improvements to Shelter Facilities. (3/12/07 – Also referred to B&A)
255.HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Traffic Light Installation: Forwarding correspondence from the Village Manager of the Village of Ardsley with regard to the installation of a traffic light on the Saw Mill Parkway at Cyrus Field Road. (Referred on: 03/12/07)
256.HON. LOIS BRONZ: Route 9A/Ashford Avenue: Forwarding correspondence from the Mayor of the Village of Elmsford with regard to Route 9A/Ashford Avenue proposed improvements. (Referred on: 03/12/07)
257.HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Airport Parking: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to the lack of adequate parking at the WestchesterCountyAirport. (Referred on: 03/12/07)
266. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue bonds in the total amount of $1,950,000 to finance Capital Project B042A-Roof Replacement Program (2007-2011), Various Locations. (4/9/07 – Also referred to B&A)
269. HON. GEORGE OROS: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding correspondence with regard to the reinstatement of parcels in the Town of Cortlandt into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (East Main Street, Skyview Avenue, Regina Avenue & Lexington Avenue) (4/9/07 – Also referred to B&A)
275. HON. URSULA LA MOTTE & HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Granite Pointe End: Forwarding correspondence from the Granite Pointe End-Use Committee with regard to the use of the Granite Point Property. (4/23/07 – Also referred to E&E)
276. HON. URSULA LA MOTTE: Airport: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to prevention of expansion at the WestchesterCountyAirport. (Referred on: 04/23/07)
277. HON. JOSE ALVARADO: Glass House Conservatory: Forwarding a flyer with regard to a building Glass House Conservatory at LasdonPark. (Referred on: 04/23/07)
278. HON. LOIS BRONZ:Tappan Zee Tunnel Option: Forwarding a rebuttal from the Concerned Citizens for Responsible Development to the NYS Thruway Authority’s Alternatives Analysis report. (Referred on: 04/23/07)
279. HON. URSULA LA MOTTE:Granite Pointe End: Forwarding correspondence from Town of Somers Supervisor Mary Beth Murphy with regard to preservation of the Granite Pointe parcel. (4/23/07 – Also referred to E&E)
280. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Airport: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to Airport expansion. (Referred on: 04/23/07)
286. HON. WILLIAM RYAN: 450 Saw Mill River Road: Forwarding correspondence from Sal Carrera, Director of Economic Development/Real Estate for WestchesterCounty, with regard to 450 Saw Mill River Road. (4/23/07 – Also referred to B&A)
287.HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Board of Elections Storage Space: Forwarding Correspondence from Election Commissioners Carolee Sunderland and Reginald LaFayette with regard to a storage site for the Board of Elections. (4/23/07 – Also referred to B&A)
288. HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Establishment of Lead Agency: Forwarding correspondence from the New York City DEP declaring no objection to the Westchester County Board of Legislators acting as Lead Agency for the Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) Road Rehabilitation-Relocation of NorthernPerimeterRoad-WestchesterCountyAirport. (4/23/07 – Also referred to E&E)
289. HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Diesel Engine Emission Standards Compliance: Forwarding correspondence from the Commissioner of WCDOT reporting WestchesterCountyAirport and WCDOT transit operation compliance with the County’s diesel engine emission standards. (4/23/07 – Also referred to E&E)
290. HON. SUZANNE SWANSON: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a request from the Town of Mt. Pleasant for removal of a parcel from the Saw Mill Sewer District. (Ferndale Road, Pleasantville) (4/23/07 – Also referred to B&A)
291. HON. SUZANNE SWANSON: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a request from the Town of Mt. Pleasant for the removal of Property from the Saw Mill Sewer District. (6 Reginald Street) (5/7/07 – Also referred to B&A)
292. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Seat Belts: Forwarding constituent correspondence requesting legislation with regard to the mandating of seat belts on charter buses. (5/7/07 – Also referred to LEG)
294. HON. JAMES MAISANO AND HON. JUDY MYERS: Sewage Back-up: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to flooding due to sanitary sewer back-ups. (5/7/07 – Also referred to E&E)
295. HON. SUZANNE SWANSON: Sewer District Modification: Forwarding a request from the Town of Mt. Pleasant for the removal of a parcel from the Saw Mill Sewer District. (234 Lake Street, Pleasantville) (5/7/07 – Also referred to B&A)
300. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ AND HON. JOSE ALVARADO: Apprenticeship Agreements: Proposed Local Law requiring County contractors and subcontractors have in place, prior to entering into a construction contract, apprenticeship agreements. (5/7/07 – Also referred to LEG)
302a. HON. JAMES MAISANO: Threat of Diseased County Tree: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to the removal of a diseased County tree. (Referred on: 5/21/07)
302b. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Preferred Alternative Redesign Plan: Forwarding a copy of his letter requesting the FAA hold public hearings in WestchesterCounty to fully evaluate impacts from the FAA’s proposed Preferred Alternative Redesign Plan. (5/21/07 – Also referred to E&E)
303. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Proposed Act to modify the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of two parcels of property located in the Town of Cortlandt. (73 South Hill Road26 Hollowbrook Court West). (5/21/07 – Also referred to B&A)
304. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ & HON. GEORGE OROS: SkatePark: Forwarding a resolution adopted by the Yorktown Town Board with regard to constructing a modular skate park. (Referred on: 5/21/07)
305. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue bonds in the amount of $1,000,000 to finance Capital Project B0032 – Testing of Oil Tanks and Replacement. (6/4/07 – Also referred to B&A)
307. HON. WILLIAM RYAN: Metro Card: Forwarding a White Plains Times .”Letter to the Editor” with regard to Metrocard usage and cost. (6/4/07 – Also referred to B&A)
308. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ & HON. GEORGE OROS: Renaming of Ball Field: Forwarding a resolution from the Town of Yorktown endorsing the renaming of Woodlands Ball Field to the Woodlands Legacy Fields. (Referred on: 6/4/07)
310. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the issuance of $125,000 in bonds for Playland Structural Restoration (RP028). (6/4/07 – Also referred to B&A)
317. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the issuance of $160,000 in bonds for Heavy Equipment (BCR48). (6/4/07 – Also referred to B&A)
320. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue bonds in the total amount of $900,000 to finance Capital Project RGIP9 - General Infrastructure – Paving and Resurfacing. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
321. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue bonds in the total amount of $100,000 to finance Capital Project RPA01 - General Infrastructure – Pathways and Trails. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
322. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue bonds in the total amount of $950,000 to finance Capital Project RGIP8 - General Infrastructure – ParksBridges and Dams. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
323. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Capital Budget Amendment: Proposed Act amending the County 2007 Capital Budget for project BLA01 Parkland Acquisition/Westchester Legacy Program by increasing the appropriation by $250,000 to recognize New York State Grant funds. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
324. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the County to issue bonds in the total amount of $900,000 to finance Capital Project RGIP7 – General Infrastructure Active Recreation Area. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
325. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: NYS DOT Use and Occupancy Permit: Forwarding a Town of Yorktown Resolution authorizing the Supervisor to sign the revised NYS DOT Use and Occupancy Permit for use of State property located next to Town Hall for a non-propriety parking facility for commuters and recreational users of the bike path. (Referred on: 6/18/07)
326. HON. WILLIAM RYAN AND HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Sewer Main Break: Forwarding a memo with regard to the April, 2007 Sewer Main Break in Yonkers. (Referred on: 6/18/07)
327. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: Bond Act: Proposed Act authorizing the issuance of $250,000 in bonds for Golf Course Irrigation (RGC14). (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
328. COUNTYEXECUTIVE: IMAs-Para Transit Vans: Proposed act authorizing the County to enter into IMAs with any municipality located within WestchesterCounty, for the gift of County-owned shuttle and Para Transit vans for a term of 5 years. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
329. COUNTYATTORNEY: Lawsuit Settlement: Proposed act authorizing the County attorney to settle the lawsuit of Chandra Belton v. Liberty Lines Transit, Inc. and Elijah S. Jones. (6/18/07 – Also referred to B&A)
330. HON. KEN JENKINS: Sewer Main Break in Northwest Yonkers: Forwarding his memo to the Chairman of the Committee on Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks with regard to the sewer main break in Northwest Yonkers. (Referred on: 6/18/07)
331. HON. KEN JENKINS: Sewer Main Break in Northwest Yonkers: Forwarding constituent correspondence with regard to the sewer main break in Northwest Yonkers. (Referred on: 6/18/07)
332. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: River Club Development: Forwarding correspondence from Riverkeeper with regard to critical environmental area designation for endangered wetland at site of proposed “River Club” development located at 1105-1135 Warburton Avenue. (6/18/07 – Also referred to E&E)
333.HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: River Club Development: Forwarding correspondence from Riverkeeper with regard to the site plan review for the proposed “River Club” project located at 1105-1135 Warburton Avenue. (6/18/07 – Also referred to E&E)
334. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Bond Act Amendment: Proposed Act amending Bond Act 127-2004 providing for design and construction management costs of construction of Phase III of the replacement, rehabilitation and upgrading of equipment at the Port Chester Wastewater Treatment Plant and amending the finance plan for the project. (SPC01) (7/9/07 – Also referred to B&A)
337. COUNTYATTORNEY: Settlement: Proposed Act authorizing the County to pay to Wildwood Restaurant Co., Inc. the sum of $30,000 as final settlement relating to the County’s early termination of the license agreement with Wildwood for the operation of the food concession at Sprain Lake Golf course located at 1105-1135 Warburton Avenue.
338. HON. THOMAS ABINANTI: Yonkers Sewer Trunk Line Break: Forwarding correspondence with regard to the Yonkers Sewer Trunk Line Break near Greystone Station.
None #’s: 1, 2, 4-13, 15-35, 37-42, 47, 49, 50b, 52-57, 59-60, 62-68, 70, 72-77, 79-94, 96-106, 108, 111, 114-123, 126, 128, 132-133, 135-143, 146-148, 151-162, 166-171, 173-174, 176-177, 179, 181, 184-189, 193, 195-208, 212-219, 221-238, 240-241, 244-252, 254, 258-265, 267-268, 270-274, 281-285, 293, 297-299, 311-312, 318-319.
3. CLERK OF THE BOARD: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Town of Yorktown requesting the addition of 52 parcels of property into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (01/23/06 – Also referred to B&A) [Letter Sent to Administration & Municipality on 2/21/06]FOR TRACKING PURPOSES ONLY
36. HON. MARTIN ROGOWSKY: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Village of Port Chester requesting that 4 parcels be removed from the County Sewer District (Rockland Avenue). (01/23/06 – Also referred to B&A) [Letter Sent to Administration & Municipality on 2/21/06]FOR TRACKING PURPOSES ONLY
43a. CLERK OF THE BOARD: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Town of Yorktown requesting the inclusion of 36 parcels of land from the Gomer Street Sewer District into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (02/06/06 – Also referred to B&A) [Letter Sent to Administration & Municipality on 3/14/06]FOR TRACKING PURPOSES ONLY