Addendum to the Site Visit Report:Consortiums

The CoAEMSP Executive Office has reviewed and approved all consortium agreements prior to confirming a site visit; however, your job as a site visitor is to validate that the program is in fact sponsored by a consortium and is operating in accordance with the provisions of the consortium agreement.

Explanation –CAAHEP Standard I. B

“A consortium is an entity consisting of two (2) or more members that exists for the purpose of operating a Paramedic educational program.” The members have joined together to share resources to sponsor the Paramedic program. A consortium that meets Standard I.B must include at least one member that meets the requirements of a sponsoring institution as described in Standard I.A.

A consortium is a separate entity and, therefore, must have its own decision-making board or governing committee, and chief executive officer (CEO). A single line of responsibility from the CEO, who commonly is the Chair of this governing (or coordinating) Committee, to the program director is strongly recommended.

In all cases, the consortium must have a formal, written affiliation agreement or memorandum of understanding, which delineates governance and lines of authority. There are no requirements as to how these responsibilities are divided. Compliance with the CAAHEP accreditation Standards is demonstrated with a thorough document that is signed by at least the CEO’s of each of the consortium members, and through confirmation that the functioning and day-to-day operation of the consortium and program match the provisions of the agreement.

The Consortium must also have written policies and procedures to follow. Usually, the governing body of the Consortium meets routinely (e.g. at least annually) and creates policies to be followed by program personnel.

When evaluating the compliance with the accreditation Standards, every reference to “SPONSOR” in the Standards means “CONSORTIUM”.

The site visit team will complete and submit the checklistwith the unofficial Site Visit Report.

Site Visit Team Members: / Site Visit Date:
CoAEMSP Program Number: / 600xxx
Name of Consortium Entity:
Does Consortium Name match the Name the CoAEMSP uses? / [ ] Yes[ ] No
If no, what name does the program use?
List the member organizations of the consortium. Indicate whether or not each member organization meets Standard I.A. (either paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).
1. / [ ] Yes[ ] No
2. / [ ] Yes[ ] No
3. / [ ] Yes[ ] No
4. / [ ] Yes[ ] No
5. / [ ] Yes[ ] No
List the names of the Decision-Making Board or Governing Committee of the consortium / Organization they represent
(indicate the # from above)
Does the above composition match the provision in the consortium agreement? / [ ] Yes[ ] No
Is there a separate Advisory Committee for the Program? / [ ] Yes[ ] No
Yes / No / Memorandum of Understanding
[ ] / [ ] / Does the agreement examined on-site match the one presented in the self-study report?
Organizational Chart
[ ] / [ ] / Does the organizational chart on-site match the one presented in the self-study report?
[ ] / [ ] / Does the actual operation of the program match the lines of authority stated in the consortium agreement and organizational chart?
To whom does the program director report on a day-to-day basis? / [insert name + title]
Policies + Procedures
[ ] / [ ] / Are there written policies and procedures that the program follows?
[ ] / [ ] / Has the governing body met at least annually?
If yes, list the dates of all the meetings within the past 5 years. / [insert dates]
[ ] / [ ] / Did you review governing body meeting minutes?
If yes, which meeting minutes did you review? / [insert dates]
[ ]
[ ] / [ ]
[ ] / Do the Minutes of the governing body substantiate that the consortium (i.e. sponsor) is:
(1) meeting the accreditation requirements of the Standards, and
(2) meeting the provisions of the specific consortium agreement?
If no, please describe: / [insert description]