Committee Name: University Life
Chair: Nathaniel Pittman
Vice Chair: Leila Raminpour
Mins: Leila Raminpour
Date: November 3rd, 2015
Name: / Attendance / Resolution/Bill / Resolution/BillNathaniel Pittman © / P
Laura Heger / P
Jaclyn Jones / EA
Brandon Khuu / EA
Caleb Kitchen / P
Alexander Krupp / P
Chelsea Loane / EA
Kenya Moore / P
Leila Raminpour / P
Iman Rehmatulah / P
Jalen Stubblefield / P
VOTE / 8/ 11
In Attendance: Gaby Peda
Meeting Commenced: 3:01 pm
Pittman: We had a meeting with Athletics last week. We had a conversation with PAC and we decided we would have a prize raffle at the North entrance of the Patriot Center to motivate people to not just leave after Gold Rush but to attend the event. Signup for the high-5 event is in the listserv. It’s important that we get our word out for Gold Rush. It would be greatly appreciated if you all could volunteer
Peda: Just going to debrief about witch watch. We have an interview today for the RSO position. Dylan is pushing the scarves event, which will be the first week we get back from Thanksgiving. We’ll be discussing more about that after Gold Rush. I made the layout with someone from PAC yesterday and it looks good. Thank you all for Witch Watch.
Pittman: Any comments or questions about Witch Watch? Especially with the venue change
Heger: The venue change was good and it was a nice day so it worked out well.
Pittman: What other things were good things could we do?
Heger: I liked that there were two shifts so that members were not there the entire day.
Raminpour: Two things that I think could be worked on would be keeping it but maybe partnering up with the rest of SI. Also I don’t think it should be two shifts because there was a lot of people standing around so maybe breaking it up into 3 or 4 shifts may be more ideal.
Pittman: I had a side conversation with Sara and we talked about how this year was going to determine whether or not Student Government should continue the event.
Stubblefield: I don’t know if it’s something that adheres to University Life but I heard some RSOs say they really enjoy it and it’s a way that organizations can get involved and get service hours. It also needs to be advertised a bit more
Pittman: How would you go about advertising that because we sent out over 300 emails?
Stubblefield: Advertising is a two way street. You can still utilize the mailboxes that RSOs.
Moore: I think Witch Watch should be a thing but I don’t see if it pertains to University Life.
Pittman: I agree that I don’t see it particularly falling under University Life. The only way I can make it work with University Life is because it falls under SI. It’s a partnership between GCR and us, as far as community outreach.
Heger: I like the event. It has a cool appeal because you’re taking the Student organizations and getting the community involved.
Krupp: As a SG event, it does a good job. I support continuing it.
Pittman: Last thing we’re going to do is sort through the Witch Watch material. Some of the decorations are ours while others are PACs. The leftover candy will be for Destress Fest. Something that we did last year was a snack attack where we would tweet something out and people could win some snacks and candy. Lexi would run around campus giving the snacks away.
Peda: Never mind. We’re not sorting it but we’re putting it in the programming office.
Meeting Adjourned: 3:20 pm