Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Lion Kim Peavy.

Presidents Announcements- We went through the roster to update peoples whereabouts. Also we will be planning an orientation soon for new members. More members are needed so remember to Ask 1! Lion Kim Peavy asked what 2 events can we eliminate from our club that you don't think are working. Let her know thoughts on this.

Guests: Mark and Kathy Mannino

Happy Bucks: $14 Happy bucks

Secretary update: Due to lack of number of people able to attend tonight's meeting the vote for the January 10th, February 21 meeting minutes were tabled.

Treasurers Report: Lion WillFransen gave out the treasurer’s report. No motion or vote was taken due to lack of quorum. Club taxes are in need of completion. Lion Will Fransen, Lion Ron Nelson, and Lion Andrew Chavers will sit down together and handle this. We have decided not to seek 501-C4 status.

Committee Reports:

Sight and sound Raffle: See Lion Kim Peavy for tickets.

Nomination Committee- Hopefully we will have nominations by next meeting. The committee is forming and will look into this.

Cubs Bus Trip- Lion Will Fransen said go on facebook and reserve your tickets. We are still looking for somewhere to park the bus in order to load.

Old Business:

Zone Meeting- Lion Sandy and Lion Sue gave an update from the Zone meeting that happened at the Tuscan Grill. They also gave Lion Kim information on the John Deere Classic, Camp Lions, and Grants. They said the main focus of the meeting was on the centennial challenge.

New Business-

Meeting day - Lion Kim will be looking into whether we can move our meeting nights to Thursday night. It seemed to work best into everyone's schedule to get more people to attend meetings.

Google Hangouts - Lion Christina Fransen set up google hangouts for the club. This will give us the option to video chat the meeting so those unable to make it to the actual meeting are still able to attend. We need to get google emails from everyone in order to add you to the list.

Rose Day- Sell sell sell. Rose Day delivery is April 8th. We are still looking for drivers for Rose Day. All cards must be turned in by April 3rd. Let lion Kim know if you can help drive.

Easter in Shirland- We have been asked to do a crafty kids event on April 8th in Shirland since the Christmas one got postponed due to weather. It was decided we would decline because that is also Rose Day Delivery.

$3 fines for no pins.

Card Game- Lion Mae Larkin won the card game with an A and won a toaster oven.

Lion Tracy Fransenmade a motion to adjourn at 7:51 pm and Lion Sandy Moore seconded it. Passed uananimously.